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Point out errors, I make simple errors that I don't catch. Yes, I know my grammar, but sometimes I'll be typing too fast and I won't catch it.

Anyways... Listen to Blue Neighborhood by Troye Sivan

I love him so much, check him out on YouTube also. His album is GREAT. K see you in 2 hours when I'm done writing.

Today is Friday which means that I don't have practice. So I have practice on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and games on Saturdays and Sundays sometimes. I know Harry said to not come to the game tomorrow but knowing me, I'll probably end up limping my way onto the field.

I'm standing under the warm rush of water. I didn't take a shower yesterday, which I know is disgusting, but I honestly was way too tired and worn out. The pain I'm in today is severe. I could barely get out of bed this morning. Damn, if I thought I felt sore yesterday, I should feel today. Oh right, I am.

I hate that coach styles made us run those laps, but I know it's not his fault though. It's not like he could have done anything about it. He innocently just wanted us to warm up, not knowing I was already worn out. My fault I guess.

I don't even want to go to school today. I know that it will be a pain in the ass for sure. I'm definitely not going to walk to school, I'll probably ask my mum to drive me, or I'll drive myself. I'm really debating if I should go to the game later tomorrow. I could always go to work instead, where I won't be running around, and I'll be in the safety of the shop, away from angry Harry. I almost snort at that, angry Harry.

I don't know what I'll do, I'll see how I feel later. I turn off the shower and hop out. I throw on my pink briefs, don't judge, and pull up my blue stretchy jeans. My muscles are begging me to stop moving, telling me to get back into bed but I can't. After I'm dressed with my sweater, I make some Yorkshire tea and down two tylenols. I'm dressed pretty comfortably. It is the middle of December with Christmas coming up shortly. I know that the cafe will be busy today and this weekend.

My mum was asleep when I looked into her room, meaning that I have to drive myself to school. No biggy.

I'm so tired, it feels like I could pass out any second, and now I'm regretting drinking tea instead of coffee.

I grab my backpack and my phone that is almost dead. I forgot to charge it last night when I got home. 18% should last though. I don't really use it during the day, I'm not sure how this school is and their policy with phones.

I'm going to work later after school today at 3:10, hopefully I can make some money from this job. When I was talking to the owner, Kim, she said that I will usually make $120a week if I work a certain amount of hours. And that's so much, I feel so giddy and happy. That's honestly insane! I feel so independent and AHHH!

Before I know it, I'm parking in the all too familiar parking lot. I head into the school, dreading those bullies. I have only seen them once so far, they were in the cafeteria yesterday. They aren't in any of my classes, thank god. They must be older than me, explains their strong fists and hurtful words.

The rest of the day goes by pretty normally except one thing. I wasn't expecting this at all. It was during lunch time and I was sitting with Niall and Liam when I saw the thing that made my heart stop and my insides crumble.

I saw him. Him. Harry was in the line to get a salad. I almost choked on my water, my heart beating a thousand times a minute. It didn't make sense to me! I thought he was only a coach. I never thought that he worked here. I turned to the two boys sitting across from me, "Does Coach Styles work here or something," I question. Liam looked back, following me gaze towards Harry. He returns his eyes back to face towards me, a casual look on his face, "Nah, he isn't a teacher here or anything. He has an office though."

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