"Don't Forget Who Taught You All The Tricks"

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"You look like shit," Louis said dryly, as he stared at Sofia who was looking anywhere but him. Danny sat down on a chair, and decided to sit down and watch the show that was sure to happen. He almost wished he had popcorn, because he knew Louis was determined to walk out with Sofia, and he knew that Sofia was about to put up one hell of a fight.

"Stop looking for a way to escape," Louis growled, "There is no way out... unless you go out the window..."

"Which I'm thinking about," Sofia snapped back, "How did you find me? What do you want?"

"I didn't find you," Louis said, "I had a job at the bar you were at last night..."

"Fuck, I knew it," hissed Sofia, as she looked towards the kitchen, before looking back at Louis. She broke out into a sprint, but Louis was too fast for her, and he got to the house phone she was eying before she did. Louis grabbed her with one arm, swinging her back, and grabbed the phone with another.

"That was stupid," Louis growled, throwing the phone over to Danny who caught it. Louis shoved Sofia against the wall, and Sofia glared up at him.

"Get the fuck out of my flat," Sofia growled.

"I don't think so," Louis said, "Now promise me you won't do anything else stupid, and I won't hurt you."

"Fuck you," Sofia spat out, and Louis shoved her again, pinning her against the wall.

"I suggest you play nice, Sofia," Louis hissed, "Cause I'm already ready to beat you senseless, and your attitude isn't helping."

"What do you want Louis?" Sofia growled, shoving him away from her as she stepped around him and walked through the kitchen.

"You know what I want," Louis snapped, as he followed her, "Don't play dumb."

"I'm not going back," Sofia growled, turning back to him.

"That's cute," Louis said, leaning against the doorway.

"What?" Sofia hissed

"The fact that you think you have a choice," Louis growled

"Louis, you can't make me go back," Sofia growled, as she tried to walk away from him.

"You underestimate me," Louis spat out, grabbing her, and shaking her.

"Get off, GET OFF!" Sofia screamed, Louis slammed her against the wall, covering her mouth with his hand.

"You're making this difficult, Sofia," Louis growled, "I don't want to fucking hurt you..."

"Louis man, just fucking knock her out and let's go," Danny said, as he stepped towards the door, Sofia looked up at Louis her eyes wide with fear.

"Are you gonna scream again?" Louis growled, "Because I brought something that could knock you out, and I could drag you out of here... or you can co-operate." He let go of her mouth, and Sofia closed her mouth.

"I can't go back," Sofia whispered, looking up at him, "Please don't do this. Just leave and let me go..."

"Not a chance in hell," Louis growled, "Not only would Liam kill me if he found out, but so would Harry..."

'Louis, please," Sofia hissed, "I don't want to go back."

"I don't really give a fuck what you want," Louis snapped, shoving her back, and slapping her hard. The anger and confusion all coming out of him as he heard her say that she didn't want to go home with him. He was hoping that it wouldn't go like this. He was hoping that Sofia would see him, fall into his arms crying, and tell him why she left and that all she wanted was to come home. But she was putting up a fight, and so far Louis couldn't see a glimpse of her regretting what she did.

Sofia gasped, grabbing her face, tears threatening to fall. It was the first time Louis had ever hit her, and she was in shock. She looked up at him. She knew that her words would hurt him, maybe even make him angry, but she didn't expect him to hit her. If it were anyone else, maybe. But not Louis. She was hoping to play to Louis's soft side, she was hoping that if she begged him not to take her home, he would leave her. She was hoping that she could play to his soft side, but so far she hadn't seen any part of Louis's soft side.

"If I have to use force, I will," Louis growled, his eyes hard, but Sofia could see that he was sorry, "I don't want to, but I will."

"Louis –" Sofia choked out

"You don't have a choice in this! YOU KNOW THAT!" Louis yelled, "I HAVE TO BRING YOU BACK!" Sofia said nothing, but she jumped at his loud voice.

