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It's still Louis' birthday here in America. Merry Christmas (Eve). And I won't be posting tomorrow, which is Christmas, so Merry Christmas to all you beautiful munchkins. I love you. Happy holidays. Spend time with family and don't be selfish with your gifts!! Haha jk, love you.

The picture is the onesie that Louis will be wearing later on in the chapter. But if you look behind him, you'll see Harry in his onesie too. Aw. My beautiful little babies.

Graphic chapter! Harsh language and triggering points. Don't read if you can't handle.

I already called Kim last night and told her that I would be late to work this afternoon. Thankfully, she didn't ask why I'd be late. That would be pretty awkward being like, "Yo. Apparently I'm an asshole to my smelly teacher so he's making me stay after school." Like, what the fuck. Mr. Crack can suck my crack. Nah, it would probably feel like shit coming from his scratchy tongue. I'd rather have a certain curly haired, green eyed coach do that to me instead.

WHAT AM I EVEN TALKING ABOUT?! I don't like him...

It's 2 minutes until the end of the day and I'm seriously not looking forward to staying after class with Mr. Crack. He's such a dick, I hate him.

I told Niall and Liam what happened and they grimaced, then wished me good luck. They are really supportive. I wonder when I'll tell them that I'm gay. Will they think that I'm hitting on them? Hopefully not. I'll tell them soon.

The bell rings and I slowly get out of my seat. I slump my way to my locker and pout as I pack my bag. I take my time, not wanting to spend any more time than needed with Mr. Crack.

I'm the last one in the hallway after 5 minutes and I close my locker. I slowly make my way to his classroom.

There's no one in the room. What the hell? Not even Mr. Crack is here with his ugly face. I wonder if I'll be the only one in detention. Looks like it.

I walk into the room anyways and sit down in my seat, which is in the front sadly. I take my backpack off and put in my earphones. I decide to listen to The Fray. I'm so into my music that I don't see the figure walk through the door.

But I hear a voice over my music and I take one earbud, "You can't be on your phone during detention. Put it away. And you're not supposed to be in a classroom without a teacher."

Harry?! What the hell is he doing here? What.

"Why are you here," I spit out at him, a little harsh and maybe too loud because of my music. "And I'm not one to follow the rules so... No."

"I watch students who are in detention on days we don't have practice. If you had just went yesterday, you would've been with Mr. Crack instead of me," he tells me as he sits in his chair. He's wearing all black. Black tshirt. Black skinny jeans. And black shoes. Is he going to a funeral or what? "But not too many students have detention."

I look up and down his body quickly before fidgeting in my chair slightly and pausing my music, then taking out my earbuds.

"I'd rather play football than sit in class with that dickhead," I tell him as he places down his thermos of what looks to be either coffee or tea. He then looks up at me with a disappointed frown.

"Stop with the profanity. I always tell you this," he then sits down in the chair and plugs in his laptop to the charger.

"Whatever. I'm old enough to do whatever I want," I tell him trying to show that I'm not some stupid teenager. But he only snorts and rolls his eyes, opening his laptop.

"Sure. Whatever you say," he says then looks me straight in the eyes and says teasingly, "Lou." I'll never admit how nice that sounds coming from his lips. I want to keep that on replay all day.

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