"I Have A Story For You"

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"Sof," Harry whispered, before kissing her neck, "Sofia, wake up..."

"Go away," Sofia mumbled, mostly into her pillow, making Harry chuckle above her.

"Come on," Harry said softly, "I made breakfast, and Birdie is already running around like a crazy person..."

"I told you, we need to get a leash," Sofia said, her eyes still closed, listening carefully to what sounded like Birdie knocking over a toy in the living room. It had been 2 weeks since Sofia had brought her home, and she was adjusting well. It was almost as though she had been there the whole time. She was most connected to Sofia, but Danielle quickly came in second because Birdie could not get enough of David. All of them took it in stride, and for the most part it had been easy sailing.

Harry had gotten more comfortable too, and while he wasn't sure the easy sailing would last much longer, he was surer about the decision to allow Birdie to stay with them. Birdie was still fearful and scared, which often kept her obedient but she was beginning to push boundaries, and that's where Harry's worries lie. Right now, they could for the most part, all be friends to her – but there would come a time where she would need a parental figure and Harry wasn't quite sure if him and Sofia were the ones to fill that.

Harry continued to kiss her neck, causing Sofia to flip on her back, so that she was looking up at him. Smiling sleepily up at him, she grabbed the back of his neck, and pulled him into a deep kiss.

"Good morning," he mumbled, before kissing her again.

"Are you guys –" a voice said, as their door swung up, pulling them apart, "Ew. Are you kissing again?" Birdie groaned, her face showing a lot of disgust, causing Sofia to laugh.

Harry groaned, rolling off of Sofia, and pushing himself on one hand to stare at the little girl who was staring at them at the door.

"I'm telling you, Sofia..." Harry said, "There is still time to trade her in..."

"Trade her in?" Sofia asked, looking up at Harry, her voice interested.

"Yes! Trade her in!" Harry said, "With a kid who sleeps in, and knocks before entering, and lets me kiss you!"

"But Harry," Sofia said, her voice concerned, "She's just so cute!"

"I'll take an ugly kid, if they let me kiss you," Harry said, seriously, before looking up at Birdie, "That's it kid, you're times up. We're trading you in!"

"Harrrrrrrrry," Birdie groaned, hands on her hips looking unamused, which caused Sofia to laugh hard.

"I think she knows your game," Sofia said to Harry, whose eyes were now twinkling with amusement.

"What if I mean it this time?" he said to Birdie, who was now running towards their bed.

"You don't," Birdie said, smiling, as she climbed up, "Besides, Uncle Lou said he'd trade you in first!"

"HA!" Sofia laughed loudly, throwing her head back

"He did not!" Harry protested, as Birdie walked over to him, grabbing his shoulders and looking at him seriously.

"Did too," Birdie said

"Guess she's here to stay," Sofia said, before sitting up in bed, "Did you eat?"

"Harry made eggs," Birdie said, nodding

"Did you finish them?" Harry asked

"Kind of..." Birdie said, looking innocent

"Kind of?" Sofia asked, "Come on, let's go finish up breakfast. We need fuel for today."

"What's today?" Harry asked, as he followed them, getting out of bed.

"We can't tell you," Birdie said, looking up at Harry with a cheeky grin that reminded Harry of Sofia.

"Whys that?" Harry asked, as he watched Birdie climb on to the stool, sitting in front of her plate again.

"Because, it's a secret..." Birdie said seriously, "Sofia said so."

"You have her keeping secrets from me?" Harry asked, playing annoyed.

"Of course I do," Sofia said, as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

"Can I eat this in front of the TV?" Birdie asked. Sofia opened her mouth to say yes, but Harry beat her.

"No," Harry said, "You can eat it right here with us..." Sofia tried not laugh at his fatherly tone, but Birdie didn't argue. Although Harry could see that she wanted to.

The three of them sat eating, Birdie chatting about her latest drawing on the fridge. Harry was convinced that it was a cat, while Birdie insisted that it was him.

"So, you guys clearly have a day planned.." Harry said, "Where are you going?"

"Out," Sofia said, "But later, after I get a shower and everything..."

"Out? Out where?" Harry asked, his eyes furrowed.

"None of your business, birthday boy," Sofia said, glancing up at him. Harry opened his mouth to reply, but Louis walking in interrupted them, he looked a bit panicked before smiling cheekily at the scene in front of him.