"Pack your shit," Louis growled, "And write a note to get your roommate off your back, I don't care what you say. I figure you've gotten really good at lying. You have 10 minutes."

"You want to take me, Louis," Sofia growled, "Fine. But I won't go willingly and I sure as hell won't make it easier for you. Like I said, go fuck yourself."

Louis growled but grabbed her arms and dragged her into the living room, where he through her towards Danny.

"I'm going to pack a bag," Louis hissed, "Don't let her fucking move..."

Danny nodded, looking over at Sofia and shaking his head. Sofia wasn't looking at him, and Danny could tell that she was trying to think of a way out of this.

"Don't bother," Danny said, leaning back against the couch, "Don't forget who taught you all your tricks."


Louis Tomlinson had made his way into Sofia's bedroom, finding a bag in the closet, where he began to shove clothes inside. He moved towards the drawers, where he found more clothes, along with her engagement ring, and pictures.

"I knew she missed us," she whispered to himself, as he threw everything into the bag. As he put the bag on her bed, he made his way into the bathroom, passing a trashcan. As he looked down, he noticed several empty liquor bottles thrown inside. Louis sighed, reaching down and picking up the bottles, knowing that Harry had also been making his way through alcohol, but as far as Louis knew, he wasn't drinking it right out of the bottle.

Louis moved his way into her bathroom, going through the drawers and putting the toiletries on the counter so that he could pack them in the bag later. He was thinking about what to do about the roommate and the people that would sure to file Sofia as a missing person when he opened the bottom drawer. Every bone in Louis's body went cold as he opened a drawer full of pills. Picking them up, he read Prozac, it was prescribed to her. Picking up the other bottles, he realized that her name wasn't on the pill bottles. He read Xanax, and a Percocet, causing him to choke on his own breath.

Picking himself up, he looked around the bathroom, his eyes narrowing on every surface as he looked for more evidence. It was then that he saw a tile that seemed to be off from the other. Louis walked over to the tile, pushing it back. His fists clenched as he picked up a baggy full of weed and he noticed another baggy full of a powder substance.

"Coke," he hissed, standing up and looking at every surface of the bathroom. He didn't see anything, but Louis wasn't done yet. He made his way back into her bedroom, looking on every surface of the furniture that was there. It was when he got to the bedside table that he got what he was looking for. She had left powder on the table, there for anyone to see.

Louis stormed out of the bedroom towards the living room where he found Sofia standing a counter in the kitchen. Before she could move, he had her by the throat slammed up against the wall.

"IS THIS IT, HUH?!" he yelled, holding up the drugs, "IS THIS WHY YOU LEFT?! YOU'RE ON DRUGS?! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING?!"

Sofia struggled against him, her eyes on the drugs, as Louis held her tighter.

"IS THIS WHY?!" Louis screamed, "YOU BECAME A FUCKING CRACK WHORE, HUH?!" Sofia didn't try to talk as she tried to push Louis' hands off her neck.


"Louis man, you're gonna hurt her," Danny said calmly from behind them, "Louis, you don't want to hurt her! LOUIS!" Danny yelled, as he grabbed Louis, Louis let her go, Sofia fell forward, breathing as she put her hands on her knees.

"What the fuck is this shit, Sofia?" Danny hissed, Sofia didn't answer as she stood back up.

"I THINK HE ASKED YOU A QUESTION," Louis screamed, lunging at her again.

"It's exactly what it looks like," Sofia hissed, dodging Louis, looking at
both of them and cocking her eyebrow.

"How could you be so stupid?!" Danny growled, "How long?" Sofia didn't say anything.

"HOW FUCKING LONG, SOFIA?!" Danny yelled, Sofia still didn't say anything.

"You ran off to become a crack whore?" Louis hissed at her, "When did you get hooked? On a job? Did you try it for fun, or was it another one of your attempts to rebel?" Sofia stayed silent, sighing as she looked away from him.

"Change your mind about bringing me home?" Sofia said, looking back at him, attitude in her arms, her head cocked to the side. Louis's eyes narrowed and hardened.

