And I did my hair like this

I quickly ran down and Zoë had just finished putting everything on the table

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I quickly ran down and Zoë had just finished putting everything on the table. We sat down and enjoyed our pancakes. I had two. The first one I had, I put whipped cream and strawberries on it and the second one I had maple syrup. After Alfie and I cleaned up while Zoë changed. While Alfie was editing his daily vlog, I went up to do my makeup. I used concealer, Foundation a light pink glittery eyeshadow, a light pink Matt lipgloss.

"Evie, Jaspers here" Zoë shouts up the stairs.
"Coming" I shout as I rush down the stairs.
"JOE" I scream running into his arms.
He picks me up and twirls me around in his arms. He places me down.
"CASPAR" I shout running into him for a hug.
"EVIE" He shouts wrapping his arms around me.
"Thanks for the deafness you three" Zoë jokes.
The both place their bags by the stairs and remove their shoes.
They come in and into the summer sitting room.
"Wanna go to the beach around two?" Alfie asks coming in.
"Thanks for the hi" Casper jokes.
"Your welcome" Alfie says as he pretends to hairflick with no hair.
"Gorgeous your hair isn't  that long" Zoë laughs wrapping her arms around Alfie's waist.
We all laugh.
"Zoë, Alfie can I do a video with Evie?" Joe asks.
"Why are you asking?" Zoë says opening the fridge.
"Because it involves prank calls" Joe smiles.
"ILL HET TE POPCORN" Alfie shouts running to the kitchen.
I grab my lights since Joe didn't bring his down and we set up where he done the prank calls with Zoë.

"Hello Everyone! Today I'm joined with my Niece-"
"One sec" I say getting up.
I gently grab Nala off the couch and sit down with Joe.
"Nieces" I giggle.
Joe pretends to glare at Nala.
"And today I am going to be doing prank calls on all my friends." Joe laughs.
"Yay" I squeal.
"Okay I'm going to let you prank call people out of my contacts." Joe hands me his phone.
I scroll through his contacts finding my victim.
"Will Darbyshire" I say.
I press on the ring icon and it starts ringing.
"Hey Joe" Will's voice rings through the phone.
"Will, Its Evie, Joes niece" I say making my voice sound a little bit scared. 
"What's wrong?" Will asks.
"I'm currently at Joe and Caspar's place for the night and Caspars gone out to the shop and Joe isn't here" I say quickly.
"Has Joe taken his wallet or anything?" Will asks worryingly.
"No his Keys, wallet and his phone is still here." I say panicked.
I could feel Joe silently laughing beside me.
"Where are you now?" He asks.
"I'm standing in the kitchen looking for a note telling me he's gone somewhere and the door was wide open. Will I'm scared" I say pretending to cry .
"Okay I'm coming over" he says as I hear him shuffling.
"Will thanks for being," I pause "so easy to prank." I laugh.
Casper, Alfie, Zoë, and Joe join in on the laughing.
"JOE!" Will laughs through the phone.
"Yeah" Joe chokes out.
"When I see you next your dead" He says.
"It wasn't even me" Joe panics.
"I know. I can't beat up a kid now can I?" He laughs.
"I'd like to point out I'm not a goat in of the human species" I joke.
"EVIE, your just going to get me in more trouble" Joe shrieks.
"I know" I laugh.
"SAVAGE EVIE" Caspar shouts.
"Byeee" Joe says hanging up.
Time skip
"And I'll see you next week with another Sugg Sunday Special!" Joe closes his video.
"Are we going to the beach now?" I ask getting up from my sitting position.
"Yop you got everything?" Zoë says grabbing her car keys.
"Everything but ma phone" I say rushing up the stairs.
I grab it and walk out of the door just before Jasper. I get in the middle while Joe and Caspar are sitting either side of me. Alfie and Zoë are enjoying the luxury of being in the front. We drive to the beach and park just outside of the ice cream place. Alfie sent Caspar and I over to get five ice creams. The line isn't to long so we quickly got to the counter.
"Oh my gosh It's Caspar Lee" the girl squeals.
"What where" Caspar Jokes.
"What would you's like?" She asks.
"Can we have five vanilla ice creams. One with a flake one with sprinkles, one with crushed smarties one with rasberry sauce and the last one with orange  sauce." Caspar smiles.
"That'll be six pounds" the girl says excitedly.
I quickly grab a fiver out of my bag.
"Can I borrow a pound?" I ask Caspar.
"Nah let me pay" Caspar shrugs it off.
"No I'll pay a fiver. Please just loan me a pound" I smile.
"Okay okay" he says handing a pound to the girl.
I hand her my fiver and take two of the ice creams. Joe notices Caspars struggle trying to hold three ice creams so he jogged over and takes one off him. I hand Zoë hers and whisper
"Jasper for life"
She giggles and licks her ice cream.
We start walking down the water front. I get a selfie with Joe and Caspar. We also see Marzia and Felix.
"Ayy mate" Alfie says giving Felix a 'bro hug' 
They have a small chat and say goodbye. We continue our walk along the beach Joe telling a few jokes, me  tripping a few times. It's all really nice. Too nice. After about an hour we decide to go home and make lunch.
"Okay children what would you like for lunch?" Alfie asks.
"IM OLDER THAN YOU!" Joe and Zoë remark.
"Yeah yeah" Alfie shrugs it off.
"Can I have a ceaser salad?" I ask.
"Me two" Joe chirps.
"Me three" Zoë shouts
"Me four" Casper says looking up from his phone.
"Okay can someone help me make it?" He asks politely.
"I will" I say walking with him to the kitchen.
He has given me the job of cutting the lettuce. I put that in a bowl and add onion, cucumber, croutons, Parmesan and Alfie's going to add the chicken when it's cooked. I place the balsamic vinegar and the ceased dressing out on the table along with the bow of veg. I grab the lemonade out of the fridge and  five glasses. Alfie has cooked the chicken places five bowls out and knives and forks for all of us.
"Lunch" I call out sitting down.
The other three walk to the table and quickly dig in to the delicious food. We finish up and Holly, Sean and Poppy come over.
"I have a video idea" Zoë says randomly while we are all in the summer sitting room.
"Okay so basically us girls are going to ask you boys a series of questions. If you get them wrong you get makeup put on you" Zoë smirks.
"Yay you all agreed" I cheer before the could even answer.
They all just look at us. I ran upstairs and got Zoë's camera. I didn't need lights because they were down there from when I filmed with Joe.
When I got down the had set up three seats and Zoë was just getting her makeup. I was doing Joe's makeup Zoë was doing Alfie's, Holly was doing Caspar's and Poppy was doing Sean's.

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