"Well, isn't this adorable?" Louis asked, a knowing smile on his face, which caused both Sofia and Harry to roll their eyes.

"Ever heard of knocking, Lou?" Harry asked

"He's going to trade you in Uncle Lou," Birdie said, although she didn't look up from her plate, "Harry likes when people knock." Louis snorted at the child, who was picking at the toast Sofia just put in front of her.

"Believe me, I'm not getting traded," Louis said, before looking at harry, "We uh... got that lead..." Sofia's head snapped up as she watched the look that Harry and Lou shared.

"Now?" Harry asked

"Yeah, the other boys are waiting in the car..." Louis said

"What lead?" Sofia asked

"Nothing," Harry said, shaking his head at her

"Harry, what lead?" Sofia growled

"You won't like it..." Louis said

"Lou!" Harry protested

"Why won't I like it?" Sofia asked, but she wasn't looking at Louis, her eyes were fixed on Harry, who sighed and pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose.

"James," Harry said

"James Belfie?" Sofia asked, her eyes furrowed, "You're going after James Belfie?!"

"Not going after," Louis said, "We got him."

"I'm going," Sofia said, as she stood up

"No you aren't," Harry growled, "Just stay here..." he moved towards the door, "I'll fill you in when I get

"Harry!" Sofia protested, but he was already out the door, leaving a very frustrated with Louis who was trying to look everywhere but her.


Sofia had just finished getting Birdie ready to go for the day, and was in the main kitchen, trying to convince her that David could stay at home with Danielle while they went out. Louis and Eleanor were at the table discussing James.

"He walked right into it," Louis said, shaking his head, "It's like he wanted to get caught..." Sofia's head snapped up at the words. She glanced up at Emily, who was in the living room, before looking at Louis.

"You know what, Birdie," Sofia said, "I'm going to go with Em to the grocery store, and you can stay here with David, and I'll come back for you and we can go shopping."

"Okay," Birdie agreed easily.

"You're going grocery shopping?" Eleanor asked, confused

"For Harry," Sofia said, "His birthday and everything." She walked out of the kitchen before anyone could ask any more questions. Walking towards Emily, she glanced around.

"I need you to come with me," Sofia said, "to the grocery store."

"The grocery store?" Emily asked, confused

"Yup," Sofia said, popping her p.

"Okay," Emily said, shrugging although she was still confused.

"I'll meet you in the car, hurry," Sofia said, grabbing her keys before walking out of the house.

It wasn't long before the two of them were driving, Emily switching through the radio stations, as Sofia kept her hands gripped on the steering wheel silently.

"Um, this isn't the way to the grocery store," Emily said, looking around.

"Yeah, we aren't going to the grocery store..." Sofia said, not taking her eyes off the road

"What?" Emily asked

"We're going to James Belfies house," Sofia said

"WHAT?" Emily exploded

"It's where the boys are," Sofia explained

"I know that," Emily hissed, "But I don't think they want us there..."

"I'm aware," Sofia said, her voice calm.

"Sofia, we should not –" Emily started

"In the glove compartment is a hand gun," Sofia said, nodding towards it, as she pulled on to the street where James lived. Pulling into the driveway, she put the car in park, before pulling her own gun out.

"You can stay out here," Sofia said, "Or you can follow me in, be my backup – just in case..."

"Oh my god, you're serious," Emily said, her eyes wide and angry

"Very," Sofia said, her voice still casual, "You coming?"

Emily groaned, but she took the gun off safety, and followed Sofia out of the car. They walked toward the front door, Sofia reaching out to open it. While Emily gasped at the two bodies on the floor, Sofia ignored them, moving into the house. It was the sound of Liam yelling that gave them away. Sofia motioned for Emily to follow her, and Sofia walked towards the office of James Belfie. Pushing the door open, 4 guns turned on her as she saw James tied up to a chair.

"Well isn't this a cute little reunion," Sofia said, glancing at the guns that were now being put down.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Zayn growled, looking past Sofia at Emily

"I tricked her," Sofia said, not taking her eyes off of James who was sporting several bruises on his face.

"And you?" Harry spat, "What are you doing here?!"

"Let me guess," Sofia said, stepping into the office, "He's not talking..."

"He will be soon," Liam growled

"No he won't," Sofia said, "Not to you, anyway..."

"What?" Liam barked. Sofia watched as James grinned looking up at her.