"You think I'm gonna leave you here to kill yourself?" Louis hissed, laughing, "I know you know me better then that..."

He grabbed her again, shoving her against the wall, Sofia looked past him. Louis grabbed her face, forcing her to look at him.

"Are you high now?" he hissed, staring into her eyes, his hands tightened on her chin, as she tried to look away from him, she tried to push him off her. Louis grabbed her arms, dragging her to the bathroom. Danny followed them, wondering what Louis was doing next. Louis turned to Danny, as he held a struggling Sofia.

"Get rid it all," Louis said, nodding towards the toilet, "Dump it all."

"DANNY DON'T!" Sofia yelled, as Danny through the pills and powder into the toilet, "DANNY STOP IT! STOP!"

Danny looked at Sofia who had just started to express emotion, before looking at Louis who seemed just as disturbed by her behavior.

"Who are you?" Danny asked her, his eyes disappointed and disgusted.

"Flush it," Louis hissed, dragging Sofia out of the bathroom and back towards the kitchen, "Danny the bag is on the bed."

He shoved Sofia towards the counter, she looked up at him, glaring and angry.

"You asshole!" she hissed, "WHY ARE YOU HERE?!"

"Write the note, Sofia," Louis said, ignoring her, as he placed a paper and pen in front of her.

"No," she hissed

"WRITE THE DAMN NOTE!" Louis screamed, making Sofia jump. She stared up at him, determination in her eyes.

"Listen to me," Louis hissed, "You are coming home. I don't care that I have to drag you back there kicking and screaming, I don't care that I'm bringing back a drug addict, and I don't care if you make this the most difficult thing in the world for me. YOU. ARE. COMING. HOME."

"Sofia, what the hell happened?" Danny asked, as he came back into the kitchen.

"I don't have to answer your fucking questions," Sofia hissed.

"Write the note, Sofia," Louis growled, "Write the note before I beat the shit out of you and make you write the note." Sofia looked up at him, and everything in Louis's eyes told her that he wasn't bluffing. His eyes were hard and cold. He looked angry and disappointed, but he also looked confused and hurt. And she could see that he was worried. But she could also see that he was a half a second away from beating the shit out of her.

"Sofia just write the note," Danny said quietly from across the kitchen.

Sofia sighed, but she picked up the pen and paper, scribbling that she had left to go see old friends and that she would be in contact and home soon. She put the pen down, before looking back up at Louis.

"There," she hissed.

"You got a dealer that's gonna come looking for you?" Louis asked, his eyes hard. Sofia didn't say anything, rolling her eyes. Louis grabbed her.

"Listen to me," Louis hissed, "We've got kids now, Sofia. David is in our house, and El's pregnant..."

"El's pregnant?" Sofia gasped, looking up at him.

"You've missed a lot," Louis said coldly, "If you have a dealer that will come looking for you, tell me now. I'm not losing my wife and kid over your stupidity..."

"No one will come looking," Sofia growled.

"How I can believe you?" Louis spat.

"He won't come looking!" Sofia spat back, her eyes flashing with anger.

"So you do have a dealer?" Louis growled, "Was it who you were with this afternoon?"

"I don't have to answer your questions," Sofia spat out, breathing deeply, "Don't make assumptions, Louis. You don't know shit."

"Fuck you, Sofia," Louis hissed, "Let's go." He said, as he nodded towards the door, "You try and run or scream, I promise you, you will fucking regret it." And with that he grabbed her arm, dragging her out of the flat, and back home, just like he said he would.


The ride home was a silent one, Sofia staring out the window from the passenger seat. This is exactly what she didn't want. She didn't want to see the looks on their faces when they found out what she had become. She couldn't face the anger or the disappointment. Seeing Louis as angry as he had when he found the drugs made Sofia sick, but she couldn't show him like that. She wouldn't show them how broken she was, she wouldn't give them the truth. Louis thought he had everything figured out, but he didn't. She would let him believe what he wanted to believe, because he would hate her even more if she knew the truth. As the area around her became more familiar, Sofia's stomach became tighter and tighter. She didn't want to face anyone from home. She didn't want to see them. How could she possibly face them?

