"It Looks Like You Found What You Were Looking For"

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If someone asked him if this is where he thought he would be just a few shorts weeks after his wedding, Harry Styles would've laughed at him. If they asked him on that day, where he had felt more hope and love and devotion then he ever had in his life, if he would be feeling this hopeless, he probably would have hit them square in the face. Just a few short weeks ago, he believed that they could get through anything together. But, they weren't together. No, he was alone. Utterly alone, sitting in Liam's office, desperately trying to find Birdie.

Since the fire, Harry hadn't done anything but try and find her. She had been gone from him for 10 days, and he was determined to find her. It only took them a day to figure out that she wasn't in that building with Sofia and Sikes, and after that it was all he could think about. Some would call him crazy, some might say he was obsessed, but to Harry, he was just being a father. He wouldn't rest until he knew that Birdie was home and safe, with him.

Everyone was at the hospital. It felt like they were always at the hospital these days, waiting for more bad news to come rolling in. The night of the fire, Harry was able to walk out of the hospital, and he never went back. He couldn't be there; he couldn't wait to hear any more news. Everything had gotten to be too much. So, he walked out and he didn't look back. He just put every thought and emotion he had into finding Birdie, into know that she was okay.

Some might say that Sofia was smart for hiding Birdie, but it just made Harry angry. It was just another lie, it was just another secret, and it was another life changing decision she made without him. She didn't even think about him when she did it either. She didn't think about the pain or the heartache he would go through. He didn't think about how desperate he was or how it would keep him from sleeping or eating. She didn't think about him, she didn't think at all. And it was thoughts like that that drove Harry crazy. Because he knew that when he married her that sometimes she just didn't think.

He shook his head, before placing them in his head, trying to shake thoughts of her out of his head. He couldn't think about her right now, if he thought about her, he would break. If he thought about her, he would shut down completely. And right now, he couldn't do that. Right now, he had to put all of his energy into finding Birdie.

Harry had convinced himself that if he brought Birdie home, everything would feel okay again. All the anger and sadness and disappointment and resentment he was holding inside of him would go away. He just needed to get her home and in his arms, and he would be okay. Everything else that had happened or that was going to happen, it didn't matter as long as he had Birdie. As long as she was with him, he could push on.

He heard a noise from the back door, and his eyes furrowed in confusion as he stood up from his desk. Everyone was at the hospital, and had planned on staying there. He walked into the living room, quietly, listening carefully. He had been a little on edge lately, expecting everything to go wrong at once, because lately, that's how it had been going. His fingers twitched towards the gun in his jeans, but relaxed immediately when he heard her voice hiss a curse from the kitchen. Harry moved quickly towards the kitchen to see Emily there with her head in her hands.

"Em?" he asked as he walked in, she looked up at him, he saw circles under her eyes, and she looked exhausted.

"Hi," she said quietly, giving him a small smile, "I'm sorry, did I interrupt you?"

"No," Harry said, shaking his head, "Are you okay? Why aren't you at the hospital?"

She sighed deeply, running her hands through her hair, and looking down at the floor. Harry sat next to her, waiting for her to answer. Emily had been through a lot over the past few weeks, they all had, but she had been pretty good about it. She had stayed strong and pushed on, just like Harry knew she could. But, as she sat in front of him, she looked tired, of everything.

"It's just all a little too much lately," Emily said softly, "It just seems like we can't catch a break. It just all seems to be a little too much, doesn't it?" Her words were coming out faster, and her voice was getting more hysterical, and all Harry could do was reach over and grab her hand, because she was right.

"I'm not crazy, right?" Emily asked him, her eyes wide, "Like this has all been way too much, right?"

"No, you aren't crazy," Harry said quietly, "It's been way to much for any normal person."

Emily rested her head on the table, Harry still holding her hand; they stared at each other quietly for a bit, neither knowing what to say. Harry could see the tears in her eyes, and one slid down her cheek quietly. He used the thumb of his other hand to wipe it away. He sighed deeply, wishing he could help her.

"Have you found anything?" she asked, pushing her head off the table,
"Have you found her yet?"

"No," Harry said, shaking his head, "Sofia did a damn good job of hiding her. I've been through every person I can think of that she would trust with Birdie, and none of them have seen or heard from either. I don't know, I don't know what to do anymore."

"You'll find her," Emily choked out, "I know you will. You have too."
"Emily, stop," Harry said quietly, wiping more tears from her face, "What's going on? Why are you so worked up?"

