"The Most Dangerous Thing You Can Do Is Fall In Love With Someone"

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Sofia Payne was sitting on the counter enjoying her apple when her mother walked in, stopped, and narrowed her eyes at her.

"I know you aren't sitting on my counter like it's some sort of lounge chair, Sofia..." her mother reprimanded her, causing Sofia to roll her eyes.

"Or rolling your eyes at me," her mother said, her eyes still narrowed. Sofia hopped off the counter and moved to a chair.

"Sorry mum," Sofia said, before biting into her apple again.

"Where's Emily? Shouldn't you two be working on homework?" her mother asked, as she moved towards the cabinet

"Emily is working on homework, but with Rob..." Sofia answered, "So, they're probably making out..."

"Thank you for that visual, Sofia," her mother said, rolling her eyes, "And you? Why don't you have your homework out?"

But before Sofia could answer the question, the kitchen door slammed open revealing her brother, and four boys behind him.

"Liam!" her mother cried, rushing into her brother's arms, "How are you love?"

"Fine mom, is dad here?" Liam asked, as the rest of the boys filed into the kitchen.

"Hi ya Sofia," Louis said, sitting across the table from her, Sofia nodded in response, as she texted on her phone.

"Hey babe," Zayn said, leaning down to kiss her cheek, as he sat next to her.

"Sofia Payne, if you don't put that phone away right now and start your homework, I swear to God I'll take it," her mother snapped, Sofia looked up at her to respond but was distracted by the new boy she didn't recognize. He had curly hair and bright green eyes, and while everyone else had made themselves at home in the kitchen, he stood stiff and unsure.

"You're new," Sofia said to the boy, and he glanced up at her surprised, his eyes narrowed.

"Jesus Christ, don't mind her," Niall said, shaking his head, "She's got no manners."

"Shut up, bitch," Sofia snapped

"Sofia, I will wash your mouth out with soap," her mother warned, causing Niall to snicker while Sofia sighed.

"Harry," Liam said, "This is my little sister, Sofia. Sofia, this is Harry. He's new."

"I know, that's why I said 'you're new'" Sofia said, rolling her eyes.

"You're in a right mood," Liam said, his eyes narrowed

"Bloody brave, you're being," Zayn growled from beside her causing Sofia to roll her eyes again.

"And apparently not just at home," a new voice came, everyone looking up to see Sofia's father in the door, his eyes only Sofia, "Sofia, I just got off the phone with someone very interesting..."

"Oh yeah?" Sofia asked, her voice casual, "Who was that?"

"You might want to drop the attitude," her father said, "You're in enough trouble as is. You want to tell me why instead of being in your first period class, you were found behind the stairwells of the school..."

"Um..." Sofia mumbled, looking anywhere but her father

"Let me stop you before you come up with any sort of lie," her father said, "Now she couldn't be sure, but the boy you were with is known for buying alcohol and throwing parties... so she just wanted me to have a chat with you. Worried about you, you see..."

"Is he?" Sofia asked, but her voice was very unconvincing. Her father's eyes narrowed on her.

"You have about 2 minutes to go fetch whatever bottle of alcohol and the party invitation you collected from him before I really lose my patience," her father said, causing Sofia to groan.

"But dad!" Sofia protested

"I'm sorry, are you trying to argue with me?" her father's voice boomed, "I don't have time for your teachers to be bloody calling me, Sofia. And you have a job to work. So get it, and then you can meet me in my

Sofia made no move, just staring at her father in anger. But when her father took a step forward, Sofia stood up, moving around him and out of the kitchen.

"Don't make me beat that attitude out of you!" her father called behind her.

"Good luck with that," Niall scoffed under his breath.

"So, uh, that's your sister," Harry said, glancing at Liam, while Liam just shook his head, "She's uh... well, she's something..."


Sofia laughed as her and Harry recalled the first time they met each other, Sofia shaking her head at the memory.

"You haven't changed much, have you?" Harry asked, before biting into his steak.

"No," Sofia said, shaking her head, "He was so mad, the idea of me sneaking out on a job..."

"Your dad was a scary guy," Harry said, "Nice bloke and everything, but scary, and you were just always running your mouth off to him..."

