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I would like to apologize for not being active the past 2 months, high school is honestly a drag and I have no motivation anymore. I am so sorry, but I will continue to update as much as possible. I really should be studying for midterms which are in a few days but fuck it!

Oh and here's me being a slut as usual :)!!!

:)) enjoy babies

pls point out errors


I wake up next to a warm body; it's quite comforting, the feeling. For a second I forget where I am but then I remember the recent events and begin to get sad. But I snap out of it because now I am next to the sexiest yet cutest man I have laid eyes on.

After a few moments of staring at his gorgeous and manly face, I get up to use the bathroom and wash up. I smile into the mirror, thinking how did I end up here. It isn't the worst thing ever, I mean, yes, situations could be better. But I am with this amazing guy and I don't give two shits about the rest of the world.

I decide on being helpful so I head to the kitchen to make Harry some breakfast. I tiptoe through the cold wooden floor of the hallway, but quickly scamper back in search of some slippers. Grateful that Harry's slippers are next to his side of the bed, I toe into them and head to the kitchen.

I get the ingredients needed for banana pancakes while smiling happy. I try not to make too much noise, wouldn't want to wake Harry. I hum some of my favorite songs while jumping around giddily and flipping pancakes.

I was too caught up with my pancakes and humming the right tune to realize someone standing behind me. Huge hands gripping my waist causes me to jump and nearly slap the invader with the hot spatula.

"g'morning gorgeous," he says cheekily while kissing my neck cutely.

"you almost made me piss my pants!" I exclaim. He just laughs and walks over to the stove.

"Pancakes? You can cook?" he asks, smirking.

"Not really," I giggle, "let's hope they don't burn." He chuckles and hugs me once more.

"You look adorable babe," he says and I scrunch my nose up at him.

"Well you look," I blush, "sexy." He's standing in tight boxers that cling to everything. I gulp.

"Do I now?" he says while slowly pushing me into the wall and trapping me in between his muscley arms.

I squeak, trying to say yes but it doesn't come out. I nod instead and slightly cough, trying to play it off by his smirk tells me it was to no avail.

He takes one of his arms off the wall to flip his hair to the side and I swallow slowly, wanting so badly to touch it.

He leans closer so he is only a few inches away from our lips touching. He kisses the corner of my lips and I pout because I want more.

He finally places his mouth on mine after teasing me and frustrating me in more than one way. We fight for domination but I give up after he bites my lip. I let him explore my mouth as I enjoy the sweet taste of his tongue.

My eyes shoot open as I feel his thigh press into my almost hard dick. He kisses me harder and I almost moan out loud. I tangle my fingertips in between his hair and open mouth kiss him hard.

Our make out session gets interrupted by a loud sound blaring through the kitchen. I nearly have a heart attack, for the second time today.

Harry starts to laugh as he rushes over to the stove where one of the pancakes is smoking and the kitchen fills with burnt scent.

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