"It's just everything," Emily said, "I'm just... so overwhelmed. And life just won't let up."

"Did something happen? At the hospital?" Harry asked, "Did we get news or something?"

"No," Emily said, shaking her head, "No news."

"Em, what's going on?" Harry asked again, he knew Emily. She seemed off, something seemed to have totally pushed her right over the thin wire of emotion she was walking on.

"I think I'm pregnant," Emily whispered, her throat catching so the words barely made it out. Harry froze, staring at her in shock. He wasn't expecting that. In fact, he was expecting her to say anything but that.

"What?" he asked, "Are you sure?"

"No," Emily cried out, "No, I'm not sure! But I'm late, and I bought a test to see... but I just haven't been able to get myself to use it...."

"Emily, it's going to be okay," Harry said, pulling her into his arms, Emily shaking with tears.

"I'm not ready for this," Emily cried, "I'm just not ready."

Harry wanted to say something to comfort the girl. He wanted to tell her
about how amazing being a parent was. He wanted to convince her she was ready, but how could he do that? If she wasn't ready to face reality, she wasn't ready. He wasn't going to force her to. Harry opened his mouth to tell her that she didn't have to take the test if she wasn't ready, and that they could just wait and see. He opened his mouth to tell her to calm down and to breathe, and that no matter what happened, they would get through it, just like they had everything else. He wanted to open his mouth and tell her all of that, but his phone ringing interrupted him.

"Probably someone at the hospital," he mumbled, pulling the phone out of his pocket as Emily removed herself from his arms. He didn't even bother to look who was calling, before answering.

"Hello?" Harry's deep voice answered, waiting for the next blow of bad news, because that's all the seemed to come when the phone rang.

"Harry?" a voice on the other line asked, causing Harry to furrow his eyes in confusion.

"This is Harry," he answered, "Who is this?"


"This is where you grew up?" Emily asked, as they pulled off the exit into heading towards Harry's old life. The one he had left so many years ago, and never looked back. With both his father gone, and his mother dead, and a sister who didn't want anything to do with him, he had no choice but to leave.

"Yeah," Harry said, his voice clipped and unsure as he continued to drive.

"How did Sofia even know about your sister?" Emily asked, as she looked out the window, taking in the beautiful countryside.

"I told her, of course," Harry said quietly, keeping his eye on the road. He would never admit it, but he was glad that Emily agreed to take the trip with him. He wasn't sure what he was in for when he got there, and he was tired. They both seemed to need to get away from the troubles that they had back home, so the solution seemed good. All he had to do was ask Emily to come with him and hope that she agreed. And she did.

"I told Sofia everything," Harry continued you quietly, "And I brought her here once."

"You did?" Emily asked, looking over at him.

"Right after her parents died, Liam was trying to convince her that we could all have a family together, and Sofia was being difficult, as usual..." Harry said quietly, "I wanted her to see what it was like, having a sibling that didn't care."

"You're sister doesn't care?" Emily asked, "Is that why you never talk about her?"

"Our dad was abusive, our mom was alcoholic. Gemma didn't have the anger I had, she was just determined to get out of the house and never look back. I was trouble, I was angry, and I was dangerous. And she was scared of me. And the life I was choosing to live. At the time I saw it as her not giving a shit, but looking back she probably just wanted me to change. But, I wasn't ready."

"So, Sofia met her?"

"Not exactly," Harry scoffed, thinking back to when he brought her to his sister's house, "We sat outside the house, my sister was inside with her boyfriend at the time. And I told Sofia about my family, and about how my sister told me that she couldn't continue to deal with me if I was going to choose a violent lifestyle. I kind of just spilled my guts."

"And then you left?" Emily asked.

"Nah," Harry said, shaking his head, "Gemma came out of the house, and approached the car. Asked me if I was ready to come home and make something of myself. I told her I couldn't. Of course, I really couldn't. Can't just get out of this. Gemma shook her head at me and told me I had to leave then."

"Then what happened?" Emily asked. Harry thought back, a small smile playing on his face.

"Right before she turned around to go back in the house, she told me that she hoped I found whatever it was I was looking for. And Sofia and I took off, drove back home. But uh, that night, when we got out of the car, Sofia turned around and she asked me something, I'll never forget it. It made my heart stop."

"What did she ask you?" Emily said, as she stared at Harry intently.

"She asked me what it was I was looking for," Harry said, smiling.

"What did you say?"