"Yeah, well... that's what I do," Sofia said, shrugging. A comfortable silence fell over them as they ate, both sipping on the wine in front of them.

"Harry," Sofia said slowly, causing Harry to look up at her, "About the other night, what you said..."

"Yeah," Harry said, putting his wine glass down, "I guess we should talk about that, huh?"

"Harry, I didn't grow up like other girls," Sofia said, "My father was always all about business. His family was a business. He married my mother because it was arranged and because she was submissive..."

"You're parents loved each other," Harry protested, "I saw that..."

"Yeah, they did... but they grew to love each other," Sofia said, "She was business deal... and she knew that. And that was okay with her. And Liam and I, we were business before we were his kids. I was an accident, and believe me, he wasn't thrilled I was a girl..."

"Sof..." Harry tried to protest again, "Your dad loved you."

"He loved that I was good at my job, Harry," Sofia said, "When I got in trouble with him, it wasn't because of normal teenage things, it was because he didn't want to mess up his business. In fact, my mother did the discipline as a child, because my father's version of discipline was literally beating whatever we did wrong out of us. And he couldn't exactly do that until we were old enough..."

"I guess I didn't see that," Harry said, "I wasn't around."

"I loved my parents, don't get me wrong. And I would do anything to have them back. But I didn't really get the concept of family until Liam took over. Liam created this family, he created a bit of normal for me. And I've had to get used to it..."

"Don't you like it better this way?" Harry asked, "Knowing that we care and love for you outside of the business..."

"Of course I do," Sofia said, "But you weren't trained and drilled to believe that personal relationships were dangerous. I was. My father would tell me time and time again, the most dangerous thing you can do is fall in love. And he was right..."

"Sofia, that's not true..." Harry said

"Yes it is, Harry!" Sofia said, "And you know it. The minute there's a relationship – all of a sudden, everyone is more danger. You know that enemies go after the people we care about the most..."

"Yes –" Harry said

"But that didn't matter," Sofia said, "I still fell in love with you. So, when you said I was scared – you were right. But you were wrong about what I was scared of. I'm not scared of falling in love with you, Harry. I'm head over heels in love with you. I can't picture my life without you. I can't breathe when I think of you not being here. You had 100% of me. That's not what I'm scared of..."

"It isn't?" Harry asked, his eyes wide as he heard Sofia tell him how much he meant to her.

"No, I'm scared of losing you..." Sofia said, "But Liam's right. I have to let go of what my dad drilled into me... and I have to try and stop being scared..."

"Liam said that?"

"Yeah, and it's not going to happen over night," Sofia said, "But I'll try, okay?"

"That's all I wanted," Harry said, reaching for her hand, "I just want you to try..."


"What do you mean you enjoy getting me angry?" Harry growled, as he sat on the couch, with Sofia laying on top of him.

"I mean it's a turn on," Sofia said, sitting up, "I never understood how my mother could be so submissive, or Dani or El for that matter. I never understood how they could handle being dominated. And then you happened, and all of a sudden, I understood it. Being submissive isn't really about power, it's about trust..."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked

"There's something very sexy about a man who cares enough to punish you, or keep you line..." Sofia said, a blush rising to her cheeks.

"Are you blushing?" Harry asked, chuckling

"Yes, because I've never admitted this to you," Sofia said.

"Sofia, you think I don't know that a part of you enjoys when I go dominate on you?" Harry asked

"I think you know," Sofia said, "But I don't think you get it..."

"What's there to get?" Harry asked

"Harry, have you ever had to force me to bend over or physically force me to take a punishment?" Sofia asked, her eyebrows raised

"No, but I usually have to count... or tell you more then once," Harry said

"But I always do what you say," Sofia said, "You've never had to physically force me..."

"That's true..." Harry said, his voice confused.

"My father never spanked me, Harry. He would just hit me, he would slap me around, and I would fight back, every time. I never just took it. Which usually made it worse, but I fought..."


"And the other boys, while they used the more parental version of using a belt, because Liam found it less savage, for a while there... they had to physically hold me down to take the punishment, and even then I would I fought it hard..."

