Chapter 19- Just A Little Girl

Start from the beginning

"What? No hello for your big brother?" He mused. My question is do they have a mother?

"Why is Mikey here?" Rosie smiled cynically knowing she was going to make him mad.

I can tell Jay's never seen this feisty side of Rosie and I really haven't either but I like it. It reminds me of Lily. "Your other big brother."

"Marcus?" Rosie pushed.

After a minute Jay's smile dropped and he stopped playing games. "How did you know I went and saw Lily?" Oh that's right Rosie calls Lily mom.

"Before your boys took me, I saw the cards they left behind and that's when I knew it was you who sent them. Now how is she?" Rosie demanded.

I couldn't help but notice Jay's fist clench and his face got red with anger. "You will not boss me around Rose." He growled.

Rosie seemed unfazed by his outburst. "I maybe younger than you but I'm not stupid. You went and saw Lily. You guys made a deal. She would never make a deal without making sure Sara and I had protection."

Jay leaned forward and put his elbows on his knees. His body language told me of how tense he was. Speaking through his teeth he gave his little sister a death glare. "And how do you know she didn't forget about that part?"

Never had I seen a brother so unloving and cold to his sister. Scratch that. Never have I ever seen someone this unloving and cold, almost distant. Almost as if he doesn't have a soul anymore. Rosie mimicked him by sitting on the edge of her chair with her elbows on her knees she got right in his face. "If you didn't make a deal you wouldn't be here. One of you minions would have killed us by now. If you did make a deal, but she forgot to protect us, you would have hit me by now."

"I could still hit you." he threatened.

Rosie took her small hand and pointed her finger to her cheek and tapped it 3 times before she whispered. "Than hit me. I dare you."

This really pissed Jay off. He made a growl that echoed through the room. "When did you decide to be so bold to an Alpha, Rose? I remember this scared, sad little girl who would cry when ever I hit her sister."

"It was a way of dealing with you. I grew up while I was away from you. I was aloud to do what I want instead of you yelling at me. Never again will you see that scared, sad little girl."

"You are so much like your sister." he spat.

Rosie gave a fake smile. "Thanks."

Jay put on his own smile but his was real and creepy. "You won't be smiling when I tell you what our deal." he assured her. Before she could say anything he continued, "In two weeks on Lillian's birthday you 2 and my pack will accompany me to the Rockies. There a deal will be met. I will trade you 2 for Lily."

We both gaped. Tears started filling my eyes and Rosie was having the same reaction but for different reasons. If Lily was to go with him I would lose a best friend and a Luna but if Rosie lost her she would lose a sister. This horrible Alpha sat there taking in our reactions with a smile. "Why?" Rosie asked with her bottom lip trembling.

"I think you both know the answer to that. Lily is powerful and her with me we would be unstoppable."

Finally I spoke up, "And if we refuse to go along with this."

"The Beta female finally speaks." he teased. Then he leans toward me and I hold my ground. "I realize you haven't known me for very long but I know you've heard of me. If you do not cooperate I will start a war between the packs. I will kill off your entire pack and even your precious Beta."

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