"I said I didn't know, and I didn't know what I was looking for," Harry said, "But turns out it was her, I guess." Emily smiled, laughing lightly, as she noticed they pulled up onto the street.

"Why do you think Sofia got in touch with Gemma anyway?" Emily asked.

"I don't know, maybe Gemma knows something. All Gemma said was that she needed to see me," Harry shrugged, putting the car in park. He got out of the car, shutting the door behind him. He looked up at the house, very unsure of crossing the road and walking up to the door.

"Are you ready?" Emily said, taking his hand and pulling him towards the house.

"I need a second," Harry said, standing on the sidewalk. His stomach was churning at the thought of seeing his sister again after all these years. Emily opened her mouth to reassure him, but she didn't get to, because the front door flew open, and there stood Gemma Styles. But that wasn't what caught their attention, what caught their attention was the small figure barrowing towards them.

"Daddy!" Birdie shrieked, and Harry caught her just in time, the shock still on his face, as he registered that he was holding her in his arms.

"Oh my God, Little Bird," he whispered, before kissing her head over and over, "Are you alright? Are you hurt? I love you, I love you. Are you okay? Hurt?"

"No," Birdie said, shaking her head and smiling at him, "I'm fine. Hi Aunt Emily!"

Emily had tears pouring down her face, as she saw Birdie in Harry's arms. Emily took Birdie into her own arm, kissing her face over and over.

"You don't know how good it is to see you baby," Emily said, quietly, tears still rolling down her face.

"If you're so happy to see me, why do you look so sad?" Birdie asked, innocently, causing Emily to laugh a bit.

"How did you get her?" Harry asked, leaving Birdie with Emily and approaching his sister.

"Sofia showed up on my doorstep," Gemma said quietly, "She said that you were away on a job, but that she needed somewhere safe to keep Birdie. She knew that no one would look for her here."

"And you agreed?" Harry scoffed, finding the whole thing unbelievable. Sofia thought of everything, but he was finding a hard time believing that his sister agreed to get involved.

"You're wife made a good argument, congratulations on that, by the way." Gemma said quietly, looking over Harry and Birdie who was talking animatedly to Emily.

"She said that if I ever needed you, you would be there for me," Gemma said, quietly, "And I knew she was right. And then she pulled the Aunt card on me. And then I looked at Birdie, and how could I say no?"

"So, why did you decide to call me?" Harry asked, "Was it because Sofia didn't come back for her?"

"No," Gemma said, her eyes furrowed, as though she was surprised Harry didn't know, "Sofia said she wouldn't be back, and that I could call you after a week because you would be home from the job. She told me to say that you needed to come to the house, but not to mention Birdie, just in case."

"Wait," Harry said, closing his eyes as though trying to put it all together, "Sofia said she wouldn't be back?"

"She was sure of it, said I wouldn't hear from her again," Gemma said, "Said that I was to call you in a week."

Suddenly, everything made sense. They thought that Sikes had found Sofia, but now that he was listening to Gemma, he realized that Sofia wanted to be found. She wanted Sikes to find her, that's why it had been so easy to do so. They thought the fire was an accident, or caused by Sikes, but as Harry listened to Gemma say that Sofia wasn't coming back, he realized that it was Sofia. Sofia had started that fire, with every intention of killing Sikes, and herself. She didn't think she was coming home. She made every plan to keep Birdie safe. She had made every plan to keep them out of the dark, and keep everyone except herself safe. She didn't plan on coming out of that fire.

Harry felt the anger bubble through him again, as he realized how many decisions she made that he should have been involved in. He didn't find what she did selfless or heroic he thought she was an idiot. She wasn't running away like he thought, but what she had done was just as selfish to him. She didn't think of him as she made all those choices, she didn't think of what it would do to him to loose her, and to be in the dark.

Harry knew that there could have been another way, but Sofia had to do this her way. Like she always did. They could have figured this out together, but she chose to figure it out on her own. She made life-changing decisions and didn't care about what he would think about it. She chose to leave him, and didn't even stop to say goodbye.

"Thank you, Gemma," Harry said, quietly.

"Is everything okay, Harry? With Sofia?" Gemma asked, "She seemed, very distressed when I saw her. It's part of the reason I agreed to take Birdie."

"Did Sofia tell you where she was going?" Harry asked, "Did she tell you anything? About what she was going to do? Why you had to leave Birdie?"

"She told me that Birdie's real father was giving her trouble, and that she was going to make sure he would never lay a hand on Birdie again," Gemma said, "I didn't ask many questions after that. I just agreed to keep Birdie, and I promised her that I would call you after a week."

"Well, thank you," he said, "Again."

"Daddy, are we going home?" Birdie cried out, running towards him with a smile on her face, he lifted her on to his hip.

"Yes, baby," Harry said, "We're going home. Why don't you go get in the car with Emily? Say goodbye"

He put her down, and watched carefully as she said goodbye to Gemma, hugging her, as Gemma kissed her head. He kept his eye on her, as though afraid to let her out of his eyesight, as she ran to Emily, who was waiting for her. Harry turned back to his sister, who was looking up at him as though trying to memorize his face.

"You never answered my question," Gemma said quietly, "Is everything okay?"

"Now it is," Harry answered her, not sure whether he should hug her or what he should say. He paused, looking down at her, before looking at the house behind her.

"You alright?" he asked finally, "Everything okay with you?"

"Yes," Gemma said quietly, "Harry, why don't you just leave? Birdie is great, why don't you just leave? Why don't the three of you just get out now?"

"I can't do that," Harry said, sighing, "You know that. Don't start, Gemma."

"Because they'll kill you if you do?" Gemma asked, "What kind of life is that?"

"No, Gem," Harry said, shaking his head, "Because they're my family."

He watched as Gemma's breath caught, and swallowed hard as her eyes got sad, looking at him.

"I have to go," Harry said, "But thank you again. I won't bother you again..."

"Don't worry about it," Gemma said quietly, "She's a great kid. It was a pleasure." Harry nodded, before turning away from his sister, and walking
towards the car.

"Harry!" Gemma called, and he turned back to her, "It looks like you found what you were looking for." Harry smiled at her, before biting his lip and cocking his head at her.

"Yeah, I did," Harry agreed, "Doesn't mean I don't miss what I left behind../" He watched carefully, as Gemma nodded, a smile playing on her face. He turned back to the car.

"Harry!" Gemma called again, and he turned to her once more.

"Will you call me sometime?" she asked, "Just to catch up, yeah?" Harry smiled gently at her, before nodding his head and agreeing.


"Come on, Sof," the voice mumbled, cutting through the darkness, causing her stir, "Come on. Time to wake up."

Sofia pushed her mind towards the voice, she recognized it. She could feel him holding her hand. She could hear his breathing. She pushed her mind towards him, and out of the darkness. Her eyes fluttered open, her eyes adjusting to the light, as she followed the voice, her eyes moving to his face. He smirked down at her.

"Hey," he said quietly.

"This happened the last time," Sofia mumbled, looking at him intently, "The last time I died, I saw people who had passed on. But I didn't think I'd see you, you shouldn't be here."

"Always so dramatic," Zayn said, rolling his eyes at her, "You aren't dead."
Sofia then realized the beeping noises, and the hospital bed. She noticed that there was an IV in her arm, and Zayn was sat in a wheelchair, leaning over her bed.

"I'm not?" Sofia said, glancing around, "Wait. How am I not dead? How am I alive? How are you alive? And sitting up? And normal? What the hell happened?"

"Relax, Sof," Zayn said, putting his hand on her shoulder, and pushing her back into the bed.

"I'm alive, because the day you disappeared, I went into surgery and they released pressure on my brain. I woke up the next day," Zayn said, "I'm still getting dizzy and my vision is blurry, hence the wheelchair. I have some short-term memory issues. But the doctors say it's all normal, and it should fade eventually."

"And as for you," Zayn continued, "You somehow managed to get out of that fire without a burn. A few bruises and scrapes but you're fine. Perfectly fine. You're bodies been in shock, so you've been in and out of it over the last few days, but you're fine."

Sofia thought back to the fire. She remembered the fire getting to be too much, she remembered not being able to make it to the door. She remembered her lungs being on fire, and her legs not able to move fast enough. She remembered collapsing and realizing that she wasn't going to get out. And then it went black, until she saw Harry.

"Harry!" she cried, sitting up in bed, "Oh my God, is he okay? How did he even know I was there?"

"Harry? He's fine." Zayn asked, his eyes furrowing in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

"Harry, he pulled me out, I saw him," Sofia said, looking at Zayn, trying to get out the bed, "Is he okay?"

"Sofia, it wasn't Harry," Zayn said softly, trying to push her back onto the bed.

