Chapter 2: My Love For Music

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  The second day of my new year as a college student! I hop out of my bed and trip over a box full of pictures. "Ow" I thought as I looked at the pictures all over the floor. 

  I saw a picture that showed my older brother and I as little kids. I smiled as I remembered our mother taking that photo. Man I miss him...

It took awhile but I managed to clean the mess up. I went through my closet and saw a cute (color) tank top and dark (color) shorts. I put my (hair color) hair up in a cute braid that goes around my shoulder. 

  I slipped on my light (color) converses and opened my door. I look down the hall and saw no one. Not a single person. I took my iPhone and it was 8:26 am. 

  "Hi there!" I jump back. "Oh, I'm so sorry. You must be new here, right?" asked a young college student standing behind me. "Yea, I just got here yesterday. I'm (y/n)." "That's a lovely name! I'm Toriel."  

**Oh ya, Undertale ;)**  

   Toriel had blue eyes and her hair was a light blonde color and wore light blue dress.  

  "The assistant principal instructed me to help you get a tour of this place." I held my stomach. "Let's start by finding the cafeteria" I said. Toriel smiles and we walk down the stairs.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~ 

  I sat next to Toriel as more college students started to file in. Toriel explained to me the map of the campus on her phone. "We have a café here?" I  ask. "And a pool" adds Toriel. 

  A young man, about 19 years old sat in front of Toriel. He wore a black unzipped jacket and a white shirt under. He had black shorts on and black shoes on. 

  " (Y/n), this is Sans, my friend" said Toriel. I smile at him. He did a lazy smile and looked like he had no sleep. "Nice to meet you" I said as I threw away my plate. 

~~~~Time Skip~~~~ 

  Toriel and I walked up to the music room, also known as my first class for every day. I wasn't a really music person, I mean sure I sing to Eminem and Twenty One Pilots songs, but PLAY them. No thanks. 

  I enter the classroom and there was only chairs and  instruments lined along the wall. Brasses, Trumpets, a keyboard, a drum set in the back, and about 5 different guitars. 

  I hated this class the second I sat down in a chair. **Sorry to musicians out there, I'm a musician myself. Just saying**      A man about 20 arrived in class as the tardy bell rang. "Talk about saved by the bell" said the man. He had an accent, an Irish accent. He walked over to me and sat next to me. 

  The teacher assigned us to an instrument. I got the Nylon String  Acoustic Guitar. "Crap" I thought. I didn't know how to properly hold it

Sad, I know. 

I just stared at the wooden instrument. I HATE this class. "Ye need some help?" a voice behind me asked. The Irishman smiled at me. "Dammmmnnn! He's cute" I thought.

"Um...yea." I felt my face turn red as he held my hands and adjusted the guitar to make it comfortable. My left hand was holding stroking the cords as I put my foot on the bottoms of the chair, so the bottom of the guitar rested on my thigh. 

He steps back and took a look at my position. "Perfect" he smiles.  I felt I was hypnotized by his ocean blue eyes, his brown and dyed green hair. "I'm Sean, but everyone calls me Jack" said the Irishman taking his hand out. 

I blink at him and took his hand. "Nice to meet you...Jack, I'm (y/n)." Jack smiles and walks to the drums as the teacher came back with sheets of paper.   

Everyone took their seats. I glance over at Jack. "I might actually start to love this class" I thought.  


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