"You're not stupid James," Sofia said, "You know how to get into town without getting caught... but you did get caught. Almost like you wanted to..." James didn't say anything, just looked at her.

"Sofia..." Niall grumbled, but Sofia ignored him

"So, you want to tell me something?" Sofia asked, "Is it coming from you or Sikes?"

"It's a warning," James said, the first words he had said. Sofia grinned, before sighing.

"I love a good warning," Sofia said, "But before you start – let me tell you something. You have two choices here. I'll let you give me whatever warning you want... but you will either join us in our fight against Sikes, or you'll die..."

"Oh yeah?" James asked, "And you're sure you want to go up against him?"

"I have a lot resting on this," Sofia said, seriously, as she leaned against the desk

"You mean the little girl?" James asked, surprising Sofia, "Come on, Sofia... you really think your mummy material? Why do you think you lost your first one, you aren't mummy material... don't kid yourself..."

"Watch it," Harry growled, stepping toward him, but Sofia put her hand out, stopping him.

"Leave him," Sofia said, "He can say what he
wants. He doesn't know anything."

"Really?" James asked, grinning evilly, "I know a
lot more then you think..."

"Like what?" Sofia asked

"Like, that you're gonna go up against Sikes, and you're gonna lose. Everything," James said

"You seem awfully confident of that," Sofia said, "I guess you would be though, because you were too cowardly to fight him – so you joined him...."

"Cowardly?" James asked, "Smart, I would say..."

"Smart?" Sofia asked, "Is that what you call this?"

"Enough of this," Liam said, "Let's just kill him, he doesn't know shit."

"You're right," James said, "I don't know anything that's gonna help you out. But I do have a story for you, just to tell you what you're up against..."

"Fuck this," Zayn growled, raising his gun. But Sofia stood, stopping him.

"Put that down," Sofia said, "He came here for something. The least we can do is let him talk..." she looked at James, before grabbing a chair, and throwing her legs up on the desk, "Besides, I love scary stories..."


"You know, Sofia," James said, "You always were your daddy's favorite." Sofia snorted, rolling her eyes.

"You don't know shit about my dad...."

"Oh, but I do," James said, "See.. Liam here may have been his boy and his first-born. But, let's face it,
Sofia... the real Payne blood went to you..."

"What are you talking about?" Sofia hissed

"Come on, Sof, don't be modest. You have the best shot; you can take any grown man in hand-to-hand. You can lie your way through anything, your cunning, and impulsive. And you always get the job done, no matter what. And everyone knew that. Here you were, this kid, this girl... but you scared people. And your dad loved it, and he knew it..."

"Shut up, James," Liam growled

"Don't get jealous, Liam," James said, "Daddy knew that you would always be a family man. From the minute Danielle came into the picture. You had a chance at normal. But Sofia, come on, as far as your dad was concerned, you were gonna be the reason the Payne's stayed in power..."

"Bullshit," Sofia snapped

"It's true. Come on, you're dad didn't give a shit what you did, unless it interfered with a job. You're the smartest, and you have the most raw talent. And Daddy Payne knew that. Since he's been gone, these guys have tamed you a bit – but we all remember how crazy you were, Sofia. You weren't going to settle down. You're dad had you trained. And you were one of the best – even if you were a girl..."

"Yeah, so my dad lacked parenting skills..." Sofia scoffed, "That's not exactly news..."

"No, but this might be..." James said, "You were hot property. People wanted you. You were hot, you were brilliant, you could shoot a gun like nobodies business, and you had never failed at a job. People came making your dad deals..."

"Enough!" Liam barked, standing up, causing Sofia to look over at him, her eyes wide.

"Oh? She doesn't know?" James asked, "You didn't tell her?"

"You knew?" Sofia asked, "You knew that people came to dad with deals?"

"It didn't matter, he didn't take any of them," Liam said, glaring at James as the rest of the room was silent.

"Although, it's still up for debate as to whether he was being a good father or a good business man..." James hissed, causing Sofia to flinch.

"What's your point?" Liam growled

"My point?" James said, "Oh. Yes. My point. Well, my point is you think you fooled William Sikes. But you didn't. He's knew exactly who you were, Sofia..."

"What?" Sofia asked, her voice quiet.

"Yes, this is the point where you all might want to listen," James said, "William Sikes isn't new to this town. He came here about 3 years ago, he was an up and comer in the drug game and he, like a lot of people, knew how powerful your dad was. And he knew exactly who you were..."

