Swallowing my butterflies I stood up and casually lean against a tree for support and also so I don't give away how tense I am. Of course I was right because it only took a few minutes for Jay to walk through the tree line. He's still has the same short on the side and long on top brown hair cut and those every so fierce blue eyes. Yep same psychotic brother Alpha I left behind. What caught me most off guard though is he walked into the clearing alone. He must have people hidden in the trees.

Pretending not to care he's here, I rolled my eyes and said blandly, "You're late."

He put on a smug face, "There was not a time." He pointed out.

He was right. There was no time but if I annoy him I'm doing my job. "Well I just figured you'd beat me here."

His eyebrow twitched in annoyance. "In case you forgot our packs are pretty far apart." he snapped.

Mission accomplished. It only took a minute for me to piss him off. I think I broke my record. "Already using your Alpha anger I see."

It was like a switch flipped. His anger died and was replaced by a knowing smile. Both of his blue eyes lit up and I know something popped into his evil mind. Jay started advancing toward me.

He was just about to cross the border when I commanded, "Stop!" For once he listened. I sighed and now it was my turn to be annoyed. "How stupid can you be? You are about to cross the border and as soon as you cross it my pack will sense it and be here in a heartbeat."

"Well then you come to me."

"No." I snapped. I held up 3 of my fingers and pointed to each one as I made my point. "Daniel will sense it, my pack will be told and I'd rather hit my head against one of these trees until I go unconscious then to be near you."

Jay just shakes his head. "What?" I demanded.

"Same old Lily but I'm surprised you actually came alone." he teased.

"Unlike you." I retorted. Jay was obviously about to object but I cut him off. "C'mon out boys. Don't hide. I am just a little girl after all." I teased looking over Jay's shoulder. I know Jay has back up because I'm the one with the home advantage.

With a snap of his fingers 2 men stepped out from behind the trees looking rather shy that I caught them. I actually remember these 2 because it's hard to forget the best fighters in our pack. I place a hand over my chest and pretend to be happy and in shock, "Oh Jay. For me? How sweet you see me as that big of a threat." Yeah unlike Mikey using humor this is my coping melody. Sarcastic and sour.

"Anything for you sister." He smirked. I hate when he plays along and called me sister makes me want to hit him. "I have to bring them because I hear you're now a Luna."

Proudly I pulled the collar of my cut off shirt down to my shoulder and revealed my mark. Now it's completely healed and all you see is the teeth marks and darker skin surrounding it. "I always have been but now I'm better." I smiled but then turned serious. "Ok enough chit chat. What do you want."

He got right to the point. No sugar coating to it, no humor, just flat out. "You."

I think I choked on my own breathing. "Me?" I croaked.

"Yes. I want you to come and stay in my pack with me." he stated.

My mind was freaking out and one question kept popping in my head. "Why? Why or should I say what do you want to do with me?"

"A powerful piece in my court. I will trade you for Rose and the beta female. I would advise you to remember that when you come back with me, which you will, and if you try to run away, I will lock you away in the silver room and I will come back here and kill everyone. Your mate, your pack and our brother and sister."

Fixing My Lunaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें