"If You Love Me"

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"You've what?" Liam asked, as he noticed the duffle bag of Zayn's shoulder.

"I'm taking off for a little bit..." Zayn said, he's speech slurred and it occurred to all of them that he had probably been drinking all day.

"Zayn, bro," Niall said, "You are a little buzzed, and you aren't making much sense..."

"He's not making any sense at all," quipped Louis, whose focus was now on the keys in Zayn's hands.

"Look, this isn't really up for debate and I didn't come here to discuss it," Zayn said, rolling his eyes, "I just didn't want to leave without saying goodbye." He glanced at Sofia who was staring wide eyed at him, as she helped Emily off the floor.

"Zayn, knock it off," Liam growled, stepping towards him, "Look, why don't you just go sleep it off and we can talk about everything a little later, when the whiskey isn't thinking for you..."

"No thanks," Zayn snapped, as he turned on his heels, but Ella stepped in front of him, hands on her hips.

"Don't be stupid, you can't drive," Ella hissed at him, making Zayn's eyes narrow at her.

"Ella, move," Zayn said, trying to move around her, but she stepped in front of him again, making Zayn more frustrated, "Ella, I don't want to hurt you."

"I'd like to see you try," Niall snapped, stepping towards him, but Ella put her hand up to stop him.

"Zayn," she said, taking his hand, the first nice gesture anyone had given him in days, "Go upstairs, I'll make you some tea, and you can sleep this off. You aren't thinking clearly."

"Tea isn't going to fix this," Zayn barked, ripping his hand away from her.

"Yes! Well, neither is whiskey!" Ella snapped at him, grabbing the keys out of his hands. Zayn's fists clenched, making Niall nervous, as he stepped protectively in front of Ella, who didn't look scared in the least.

"Zayn, just sleep it off," Niall said quietly, "If you still want to leave when your sober... then we'll talk about it then..."

"Fuck you, Niall. Like I said this isn't –" Zayn snapped, but Harry interrupted him.

"Where are you even going to go, Zayn?" Harry growled, glaring at his friend. He didn't want to show that he was worried about Zayn, even though he was. He was too angry and his pride was getting in the way.

"What do you care?" Zayn snapped

"I don't," Harry said shrugging.

"Harry, stop it..." Sofia hissed

"But right now, where ever you think you're going to go," Harry continued, ignoring her, "You can't go there now..."

"You can't tell me what to do," Zayn barked, turning back to Ella to try and get the keys from her, but a voice stopped him.

"If you love me, even just a little bit, even as a friend," Emily said, "You will stop this right now."

Zayn froze in his place, and turned to her wide-eyed, not believing that she was actually speaking to him. He said nothing, he just stared at her.

"I haven't asked a lot of you, Zayn," Emily said quietly, stepping towards him, "But I am asking you to go upstairs and to lay down..."

"You want me gone," Zayn said, his eyes cast down instead of at her.

"If you really believe that, then you don't know me," Emily said, causing Zayn to look back up at her.

"I don't belong here, not anymore..." Zayn said, his voice cracking, showing just how broken he was.

"Go upstairs, Zayn," Emily said, shaking her head at him, as she stepped up to him, taking his duffle bag, "Please."

Zayn didn't say anything, he just stared at her for a little. Harry watched the two, and although everyone else was satisfied when Zayn turned to walk up stairs, Harry wasn't. He saw the determination in Zayn's eyes and knew that it wasn't over. But he didn't have time to think about it, because Daisy and Danny came slamming in the door.

"Daisy, stop!" Danny cried, coming in after a hysterical Daisy.

"No!" Daisy screamed, running right into Sofia and Emily

"What the hell happened now?" Liam asked, as Sofia and Emily tried to get Daisy to calm down. She was waving her arms around and seemed to be explaining something, but he couldn't understand.

"What do you mean you were almost jumped?!" Sofia barked out, as she held Daisy an arms length away from her, "Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

"No, Danny came out just in time, but they grabbed me... and they were trying to drag me away..." Daisy cried

"Who?" Liam snapped, "What did they look like? Was it one of Sikes guys?"

"It couldn't be!" Sofia hissed, "They don't even know where we are right now, don't scare her Liam!"

"He doesn't need to scare me!" Daisy yelled, "I'm 17! I'm too young for this! I was drugged, and now I'm almost jumped! I can't do this anymore! I'm scared everyday!"

"Daisy, I know it's hard..." Sofia said gently, trying to calm the young girl.

"Who was it?" Liam snapped again, ignoring
Daisy's cries.

"I don't know, Liam," Danny said, shrugging, "They just seemed like young thugs, maybe looking for money or a good fuck. They ran off as soon as I approached them. They didn't seem to know what they were doing."

"Why didn't you go after them?" Niall asked

"Do you see what I'm dealing with?" Danny asked, annoyed, as he pointed to Daisy, who was calmer as Sofia and Emily whispered things in her ear.

"I just I'm so scared... all the time..." Daisy cried, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Of what?" Danny growled, stepping towards her, pushing Sofia and Emily to the side, "You know I'd never let anything happen to you..."

"You can't exactly protect me from everything, Danny," Daisy scoffed at him.

"Wanna bet?" Danny asked, as he grabbed her, pulling her towards him, surprising everyone.

"Are they together now?" Sofia whispered to Emily, Emily shrugging.

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you, Dais," Danny said, "Okay, I promise..."

"I just..." Daisy started to say, her voice sounding unsure.

"Have I kept you safe this far?" Danny asked, raising his eyebrows at her, his hands gripped tightly to her hips.

"Yes," Daisy said, nodding her head.

"Do you trust me?" Danny asked, his voice quiet, everyone turning from them, feeling like they were intruding on a private moment.

"Yes," Daisy said, nodding again.

"Then trust me when I tell you, I will never let anything happen to you, you are too important to me,"
Danny said.

"Okay," Daisy said, her voice quiet as they stared at each other, before suddenly realizing where they were and what they were doing, and they ripped apart
from each other.

Danny cleared his throat, "I ... uh, have to go... um..."

"Do something manly?" Louis suggested, ignoring Eleanor's nudge to his ribs.

"Yes!" Danny cried, "Anyone up for lifting weights? Really, big, heavy weights?" Everyone laughed, as he hurried out of the room, leaving Daisy red cheeked and embarrassed.

"Come on," Sofia said, pulling both Emily and Daisy with her, "I want to go into the hot tub and relieve some of this stress. Where's the wine?"


Harry was in the kitchen, it was late and everyone was asleep. He had snuck out of his own bed, not able to fall asleep. He put on a kettle, and waited for the water to boil as he sat in the dark kitchen, wishing that he could get his anxious thoughts to go away so he could get much needed sleep. But, he couldn't sleep, so here he was. Just waiting for something to happen, because he couldn't shake this feeling that he was supposed to be awake for something.

Things had been so chaotic lately, that he was almost grateful for the peace and quiet that came with the darkness. Usually he felt the most peaceful when he was in bed with Sofia but the last few nights, she had just caused him more anxiety. But, she wasn't the only one. Everyone else in the house was causing him anxiety too, and he was just sick of hearing their voices all the time. He just wanted quiet, even if it came at 1 in the morning and he had to seek it out himself. Harry took a deep sigh, and leaned down in the chair to relax. But the relaxation didn't last long, because he soon heard a shuffling. Well, it was more like a stumbling, and soon Zayn was in the kitchen.

"What the hell are you doing?" Harry asked, as Zayn passed him without noticing. Zayn jumped, spinning, and clutching his heart.

"Jesus Christ, Harry," Zayn mumbled, "Don't fucking do shit like that."

Harry noticed the bag on his shoulder, and the almost empty bottle of vodka in his hand, along with his car keys. Harry stood up, glaring at Zayn.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked, his voice low, "What the bloody hell do you think your doing?"

"I told you, Harry," Zayn hissed, "I'm leaving." Zayn turned to leave, but Harry was too fast for him, slamming him up against the fridge.

"Get off!" Zayn growled, the vodka bottle crashing to the floor, but Zayn still had a tight grip on his keys, even though Harry was trying to his hardest to pry them out of his hands.

"Give me the keys, Zayn," Harry hissed, "I'm not playing around with you."

"Bog off," Zayn growled, shoving Harry off of him, "You and I both know this is for the best... stop pretending like you give a fuck what happens to me." Zayn made a move towards the door, but Harry had grabbed him again, shoving him harder and keeping him pushed against the fridge with his forearm.

"Listen to me, you fucking asshole," Harry hissed, "I may be pissed as hell at you, and I may want to punch your fucking perfect face in every time I see it. But you are still my best mate, and I'll be damned if I let you kill yourself by driving drunk."

"Harry, get the fuck off of me," Zayn growled, but he knew he was losing the fight.