"I didn't know that," Harry said, his eyebrows scrunched

"I know," Sofia said

"I've never had to do that," Harry said

"Nope," Sofia said

"Why is that?" Harry asked, "You just like me better?"

"Do you remember the first time you ever spanked me, Harry?" Sofia asked, looking up at him, "I mean, ever really layed into me?" Harry's eyes furrowed in confusion, as he thought back.

"Yeah, it was a few months after your parents died..." Harry said, "You scared the shit out of me. I was so mad at you."

"Yeah," Sofia nodded, "Do you remember what you said to me?"

"I said a lot that night," Harry growled, "In fact, I yelled a lot..."

"Yeah," Sofia nodded, "But that was the first night I knew there was something between us, it was the first night I knew I had feelings for you... that I was attracted to you..."

"Because I spanked you?" Harry asked, "My God, Sof, I didn't know you were so kinky back then..."

"No, you idiot," Sofia laughed, shoving him, "Because it was the first time I realized that I trusted you, 100%...."


Harry Styles was livid as he paced Sofia's room. She had been out of control lately, she wasn't listening to anyone. She was in trouble at school, she was always arguing. She was blatantly disrespecting everyone, not to mention how disobedient she had been lately. It's like they were tell her not to do something, and she would do it anyway. But they thought it would be okay to leave Harry with her for the weekend, she had really connected with him and seemed to listen to him more then the others. So, Liam and Louis took their girls on a vacation, and Zayn and Niall went to work a job. Which left Harry alone with a very rebellious Sofia.

He had specifically told her she couldn't go to that party. He had gotten wind that there would be rape date drugs there, and he also knew that some of the Rats planned on crashing. He told her that she wasn't to go, and he didn't want to hear any whining about it. When he came upstairs to see if she was done moping and wanted to watch a movie, she was gone, and Harry knew exactly where she went.

So, at 2 in the morning, when Sofia came creeping through her window, Harry was there waiting for her, arms crossed and eyes in angry slits. And now he was pacing in front of her.

"Unbelievable!" Harry yelled, "Do you know how worried I've been?! Do you know how dangerous it is to crawl out of a God damn window!!"

"Will you relax?" Sofia said, rolling her eyes, "I've done it before!"

"That doesn't make me feel any better, Sofia!" Harry barked, "You have been ridiculous lately! You've been out of control, and I for one, have had enough!"

"You're freaking out about nothing. I'm home, I'm fine," Sofia said, as she leaned against the dresser, "Just let it go, Harry."

"Let it go?!" Harry yelled, "Are you out of your mind?! You are 16 years old, Sofia! And you are making very dangerous decisions with your life! Don't fucking tell me to let it go!"

"What do you care?!" Sofia yelled, "You're not my father! And you're not my brother!"

"No, but I do care about you," Harry said, shaking his head, "And I'll be damned if I let you destroy yourself..."

"What are you going to do?" Sofia hissed, "Tell on me?"

"No," Harry said, shaking his head, as he sat on his bed, "I don't have to tell on you, because I don't need Liam's permission to punish you..."

"Okay," Sofia said, shrugging, "Go ahead, throw me around... that won't change anything."

"You're right, it probably won't," Harry said
before sighing deeply, "Take off your jeans, Sofia..." his voice low and calm.

Sofia froze at his words. She had heard about this before, women being sexually punished when they disobeyed. They would rape fear into them to get them to listen. But she didn't think it would ever come down to this or happen to her – and she didn't think Harry had it in him. Sofia took a step back, glancing around the room for a weapon to protect herself with.

"You can't do this," Sofia said. Harry sighed, standing from the bed, and took a step towards her as she took another step back.

"I need you to trust me," Harry said, his voice quiet – but still hard and stern. Sofia didn't know what was wrong with her, but when he opened his mouth again and asked her if she trusted him, she nodded silently.

"Take off your jeans, Sofia," Harry said, going to sit on the bed again, "And bend over my lap."

Sofia's eyes widened, she wasn't naïve – she knew exactly what he was asking her. She had never been punished like this, like a child. She stood there motionless, while Harry stared at her. She wasn't quite sure what to do, she didn't think refusing would get her anywhere – Harry was stronger then her, and he seemed determined.

