"You will help me stop my mother," he said firmly, "And if you make an attempt to do so otherwise, I will personally make sure you suffer a long and sufferable death,"

"You have my word," I responded, but deep inside, even I knew I was going to betray him.

It was every woman to herself.


We had to get rid of the Grounder guard that stood outside the cell to make sure that no one followed us. On our way to his horse, Roan grabbed a cloak so he could make sure I left the city without being recognized. He put the hood over my head and said, "Keep your head down. Do not engage with anyone who comes across us."

I nodded and did as he said.

We found his horse and the second I mounted the horse, I heard the sound of a horn blare.

"What was that," I asked, worried, that they might have discovered the empty cell.

"Sounds like Polis has some important guests," Roan said, as he looked towards the pathway that led towards the main gate to Polis. There was a crowd gathering, and Roan grew tense.

"Could it be your mother," I asked him.

"I hope not," he said, and then glanced at me, "I'm going to go have a look. You stay here, and stay out of trouble." He walked off into the crowd

Yes, because I was going to do just that.

Curiosity was always in my nature. So I got off the horse and took an alternative route towards the crowd. Once I found a good spot to see who was making the grand entrance, I pulled the hood over my head lower, so that no one could see my face.

I heard horses gallop towards the gate, and saw Lexa leading a handful of her guards.


I gasped when I heard the familiar voice. I turned towards the entrance and saw Clarke Griffin walking towards Lexa. She was followed by Octavia, Kane, Abigail, Raven and...


"Welcome, Clarke," Lexa's voice boomed once the crowd went silent.

What were those guys doing in Polis? I thought as I clenched my fists.

"Thank you, Lexa," Clarke responded, "for inviting us."

"I hope your journey was not too long," Lexa said. She sounded so polite, unlike when we were joined together for Mount Weather.

But why was Clarke being so friendly, I thought.

"It wasn't," Kane piped in, "And might I add, it is an honor to be in your presence, Commander,"

Lexa smiled and nodded acknowledging-ly.

"Please, if you may, follow us to the tower," she said, "You must rest before we begin our peace talks."

Peace talks? What was she talking about? Don't tell me Skaikru had decided to forgive Lexa for abandoning them?

I clenched my fists tighter and glared at them as they began to follow Lexa and her men.

"And I would like to say," I heard Lexa say, "We have a gift for you."

"What do you mean," Clarke asked.

"We found Xavier," she said, "But unfortunately in a very different circumstance. She's being held captive."

"What for," I heard Bellamy ask.

"Treason," she responded.

Suddenly I felt a strong grip on my arm and pull me back. I turned around to see Roan standing in front of me, anger oozing out of his eyes.

"I thought I told you to stay put," he hissed.

"Why are they coming in alliance with Lexa," I snapped, "I don't get it."

"Can you blame her," he asked, "Azgeda is the biggest clan and even the Commander of all Clans doesn't have an army as big as Azgeda. My guess is she needs Skaikru for their weapons,"

"That's," I felt like I was stabbed in the back. I was shocked that Clarke could get over the fact that Lexa had betrayed her. So, now that Lexa was asking the Skaikru to help her fight her war, Clarke was willing to bow down to her?

"Let's go," Roan said, "We have wasted enough time,"

"I can't go," I said suddenly.


"I have to find out what's going on," I said and pulled my arm away from his grip, "They think I'm being held for treason."

"Which you were," he said, "But now you're my prisoner."

"You don't understand, Roan," I tried to reason with him, "Clarke is being stupid. She's making the same mistake she did in Mount Weather. She's trusting Lexa that she would stay true to her words."

"What Wanheda and the Skaikru does is not my concern," he said, "And frankly, it shouldn't bother you either. Now let's go,"

"I'm sorry, Roan," I took a step back, "You ascension has to wait."

"What," before he could grab me, I ran towards the crowd. I fought through it and ran after Clarke and everyone.

"Stop!" I cried out. Everyone stopped and glanced back. I took off the hood and cried out, "You're making a mistake!"

"Xavier," I heard Kane gasp. Lexa moved in front of the crowd.

"What are you doing outside your cell," she gasped softly as she got off her horse and then yelled at her guards, "Seize her!"

"Wait," Kane tried to intervene. But two Grounders forced me to the ground and pinned me down until Lexa approached me. She snapped her fingers and the Grounders lifted me on my feet and held me firmly. Lexa stood in front of me, with anger in her eyes.

"How did you escape?" she asked me.

I clenched my jaw. She nodded at one of the guards and he drove a fist into my stomach. I grunted in pain.

"How did you escape?" she repeated her question.

"Lexa," I heard Clarke approach us, "This really is not necessary."

"Your friend," she turned to Clarke, "was caught attempting to inform the Queen of Azgeda of your location, Clarke. Look at her, and tell me now whether this is not necessary."

Clarke glanced at me stunned, but all I could do was glare up at her.

"Is it true," she asked me.

"You should be proud, Clarke," I gulped, trying to subside the pain in my stomach, "You're a very famous woman. Wanheda..."

I saw defeat in her eyes.

"Take her to her cell," Lexa ordered the guards and they began to drag me away. I glanced at Kane and Bellamy, and saw them standing conflicted whether to help me or not.


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