"Liar," Liam growled

"I'm not lying," James said, "Sikes came to your dad with a deal. He wanted to join forces, and he wanted you..."

"To be a whore?" Sofia scoffed

"No, to be one of his guys..." James said, causing Sofia's eyes to widen, "He saw your potential. But, your father said no and told him to get lost..."

"Sofia, this is bullshit –" Liam said

"It's not," James said, "Your dad, saw Sikes as a threat so he bought out all of Sikes connections. Leaving Sikes with nothing... smart move on his end, at least that's what he thought. I don't think he knew how crazy Sikes was, even when he was on his own..."

"Oh yeah?" Sofia scoffed, "You mean because he's back 3 years later and looking for me?"

"No," James said, "Because I mean he came back a few months later, and about 2 days after he came back into town... there was a horrible car crash." Sofia froze at the words, her body going cold. She looked at Liam, who looked just as horrified and intrigued.

"What are you saying?" Liam hissed

"I'm saying, William Sikes killed Mummy and Daddy Payne, all by himself..." James said, "And then he got the hell out of town before he could get caught..."

"That's not possible," Sofia hissed

"Oh, it's possible," James said, "My phone has proof. In the album labeled 'Payne'"

Liam reached for the phone on the desk, opening the pictures. Sofia looked at her brother as his eyes went wide, and knew in an instant that James was telling the truth.

"So?" Sofia asked, "Is this what you wanted to tell me? Give me more of a reason to put a bullet in his head?"

"No," James said, "Sofia. He still wants you. And he's willing to do anything to get you. He doesn't want to hold you back and crush you, like these guys do. He doesn't want to treat you like a child, he sees your potential. You could be powerful with him, Sofia..."

"He's lying," Liam growled

"I'm not," James said, "This guy took down your dad, Sofia. The most powerful man any of us have ever known, and Sikes took him down by himself. And that was 3 years ago, he's stronger then ever. And he wants you. You're a fool if you think you can beat him."

"Sofia, this is bullshit..." Zayn growled

"Sof," Harry said, his voice concerned.

"Everyone stop talking!" Sofia snapped, causing them all to be silent, before she looked back at James.

"You're not a mum, Sofia," James growled, "They've tamed you, but you know that a happy marriage, and kids, and white picket fence isn't in your future. Not really. You know this isn't what your dad wanted, he trained you for better..."

"You don't know anything about our father!" Liam barked, moving towards toward him. But Sofia stood, pushing Liam back.

"The thing with my father," Sofia said, quietly, turning towards James, "Is that he always underestimated me..."

"Are you kidding?" James laughed, "He saw how great you could be!"

"Great?!" Sofia snapped, "He trained me to cold and cruel and calculating. He taught me that money and power trumped family. And that family and love didn't exist in our world..."

"AND HE WAS RIGHT!" James roared, "These guys are holding you back! Let Liam be Daddy Payne, but he doesn't have to hold you back, you stupid bitch!"

"It doesn't have to be one or the other," Sofia growled

"Really?" James asked, "Have you balanced it then? You been working while playing mummy?" Sofia shut her mouth.

"Come on, you gonna tell me you don't miss it," James hissed, as Harry moved towards Sofia, grabbing her arm.

"You know your more then a stay at home mum," James growled, "You know you could over power any of us, but they've made you believe in a bullshit fairytale..."

"I take it you came here with a deal," Sofia said quietly, "Not just to tell me a story..."

"Yes," James said, "Sikes will leave all of them
alive and leave everyone alone, if you come back to him..."

Sofia laughed, rolling her eyes before sighing deeply, "And when I put this bullet through your head instead?"

"Well, if you choose that," James said, "He said to let you know that you'll hear from him soon."

"I look forward to it," Sofia said, before she raised her gun, and put two bullets through the head of James Belfie, making everyone in the room jump. Sofia turned from the dead body, looking at Zayn, Niall, Liam, Harry, and Emily who were staring at her concerned and wide eyed.

"Sofia –" Harry said quietly, approaching her.

"We need a plan," Sofia said, ignoring his concerned tone, and looking at her brother.

"We should probably talk about what just happened and what was just said," Liam said.

"I don't want to talk about it," Sofia said, "It doesn't matter. This doesn't change anything. Sikes still needs to die."