"I'm loosing my patience," Harry growled, "Do I need to help you, or are you going follow directions? Don't make this worse for yourself..."

Sofia stepped hesitantly toward him, like she had no control over her body, and soon she felt her jeans fall to the ground. Standing before Harry in her underwear wasn't embarrassing, she wasn't that much of a prude, but she was certainly feeling humiliated, but then again, Harry knew that, and that was part of his point.

"Let's go," Harry said, pointing to his lap. Sofia wasn't quite sure what to do, so she stumbled a bit as she guided herself over Harry's lap, but he caught her in a tight grip making sure she didn't fall. Soon her stomach was on his legs, and her hands and toes were pointed to the ground.

"If you want to act like a child, Sofia," Harry growled, "I have no problem punishing you like one. Keep your hands down, if you reach back, I will have to restrain you."

Sofia gasped as she felt Harry pull down her underwear. And she gasped again even louder, as his hand came down with a loud smack. Sofia didn't know what came over her, but she allowed him to punish her, smacking her again and again. As he lectured her, she felt something she never had with Harry, he turned her on. And she wasn't sure what to do with that feeling. The stinging began to build, and Sofia reached back to protect herself, but Harry was too fast.

"No," Harry barked, "Hands down,."

"Harry please –" Sofia hissed, hoping that it would be enough to get him to stop. There were tears flowing down her face – some from pain, but mostly from embarrassment.

"Grab my leg if it helps, but don't reach back here again," Harry said, his voice gentle but stern. And so she did.


"I thought you hated me that night," Harry said, as they sat in the hot tub, together, "You refused to talk to me."

"Well, I certainly wasn't going to tell you that I was turned on, was I?" Sofia asked, laughing, as she thought back. They never told anyone about that weekend, everyone assumed it went fine. But it soon became known that Harry had no problem putting Sofia back in her place, and it was quite obvious how he chose to do it.

"But you were?" Harry asked

"You were the first person to punish me because you cared about my well being..." Sofia said, looking at him.

"Liam and Zayn both would have flipped out if they were home," Harry said.

"Yes. And now it might be because of my well being – because they understand the concept of family now too. But back then it would have been because I disobeyed – and that's bad for business. You were upset that I disobeyed, but not because of business. Because I was putting myself in danger..." Sofia said, "You were the first person to care about me just for who I was, not for what I was a part of..."

"I was really the first person to spank you?" Harry asked

"First and only," Sofia said, "I still love it and it still turns me on just as much as I did then... well, sometimes." Harry laughed at her, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.

"I got turned on too that night," Harry said, "But I already knew by then that I was turned on by you. You just took a while to catch up."

"You know when I get you angry," Sofia said, "Sometimes it's a habit, me doing before I think... but sometimes, I do it just to see if you'll still respond like that."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked

"Sometimes I do it just to make sure you still care," Sofia said softly. Harry grinned, pulling him towards her, and kissing her gently.

"I'll always care enough to put you over my knee," Harry growled, "And .. uh, you know, how you get turned on by angry Harry?" Sofia nodded.

"Naughty Sofia is a huge turn on too," Harry said, before grabbing her and kissing her roughly.


Sofia was still in her very skimpy black bathing suit, as she walked through the hotel room, Harry behind her, when the door knock came. Sofia rushed to the door.

"Sofia don't you dare answer –" Harry's voice came from behind her, but it was too late, Sofia had swung the door open and in front of her stood a young room service boy.

"Hi!" Sofia greeted him, as he looked her up and down.

"Uh – hi – hi –" he mumbled, "Um, you ordered some dessert..."

"Yes we did," Sofia said, smiling widely at him, as she felt Harry's presence behind him, "Thank you so much... you can just bring it –"

"I'll take it," Harry barked, as his eyes narrowed on the boy, who was blatantly staring at Sofia's body. Harry stepped in front of Sofia who chuckled lightly to herself.

"Go put on clothes," Harry said, turning to her, "While I pay this guy..." Sofia shrugged, but walked away from the door.

It wasn't long before Sofia heard the door slam and turned to see Harry glaring at her from across the room.

"What the hell was that?" Harry hissed

"I was answering the door," Sofia said, her eyebrows raised.