"Give me the keys," Harry insisted, his green eyes determined, and his forearm keeping a good grip on Zayn. He listened as Zayn sighed, and felt as his hand loosened, dropping the keys into Harry's hands. Harry stepped back from him, putting the keys in his pocket. Zayn stood there awkwardly, not really sure what do.

"Sit down," Harry said, "I'll make you some tea..."

"What is it with you people and tea?" Zayn mumbled, but he sat down anyway. Harry chose to ignore the statement, and made the two of them cups of tea. He placed Zayn's tea down in front of him, and took a seat across from him. The two didn't say anything for a while, both awkwardly sipping on their tea.

"I'm sorry I kissed her," Zayn said, finally. Harry looked up at him, staying silent, "I really am, man. I don't... I wasn't thinking. And that's no excuse. But I just saw Emily with another guy, and I lost my mind. And Sofia showed up, and I just..."

"I'm gonna ask you something and I want you to tell me the truth. Do you have feelings for her?" Harry asked, ignoring Zayn's apology and asking what he really wanted to know.

"Who was your first love, Harry?" Zayn asked, catching Harry by surprise.

"What?" Harry asked, "Sofia, of course..."

"No, she's your first real love. But who was your first love?" Zayn asked

"Her name was Ellis," Harry said, "We were young.. and it didn't last long.."

"But you thought it would last forever? And it was perfect?" Zayn asked

"Yeah," Harry nodded, "But it wasn't a real relationship. We were naïve and young..."

"Do you think about her?" Zayn asked, Harry looked at him, eyes narrowed, and though wondering where he was going with this.

"Yeah," Harry nodded.

"Are there still feelings there?" Zayn asked, Harry had to think about that question.

"Yeah, I guess there are..." Harry said slowly,

"But not anything that would come of anything," Zayn said, and Harry nodded, still wondering where he was going.

"Sofia was my first love, Haz," Zayn explained, "And I will always have feelings for her. Because you usually do always carry feelings for the first person you fall for – no matter how young and naïve. And it's because they are the only person that gets your whole heart, untouched and not damaged."

"So what are you saying?" Harry growled

"But the thing about your first love is, they usually don't last. And there's a reason for that. So, as much as there are feelings there, you come to realize that... those feelings are just that. Feelings."

"But you acted on them..." Harry said

"Because I was hurt, and I thought I could find refuge in Sofia, because I always have before. I went around it the wrong way, I admit that. But when I kissed her, it wasn't because of hormones or lust or love, Harry. It was because I desperately needed someone to make me forget what I just saw downstairs."

"Emily and that guy..." Harry said, his voice slow, as he listened to Zayn.

"Yeah," Zayn said, nodding his head.

"You really love her, huh?" Harry asked, his eyes holding sympathy.

"I thought when Sofia left, that would be the worst feeling I would ever feel in my life," Zayn said, "I was so lost and so angry and so... broken. I didn't think I could ever feel worse then that. But, hearing Emily say she hated me... that was the worst thing I've ever experienced in my life. I've never felt a pain like that, ever."

"You're very open suddenly, for someone who has refused to talk..." Harry said, taking a sip of his tea.

"Yeah, well.. not talking just made a mess of things, didn't it?" Zayn said, looking away from Harry.

"That and you're very drunk," Harry said, chuckling a bit.

"So fucking drunk, man..." Zayn mumbled. Suddenly the light flicked on, and Louis, Niall, and Liam came shuffling in – with guns.

"What the fuck?" Harry spat, throwing his hands up in defense.

"We heard voices..." Louis said, annoyed, "Can't believe I got out of bed for this..."

"Everything alright in here?" Niall asked, his voice unsure. Zayn glanced at Harry, who took a minute to answer.

"Yeah, we're alright," Harry said, "You boys want some tea?"

"Might as well, since we're up.." Liam said, "David should be up soon anyway..."

The boys all sat at the table, quietly, each making their tea or sipping on their tea. A comfortable silence falling over the five friends, who didn't feel the need to speak.

"This is nice, boys," Louis finally said, "Maybe we could do it at a normal hour some time..."


"We have a problem," Liam said, walking into the kitchen the next morning, while everyone fixed themselves breakfast.

"What's up?" Harry asked, as he reached over Sofia to grab some milk.

"Emily left before all of us woke up to go to the bakery, I think she went by herself..." Liam said, holding
up a note.

"So?" Eleanor said, "She could probably use some time alone."

