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My loves, how are you? I missed you guys a lot! I don't even know if that many of you are reading this anymore, but thank you if you are. It means a lot. I don't have any homework tonight which is a first, so thought I might publish another chapter! Also there's a thunderstorm and I'm really excited because it means spring is on its way! :) enjoy

 I don't have any homework tonight which is a first, so thought I might publish another chapter! Also there's a thunderstorm and I'm really excited because it means spring is on its way! :) enjoy

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It's been 138 days since I left my home, for the second time, and my mother, another parent for the second time. I haven't heard from her a lot the past 4 months. It's quite concerning but then I remember everything that happened and tell myself to stay strong. There's nothing more that I want than to hug her and seek comfort. She always knows how to cheer me up. Knew how to at least. In the past year my life has went from ordinary and simple, to now, confusing and lonely.

The only thing getting me through this rough patch right now is Harry. I don't know what I would have done if I weren't able to seek reassurance and help from him. Some of the days in the are worst than the others. I don't want to get out of bed. It's like it's as if I were to get up I would fall into a black whole and wouldn't be able to get out. The feeling is suffocating, never felt another like this. But then there's Harry, right by my side. He comforts me, tells me all the things my parents can't.

My mum tried contacting me the week after our fight went down, her voicemails sounded as if they were in a state of drunken blur. Slurring her words, not making much sense. But I could tell that part of her was sincere. Maybe she didn't know what she was saying, too drunk to realize perhaps. A part of me just hopes that she still cares deep down. I know I do.

In the 4 months at Harry's we did typical couple things that couples would do. We cooked, we bathed, we watch netflix. We had our ups and downs, the bad parts never lasting more than a day however. We did all those things you can think of except actually being able to express our feelings for one another out in public. We aren't allowed to go on a date without having to fear someone recognizing us. We tried to have dates in his apartment but they never really felt all that special. We engaged in sexual activities of course, but I'm still waiting for the perfect time for him to take my virginity still. But we survived together, although many parts of it was hard.

School passes by slowly. Very slowly. But it is now the summer and school has been out for almost 2 weeks now. Harry still coached the team well, and if I say so, we did a pretty good job hiding our feelings for one another. Our team made it to state champs too, but in the end we lost to a better team. Now summer is here and all's supposed to be good now that school is out...But there's something that hangs over Harry and I, something that we don't speak much of. I have to talk to my mum.

I'm standing outside of the house that I never got to spend a whole lot of time in. Weren't too many memories in there anyway, mostly all bad too. At this moment I don't even know if she's in there. Maybe she's off with her boyfriends. Maybe she has a new one, or multiple new ones. What about Dad? Where is he? I haven't heard from him either. My parents? Who even are they anymore? I don't know them anymore. I only have a couple friends and Harry. Speaking of Harry, he stands behind me for reassurance. In case anything happens I know I will be able to come out and he will still be here for comfort if necessary.

I take the few steps needed to get to the front door. I have the keys in my hand, ready to open the door and see my mum. My heart is racing and I feel my hands start to get clammy. I look back and see Harry nod as if to say to continue. I open the door to see it how it was when I last left except there are a lot of beer bottles and numerous types of alcohol bottles scattered. I feel my heart shatter and my throat fall into my lung.

I go up the stairs and right into her room. The bed is unmade. But she isn't anywhere to be seen. I look around for anything that may indicate where she is but I find nothing. I look in her closet and the sight makes my eyes start to blur.

Her clothes are all gone, nothing is left. Her suitcase isn't under the bed anymore. She's gone. Just like that, I have no idea where she went but she's gone now. Just like my Dad. I don't have anyone left anymore. I only have Harry. Harry. I run down the steps and out the front door. Right away Harry senses something is wrong and he catches me in his arms when I collapse into him. I sob my sadness into his purple shirt, seeking comfort from the only person I know can give it to me.

"Baby, what's wrong?" he asks, words laced with confusion and worrisome. I shake my head, indicating I don't want to speak. I don't know what to say at this point. What is there to say?

"Did she say something again? Is her boyfriend there still?" I sob even louder.

"She's not even there! She's gone Harry! She's gone, left me here alone and I don't know where she is, but she's gone," I scream. My head starts to spin and I feel myself get nauseas. My body shakes with the worst feeling ever. I feel myself start to drift away. The last thing I hear is Harry's soothing words and his gentle warm touches around me.

I wake up to the familiar scent I've fallen in love with the past few months. I'm in the same bed where I find most comfort. Harry lies next to me facing the TV in the room. His eyes look lifeless almost. He's staring at the screen but you can tell he's not paying attention.

"harry," I mumble weakly. Right away his head snaps in my direction and he scrambles into a sitting position.

"Louis! Are you okay? How do you feel? You passed out, had me so worried," he asks me frantically. Good question, how do I feel? I scratch my head and rub my eyes. I feel fine.

"Okay," I look over at him. He seems so sad for me.

"I'm sorry that happened to you babe, you really don't deserve this shit," he says, scanning over my face.

"Thanks," I say.

"Let me make you some tea," he says and pats my knee as he gets off the bed to go to the kitchen.

We talk about everything over tea and he helps relax me as I explain to him how I feel about my mum. The things he tells me are something I can't relate to anyone else. He knows me. Knows how to make me feel better in situations like these.

We decide that we want to get away from this mess. We want a new start for us, only us, not having to worry about other people. We want a real life for ourselves. So that's where it ends and begins. This chapter of my life is ending but only to bring a whole new book after it. A book with a happy ending. My book, how I want to live. My life.


OkAY. WOww. uh. This is not the end, there will be an epilogue but I want to thank you all for reading. I really appreciate you guys. This was my first ever fanfiction and I'm quite pleased with the outcome. I lost many readers over the year and I'm really busy now. But thank you all so so much for reading. Keep an eye out for the prologue which I'll publish eventually.

Love you all, vote and comment. Ali x

Published: April 4th, 2017

Words: 1398

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