"Sofia, this changes a lot ..." Zayn said, "What he said... he was trying to manipulate you. And you can't believe what he said."

"I don't," Sofia said, but all of them heard how unsure her voice sounded, "Now, uh, if you'll excuse me. I have to take Birdie shopping." And with that, she walked out of the office.


"We still have no idea where he is," Liam said, later that night as he stared at the 4 boys and Sofia in his office, "He's a sneaky little fuck..."

"He'll show himself," Sofia said, "You heard James."

"And do just wait for that?" Niall asked, "We're like sitting ducks..."

"I don't think we have to worry about anyone except Sofia," Louis said, "He'll approach her.."

"Maybe we should consider the deal," Sofia said quietly

"What?" Harry barked, "Are you out of your mind?"

"Not seriously, of course!" Sofia said, "But maybe, if he buys it... I can get rid of him myself."

"You must be out of your mind," Zayn growled, "Are you crazy?!"

"Everyone is in danger right now," Sofia snapped, "And I don't think he wants to hurt me – you heard James!"

"And you think James was telling the truth?!" Zayn hissed, "You think Sikes wants to partner up with you?! Are you that stupid?!"

"You know, I don't know," Sofia barked, "But he wasn't wrong. You do treat me like a child, and Sikes was never threatening. Maybe James wasn't bluffing, maybe this isn't a trick!"

"Even if it's not!" Harry barked, "You think I'd let you go in there on your own?!"

"You think I can't do it!?" Sofia hissed, "You underestimate me, Harry!"

"NO I DON'T!" Harry barked, "I know exactly what your capable of! But you're not thinking clearly. We're getting married, Sofia. We just took in a four year old! And now you want to walk into an undercover and take down Sikes on your own!? THINK! USE YOUR HEAD!"


"WE'LL FIND ANOTHER WAY!" Harry yelled back, his breath hard and shallow

"He's right, Sofia," Liam said, "We can find another way..." Sofia sighed deeply, throwing her head in her hands.

"No one is underestimating your ability," Liam said quietly, "but you have a lot at stake to take this on your own"

"Sofia, you're looking at this as an either or," Niall said, "He's gotten into your head. You either have to play the family part – or go and kill Sikes. It doesn't have to be either or..."

"I didn't say that," Sofia said

"You didn't have to," Niall spat, "You want to prove that you haven't gone soft, he baiting you, and your falling for it!"

"I haven't gone soft!" Sofia snapped

"No one thinks you have," Niall yelled, "But you have to fucking think..."

"So what?" Sofia snapped, "I do nothing? Knowing it could put everyone in danger?"

"We wait..." Niall said, "Until he makes his next move..."

Sofia looked away from Niall and towards her brother, tears in her eyes.

"What do I do here, Li?" Sofia asked quietly, "I'm feeling really torn..."

"Between?" Liam asked

"Who I used to be, and who I am now," Sofia said

"You don't have to pick one," Liam said, "You've grown up, Sofia. But that doesn't make you soft or tame... it just means that maybe you want different things. I know every instinct is telling you to jump into this and get the job done... but you've never had this much at stake before..."

"Sof," Harry said, his eyes wide and watery, "We had a plan..."

"I know," Sofia said, quietly, "I know we did. I just..."

"We always knew that he wanted you and that he was dangerous," Harry said, "This doesn't change anything."

"You're right," Sofia said, nodding. But in her head she wondered if this changed everything.

"So let's just stick with the plan..." Harry said

"We wait for his next move," Niall said, "And we keep you safe."

"And you don't let what was said get to you," Zayn said, staring at her.

"It's not –" Sofia said

"I know you," Zayn said, "I know exactly what you were raised to be, and I know exactly what changed," he said, glancing at Harry, "And you've finally started to realize it doesn't have to be one way or the other, don't let this change that..."

Sofia glanced down at her engagement ring, and she thought of the four year old that was up in her bed asleep. She looked at Harry, before looking at Liam who was at her with concern, reminding her that he was more of a father to her then her own father.

"Would dad be disappointed in me?" Sofia asked him, her voice quiet, "With all this love and family business I've gotten myself into?"

"Of course not –" Louis said, but Sofia interrupted him.

"I was asking my brother," Sofia said, looking back at Liam, "Would dad be proud of me, Li?"

"I don't know," Liam answered, honestly, standing up and walking over to her, "But I am..."

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