Louis continued to drive, his knuckles white as he gripped the steering wheel. He was thinking back to the months before Sofia left, were there any signs? What had he missed? Sofia had been a lot of things over the years, but never in his wildest dreams would he imagine that she would get into drugs. She had brought down so many drug dealers, she knew how getting involved in things like that could destroy lives, and families. She knew how they felt about drugs, Liam killed anyone who was even suspected of getting involved in.

"How long have you been on coke?" Louis asked softly, glancing over at her. Sofia continued to look out the window.

"Leave me alone, Louis," Sofia replied, she didn't look at him.

"No," Louis growled, "How far deep are you in this? How much trouble are you in? Did you leave to protect us, or because you couldn't get off of them? You know coke is addicting, so what? You tried it one night at the club, one last hoorah before you walked down the isle, and you couldn't get off."

"Coke isn't my drug of choice, Louis," Sofia said, as she sighed and continued to look out the window, "Stop acting like you know anything about me anymore."

"I found the coke, I saw the powder on your bed side table," Louis growled, "Don't try and make me look stupid..."

"Stop fucking talking," Sofia hissed, "I'm not answering your
questions, stop fucking asking."

"Don't talk to me like that," Louis growled, "Maybe your little independent life made you forget, but as of right now, you're back under us and you will watch your fucking mouth cause if you think any of us will think twice about putting you back in your fucking place."

"As far as I'm aware, my brother is still the boss, not you," Sofia hissed, "And right now, Liam isn't the one asking me the questions, it's you. I don't owe you anything."

"I don't think you really mean that," Louis hissed, looking at her, "I think you know you owe us all a lot. And the least of it is an explanation." Sofia didn't say anything, she just looked at him for a second before she turned back to looking out of the window. Sofia realized that he was now pulling up to their street. Louis heard as her breath caught.


"I'm home," Louis called, walking in the front door. Sofia was struggling against him, trying to get out of his tight grip, Danny behind them. They could hear people in the living room. Louis walked into the living room, where he noticed everyone was awake.

"And I brought someone with me," Louis said, pushing Sofia forward. The entire living room froze, staring at her. Sofia looked up, her eyes first meeting Emily's.

"Oh my god," she heard someone gasp, before she felt arms around her, Sofia stumbled back, as she felt her body being squeezed tight.

"I knew it," Eleanor said, as she stepped back from hugging Sofia, Daisy was with her, both looking at her with tears in their eyes. They were the only two to move, everyone else had stayed still. Sofia lightly pushed Eleanor off her, stepping back, and looking around.

It was Liam who moved first, Sofia looked up at him but didn't have enough time to move before he hit her, sending her flying to the floor.

"LIAM!" she heard Danielle gasp, but Liam was standing over her, as Sofia looked up at him, her eyes not showing fear but stubbornness.

"Where the hell have you been?" he seethed at her, pulling her up and grabbing her arm tightly. Sofia didn't say anything.

"ANSWER ME SOFIA!" he screamed, lifting his arm up again, Sofia struggled against him. But someone pulled him off, Sofia went flying back, but a pair of arms caught her.

"GET OFF ME!" Liam yelled, at Louis who was holding him back.

"LIAM," Louis yelled, "I have to talk to you. Now. Right now."

"We can talk later," Liam snapped, still staring at Sofia, who wasn't looking at him.

"NO! NOW!" Louis yelled, "You need to know some things." Liam looked up at Louis, before nodding.

"Keep her here," Liam said, looking at Daisy and Danny, "Boys – my office – now." Liam growled, Louis followed him. Niall seemed to snap out of his shock and followed the two of them, and Zayn was still staring at Sofia, who pushed away who was holding her, she turned to see who had caught her and her breath caught as she looked up into his familiar green eyes. Harry just looked down at her, before following Louis into Liam's office, grabbing Zayn as he went.

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