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" VICE CAPTAIN?!?!?" Jimin spat out the water he was drinking towards someone he did not notice.

" Yes, yes, i'm the vice captain of this team and if you two do not get your asses up this instant, there will be more running for yall gossiping asses. Understand?"

Yoongi sternly said, while glaring at the both of them and wiping off the water that Jimin had spat on him.

" Y-yes s-sir" Both boys replied. Their whole being shaking uncontrollably under yoongi's words.

Satisfied, Yoongi began walking back towards the court and still, glaring at the two boys to make sure they were not fooling around anymore.

- After practice -

" Oh man, holy shit. Was i too rude towards Yoongi? I probably shouldn't have shouted at him the first time we met right? Maybe that's why he was so harsh on me. Should i apologize? Oh my jesus fucking christ what am i supposed to do???"

Jimin frantically questioned himself, pacing around the boys changing room.

" Well, maybe you could treat him to a nice meal and maybe apologize to him then." Someone said behind the lockers.

" Yes, yes.. I can do that. What should i treat him to though?" Jimin asked again, still not bothered about the voice answering him back.

" Hmm, maybe to a bbq buffet. Yoongi likes meat a lot" The mysterious voice once again, replied.

" Ooh!! I can do that! But... Im broke." Jimin jumped up and down, getting excited and realising he was broke so he stopped jumping.

" Yeah well.. Yoongi probably doesn't give a shit about your broke ass. He probably just wants food and your apology. That's it. " The voice said again. However, this time, it seems like its getting nearer towards jimin.

" Yeah.. I guess so.. He seems so cold so maybe he wouldn't care. I probably should save up and treat him as fast as possib-Yoongi?!?!" Jimin turned around and saw him.

- :) -

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