"Zayn, stop it!" Sofia hissed, "I saw him! I saw him!"

"You saw wrong!" Zayn cried, "Harry wasn't the one who brought you out, it was Liam."

"What?" Sofia gasped, her eyes going wide.

"Sofia, Liam was the one that carried you out," Zayn said quietly, his eyes suddenly sad.

"Where is he?" Sofia asked, "Is he okay?"

"No," Zayn said, shaking his head, "He's not okay."


"When are you going to tell Zayn?" Harry asked quietly, as he drove back towards home, Birdie asleep in the backseat.

"I don't know," Emily said, "Soon, I suppose. He should know. I just don't know how he'll react..."

"Look, whatever it is, Zayn will get you through this," Harry said, "You know he's not going anywhere." Emily laughed lightly, rolling her eyes.

"Yet, he's not going anywhere yet," Emily said, looking out the window.

"You can't think like that," Harry said, "You'll drive yourself crazy."

"I'm not ready to be a mom, Harry. And Zayn isn't ready to be a dad. And with Liam, and Sofia..." Emily said, quietly, "I don't know if any of us are ready for anything."

"I wasn't ready," Harry said quietly, looking back at Birdie, "But she was the best thing to happen to me."

"Zayn and I are just getting back on our feet, Harry," Emily said, her voice choking, "I know we aren't ready."

"I think before you get worked up, you just need to talk to Zayn," Harry said, quietly.

"I just don't want to upset him while he's recovering, he's still really fragile, even if he won't admit it," Emily said, "And I'm not sure he'd be thrilled with the news."

"Maybe not," Harry said, shrugging, "But you guys can work through it together."

"Like you and Sofia?" Emily asked, looking over at him, her eyebrows rose in question, "You haven't even been to see her at the hospital."

"They said she was okay," Harry said, "I needed to find Birdie. Sofia has made it clear that we don't work things together. She works through things, and I'm just left in the dark."

"Harry, what are you going to do?" Emily asked, "Are you going to try and fix things?"

"I don't know if I can," Harry answered honestly, "I don't know if I can fix this, and quite frankly, I don't know if I want to."

"Are you giving up on the two of you?" Emily asked, "Really? You?"

"She gave up on us first," Harry said, "The minute she decided to leave and never come back, she gave up." Emily stayed quiet, knowing that he was angry, but had every right to be. They were married, and Sofia threw all of that out the window, to do something dangerous. She had never meant for anyone to find out, but they did. Sofia never planned on surviving, and she had planned on leaving Harry forever. How could he forgive her for that?

"What about Birdie?" Emily mumbled, glancing in the rearview mirror towards the child.

"We both love Birdie," Harry said, shrugging, "I guess we'll work it out."

"You both love each other too," Emily argued, "So work it out."

"Love isn't enough to get through this," Harry said, shaking his head, "It's not enough. We can't push through this with love, not this time."


"You idiot!" Sofia cried, as she crashed through the door of her brother's hospital room. She looked around at Louis, Niall, Ella, and Eleanor. They all looked so broken, so unsure of what to do. As though they couldn't believe it was happening. Her eyes finally landed on Danielle, who was sitting quietly holding David, as tears rolled down her face. Sofia took in her brother who was pale, and clearly broken, dying.

"You're awake!" Eleanor cried happily.

"Sofia!" Louis barked

Sofia ignored them both, just staring at her brother. Her brother, who dragged her out of the burning cabin. Her brother, who covered his body with his own. Her brother, who was suffering from internal bleeding, who's kidney needed to be replaced. Her brother, who didn't have time to be on the transplant list. Her brother, who had sacrificed his own life for hers.

"You're welcome," Liam mumbled, smiling up at her, "And welcome back."

"How could you?" Sofia hissed at him, "How could you do that? What were you thinking?"

"Sofia, please..." Danielle cried, "Please, don't do this..."

"I want everyone out," Liam said, "Except Sofia. We need to talk. Everyone out. Now."

Everyone stood from their chairs, walking out of the room, each of them placing a hand or a kiss on Sofia as they went. It hadn't gotten past Sofia that Harry wasn't here, but she couldn't even think about that. All she could think about was Liam dying.

"Sit down, Sof," Liam said quietly, pointing weakly to the chair next to him.

"Why would you do this?" Sofia asked, as she sat down, grabbing her brother's hand.

"I couldn't leave you in there," her brother answered, "You were in there, and it's my job to look out for you."

