Chapter 1: This is just the beginning

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*Your POV* 

  I woke up to the birds singing and the sun shimmering in my room. I rub my sleepy (e/c) eyes. I stretch my arms and legs, until my whole body felt relaxed. 

  I walk down the stairs and made a cup of coffee. My phone vibrates as I poured the coffee into my (color) coffee mug. 

  "Hello" I ask as I pick up the phone. "(Y/n)? Why did it take so long for you to answer the phone" my mother asks. "Chill out mom, I just made myself a cup of coffee" I answer. I enter my living room and found my laptop sitting on the coffee table.

   "I'm sorry honey, I just haven't seen you in such a long time." "Its fine, I'm fine, your fine, dad's fine, we're all fine" I  laughed. I sat in front of my (favorite color) laptop and took a sip from my mug. 

  "(Y/n), I hope you found a college that fits whatever you want to be" my mom said. I googled colleges in Los Angeles, California and multiple Universities appeared. "Yep, I'm actually packing right now" I lied. "Good for you, I'll call you soon. Love you" my mom said. "Love you too." 

   I place my phone on the table and glanced at the clock. 11:37 am. "I got plenty of time to find a college" I thought. I haven't decided on what I should be. I scrolled down and saw a university called the University of Southern California.

{It is an actual university, I looked it up} 

  It was about a 35 minute drive from my home to the university. I wonder if they have dorms. I click on the university and it does have dorms.

{I don't know in real life if the university has dorms, sorry} 

  Why do I want to leave my home for about four years, attending college? I pulled my (h/c) hair into a bun as I thought. I've been cooped up in this house for two years only doing the same things over and over again. Waking up, eating, going to work, come home, eat dinner, take a shower, and go back to sleep. 

  I NEED to get out more. I sprint up the stairs and start to pack. 

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

  I register into the college and wait until the college accepts me. About two days past and nothing. I watched the Maze Runner until I heard a notification come from my laptop. I race up to my room and saw  email. The University accepted me! I dance around in my room and grab my car keys

  ~~~~Time Skip~~~~ 

  I pull up to the university's gates and saw student athletes tossing a football to each other, some students hung out under the shade of the trees, and some noticed my present. 

  I walk in the lobby and saw a receptionist smiling at me. "Hi there, I just received an email saying that I can attend here" I said. The receptionist nodded and typed on the keyboard. "Ms. (Your last name)?" she asked. I nodded as she printed out a schedule. "Here's your schedule and dorm keys" said the receptionist. 

  I walk up the second floor and found my dorm. "Remember dorm number 214" I thought. The oak door opened with a creak, revealing an empty room. Blue carpet and white walls. "Not bad" I thought. I drop some of my boxes near the closet and glanced out the window. 

  Jocks, dancers, artists, musicians, cookers, so many options to choose from. 

Green Or Red? (Markiplier x Reader x Jacksepticeye)        *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now