"El, this note says 5 am, and said she'd be back by 6. It's 9," Liam said, causing everyone to look up at him concerned.

"What?" Zayn hissed, grabbing the note from him to read it.

"Call her," Sofia said, trying not to get too worried.

"I did, several times," Liam said, "It's going right to voicemail."

"Something's wrong," Sofia said, "Emily wouldn't just leave and she would pick up her phone."

"Hence the, 'we have a problem,'" Liam snapped, "I'm going out to look for her, we'll start at the bakery."

"We'll all go..." Danielle said, jumping up.

"No, you and Eleanor stay here with David, and Danny," Liam said, "Just in case..."
"And the rest of us?" Sofia asked, as she through on her coat, watching as everyone scrambled for keys and guns.

"Niall and Louis, you take the main roads and high ways," Liam said, "Look for her car, look for anything suspicious.. you know the deal. Ella you go with them, just in case she's hurt and needs help."

"Got it," Ella said, following Niall out of the kitchen, as Louis gave Eleanor a kiss.

"And us?" Sofia asked, as Harry handed her a handgun.

"We're going into town," Liam said, "We'll split up there, and cover all our bases. If she's run away, she couldn't have gotten far. And if it's foul play, we'll have to retrace the steps anyway."

"Well, let's go!" Zayn barked, rushing out of the house, with Harry, Sofia, and Liam right behind him.

It wasn't long before they were speeding towards town, looking for any signs of Emily or the car.

"Zayn, slow down," Liam hissed from the front, as Zayn drove manically.

"Shut up, Liam," Zayn growled, taking a tight turn too fast and sending them all flying.

"Zayn! It won't help her much if we don't get there in one piece," Sofia said from the backseat, as she tried calling Emily's phone again.

"I'll never forgive myself if she's not okay..." Zayn whispered, so low that he didn't think anyone heard him.

"Zayn, I'm sure she's fine," Harry said, "We might be totally over reacting here."

"Don't do that," Zayn snapped, "Don't try and make me feel better about this. I don't deserve it."

"Zayn, you just need to calm down," Liam said, putting his hand on his friends shoulders, as they pulled into the main strip of the little mountain town, "We need you to be on top of your game right now. Emily needs you to be on top of your game right now and if you're working yourself up, you won't be able to do that."

Suddenly a phone rang, and Harry picked it up.

"Anything?" he asked, and Sofia could hear Louis through the phone, "We just pulled into town, I would try back roads too, you never know. Right. Yeah, okay. Bye"

"Well?" Zayn asked, looking into the rearview

"Nothing, so far," Harry said, his voice sad.

"STOP!" Sofia screeched, and the car came to a halting stop, sending them all flying forward

"What?" Liam cried, whipping out his gun.

"That's her car!" Sofia cried, she didn't even wait for Zayn to park, as she opened the car door and ran over. Zayn parked quickly, before they rushed out after her.

"It's still locked," Sofia said, her voice desperate. All four of them looked around the streets.

"Where the hell could she have gone on foot?" Harry asked

"Do you think she got a bus?" Liam asked, glancing at his sister.

"No!" Zayn cried, "I know, Emily. She wouldn't do that. No matter how upset she was."

"He's right," Sofia said, "She wouldn't. And the bus doesn't come here. If she got a bus, this isn't where her car would be."

"Everyone split up," Liam growled, "Harry and Sofia, you asked around shops. I'll go to the bakery, see if she even made it there. Zayn, you..."

But Zayn was already running down the street in search for Emily, leaving the 3 of them behind.

"Be careful!" Liam cried after him, "Stay alert!"

Liam turned back to Harry and Sofia, who were pulling out their guns, and ready to go.

"Same for you two, stay alert," Liam said, before turning and running towards the bakery. Harry didn't say anything, as he grabbed Sofia's hands, pulling her towards a shop.

They had gone into three shops, none of them had seen any sign of Emily. When asked if there had been any trouble or disturbance, everyone denied it. No one had seen or heard from Emily that morning, and all of them seemed to think that Harry and Sofia were crazy for over reacting.

"What now?" Sofia asked, feeling defeated, "No one has seen her... what the hell happened?"

"Let's try in there..." Harry said, pointing to a shop down the road. He grabbed Sofia's hand, but he didn't make it far before she let out a scream. Harry turned his head, to see Sofia running away from him and towards a dark figure coming out of an alley way.

"Emily!" Sofia shrieked as she ran forward, and it was then that Harry realized that the dark figure was Zayn, and he was a carrying someone.

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