"You're dying, Liam!" Sofia snapped, standing up, "YOU'RE DYING BECAUSE OF ME! YOU WEREN'T EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE THERE!"

"I'm dying because a roof fell on me," Liam said, "And because I chose to save my little sister."

"You should've left me," Sofia growled, "You should've left me in there."

"You know I couldn't do that," Liam said quietly, his eyes followed her as she paced the room. Sofia looked out the hospital window, and he could see her shaking with tears.

"Come here," he whispered, and Sofia turned to him, tears pouring down her face. She rushed onto her brother's hospital bed, and threw herself into his arms.

"It's okay, Sofia," Liam said, quietly, running his hands through her hair, "It's going to be okay."

"No," Sofia said shaking her head, as she pushed herself off him, "No, this isn't okay. You can't leave me."

"I don't really have a choice," Liam said, "We can't find a kidney, and
this is just how it's going to go."

"Please Liam," she sobbed, "Please don't leave me. Please, I'm sorry. I'll do better. I'll do anything. Please, please, oh God, don't do this. Don't leave me. I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry."

"Sofia, shhh," he comforted her, as she sobbed into his chest. He felt tears come to his own eyes, as he held her. He didn't regret pulling Sofia out of there. But, he didn't imagine it being so hard if he had to say goodbye to her.

This was his little sister, they had been through so much together. No matter how much they argued, or disagreed, they always had each other's back. Liam wiped the tears from his eyes, because he knew that it wasn't supposed to go like this. This wasn't how life was supposed to go. He was supposed to always be around to protect her. He was supposed to be around to pull her out of warehouses and fires, that was his job. But, instead he was going to leave her. She had to take care of herself, and she needed to know that she could do it. She could do that without him.

"We have to talk," Liam mumbled, "We have to talk about what goes on from here."

"I don't want to," Sofia argued, "We can save you. There has to be something."

"There isn't," Liam said, "My kidney is failing and it's failing fast. We've discussed the options. This is it. I'm dying, and I need you to be okay, so that you can move on and take over." Sofia was still crying hard, but her breath caught as she heard him. She looked up at him, blinking slowly.

"What?" she growled, her voice low.

"I've thought about this," Liam said, "And I want you to take over. The boys will help you out. I know it's never been done, but it's your blood. And I want it to go to you."

"Are you crazy?" Sofia hissed, jumping off the bed, "Are you out of your mind? You're leaving THIS to ME?! I DESTORY EVERYTHING I TOUCH!" Liam smiled at her, rolling his eyes.

"Still so dramatic," he said quietly, "Sofia, I don't want it to go to anyone else. I want it to be you."

"How could you say that?"

"I trust you," Liam said quietly, "I know you'll be okay. I know you'll be great."

"Stop it," she hissed, turning away from him, closing her eyes in pain.

"I know that you think that I underestimate you, I know you think that we all do. But I've never underestimated you, Sofia. I know how powerful and amazing and smart you are."

"Stop it," Sofia mumbled again, covering her face in her hands.

"I know how strong and courageous and brilliant you are!" Liam said louder.

"STOP IT!" she screamed, turning back around to him. Both of them were crying now.

"I was trying to protect you, but I never, not for a second, underestimated you. And now, I want you to know how much I believe in you. And how I know that you are going to be great. And this is how I show you. I trust you. It's your time," Liam said, his voice quiet again, as Sofia just stared at him.

"It's not my time," Sofia hissed at him, "And it sure as hell isn't your time to let go!" Sofia moved towards the door, and although Liam tried to stop her, she slammed it behind her, before storming down the hallway. She saw her family with what she assumed to be Liam's doctor, and they all tried to calm her down as she approached.

"Mrs. Styles –" the doctor tried to introduce herself.

"I don't know what you've put into all their heads," Sofia snapped, "But my brother isn't dying. Do you understand me?"

"Sofia –" Eleanor tried to say, trying to touch her and comfort her.

"Schedule whatever surgery you need to," Sofia growled, "I'm awake, I'm fine, and Liam and I are the same blood type. So, he can have my kidney. But, my brother isn't dying. NOT LIKE THIS. HE ISN'T DYING!"

"Mrs. Styles," the doctor said, pulling her down the hallway, and pushing her into an office, "Mrs. Styles, I know you're upset and you want to save your brother."

"Damn right I do," Sofia growled, her face tear stained and her eyes fierce.

"But you can't," the doctor said quietly, looking at her with sadness, "You can't save him."

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