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" Wha- ahh!" Jimin screamed as he looked over to his right, to see someone whom he was not familiar with.

" You! Who are you?" Jimin began questioning grumpy, feeling slightly annoyed by his blunt remark earlier.

" Me? I'm nobody special. I was just passing by and you were so loud and i could hear your conversation so, i just answered." Grumpy shrugged.

" Anyways, thank god you weren't chosen to be in the team. Our school's basketball team would have been ruined." Grumpy said.

" I- what does that even have to do with being in the basketball team? We need skills right?" Jimin asked him, red bursting out of his face, anger clearly visible.

" Well, the school is basically famous for its basketball team. So, to have someone who's status isn't up there, is kinda..." Grumpy replied, face drooping down and feeling tired of the ranting little boy in front of him.

"..." Jimin was speechless because of the unreasonable reason given.

" Anyways, guys like you can never stand a chance to be in these kinds of things. However, guys like you are good at being.. Persistent, Or should i say, annoying. So, keep trying to get in the team. Although, you most probably wouldn't. Keke."

Grumpy snickered and walked away, leaving Jimin flustered.

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