Chapter 16

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 sorry i tried my best but i'm not really focused on writing right now but I hope you like this chapter the book will be ending soon maybe 10 or less chapter left i believe and it'll be finished.

Chapter 16                                                                                                      

(Ash POV)
  I groaned to myself when I felt something dig into my hip I shifted a little before I opened my eyes frowning.
“Jo move,” I grumbled trying to get out her grip she made a noise and held onto me tighter I groaned and looked under the sheets she had her arms wrapped around my waist with her head on my hip like I was a freaking pillow.

“Move or I’ll fart,” I laughed as she sprung away from me and onto the floor, I climbed out of bed yawning as I looked at the clock, shit I’m going to be late. I grabbed my uniform and quickly threw it on with a small smile. Apart of me was excited to finally have this shit done and over with but another part of me was telling me it wasn’t over yet which also made me anxious. I just wanted Gabriel back in my arms and I didn’t care how I had to do it.
“Ash I’m coming with you,” Joanna said crawling on the floor, I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom I started brushing my teeth ignoring Jo as she plopped herself down on the toilet. I scrunched up my face realizing that she was peeing, I frowned and glanced over at her, her hand was between her legs as she sighed in relief.
“You couldn’t wait till I was finished,” I grumbled spitting the tooth paste in the sink, I washed my face as she flushed the toilet.
“No, I can’t hold it long,” she muttered while washing her hands, she picked up her toothbrush. I shook my head and groaned when I looked in the mirror my hair needed a serious cut, hell I looked like a girl right now, if it wasn’t for the uniform I’m sure I could easily be mistaken for one. I grabbed my brush and pulled at all the knots and tangles before I pulled it back into a low ponytail.

“Hurry up, you have 2 minutes,” I left out the bathroom ignoring her protest. By the time I put my shoes on and grabbed my bag, Joanna was running out the bathroom fully dressed with her hair and make up done. I took in the outfit, a high waist tight black pencil skirt and a white blouse complimented by her black pumps. Her hair was down in loose curls and her makeup was perfect she had her little black purse in her hands.
“Where are you going dressed like that,” I asked, we walked out the room and headed down the stairs.
“I have an interview at your school with the principle,” I nodded as Jessie pointed to the door telling me that Andrew was taking us today. I went outside quickly and hopped in the front seat of the car while Joanna climbed in the back.
“Hurry up I’m going to be late,” I stated he nodded with a look of determination, I sighed I should have never told him that.

“No worries little sister, I’ll get you there in five minutes.” He lowered his voice and made it gruff before he sped off. I gulped and put my seat belt on quickly. I have a feeling this car ride wasn’t going to end well.

(Gabriel POV)

Some reason I was excited but, also a little worried it was weird. I glanced up as the door opened, Ash walked in slowly with a small limp and what seemed like a permanent frown. She handed the teacher her note before she limped quietly over to her seat. I watched her slightly worried. I hope she wasn’t hurt, maybe that’s why she was so late. I mean she was really late we only had a good five minutes left in the class.

“Well since we now have the class here I can finally assign the group projects,” the teacher announced, I frowned I didn’t want to do any group projects I personally hated them.
“Okay this is just going to be a group presentation, you can choose any Shakespeare book that you’ve had read during the four years you have been here basically you pick a scene and act it out also you have to memorize the lines.”

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