"You don't have clothes on," Harry growled, stepping towards her, "He was staring at you like you were going to be what he jacks off to tonight..."

"I might be," Sofia said, shrugging. Harry's eyes narrowed at her. He stepped towards her, shoving her up against the wall.

"I told him if he even thinks about you, I would know," Harry growled, "And I would beat the shit out of him..."

"Harry!" Sofia scolded

"I told him you were mine," Harry hissed, before biting down on her neck. Sofia rolled her head back, as Harry continued to move his lips against her neck, marking her. She hissed as he bit down harder, and moaned as he rolled his tongue over the spot to ease the sting.

"Say it," he mumbled against her skin, before
going back to marking her.

"Say what?" Sofia asked

"You know what," Harry growled, grabbing her hips roughly and digging his nails into her skin, before biting down hard "Tell me who you belong to, Sofia."

"You," Sofia hissed, "I belong to you."

"That's right," Harry growled, "You're mine."

"Do you remember the first time you said that to me?" Sofia said, as she leaned away from him.

"Of course I do," Harry said with a grin


Sofia sat on Zayn's lap, as the club music blasted around her. She giggled, as he whispered into her ear about the very ugly shot girl. She took another sip of her drink, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She didn't even notice Harry was staring at her from across the bar, as she turned and allowed Zayn to kiss her.

She stood up, moving from him, as she accepted the hand of one of the other boys. Harry watched as he lead her to the dance floor, and watched as Sofia pushed her body against his, grinding to the beat together. Harry watched as she wrapped her arm around the boy's neck, and he moved to whispered into her ear. Harry watched as the danced together for three dances.

Sofia excused herself from the boy, and made her way to the bar, passing others as she went. She smiled and winked at a few, and as she approached the bar, she allowed someone else to buy her a drink.

"It's almost cute," Harry said, as he approached her, making her jump, "Watching you flirt and dance with other boys..."

"Oh yeah?" Sofia asked, looking up at him, "And what's so cute about that?"

"You should see it in their eyes," Harry said, leaning down, "They actually think they have a chance of going home with you tonight..."

"They do," Sofia said, raising her eyebrows at Harry.

"No they don't," Harry said, grinning, "We both know who you'll be going home with tonight..."

"A little cocky aren't you, Haz?" Sofia asked, "Especially for someone I haven't paid one bit of attention to tonight..."

"I don't need you to pay attention to me at club, Sofia," Harry said, "Who you come with, and who you hang with doesn't matter. What's matter's is you end up with at the end of the night..."

"And you think it's going to be you?" Sofia asked, taking a sip of her drink.

"Of course I do, Sofia," Harry said, before leaning into her. Sofia's breath caught having him so close to her.

"You're mine, Sofia," Harry whispered in her ear, "I know it, they know it, and someday, you'll know it. You're mine." And with that, Harry turned and walked away from the girl, leaving her heart racing and her breath gone.


"Oh my God, Harry," Sofia moaned, as his tongue rolled against her spot, "Oh fuck..." She threw her hand in her mouth and bit down to keep her from moaning too loud.

"Don't do that," Harry grumbled, before kissing the inside of her thighs, "Don't fucking do that. Scream. I want everyone to know who is making you this wet..."

"Oh Jesus fucking Christ," Sofia moaned, throwing her head back and pushing her hips forward as Harry's tongue went deeper inside her. She grabbed his curls tightly with one hand, and the bed sheets tight with the other.

"Harry, I'm going to – oh fuck –"Sofia moaned, "Harry I'm going to ..." And she did, she came for him, and she was still trying to catch her breath as he licked up all of her wetness. Harry's face came up, and he crawled up her body, looking down at her, as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Jesus Christ," Sofia whispered, "You're so bloody good with your tongue..."

"And everything else," Harry said, a cocky smile appearing on his face, as he leaned down to kiss her. She wrapped her arms tighter around him, deepening the kiss.

"I love you so much," Sofia whispered, "I love you so fucking much..."

"I love you too," Harry said

"I know that we aren't all better," Sofia said, tears in her eyes, as she looked into his green ones, "I know we're working on it, and we're kind of in limbo..."

"Hey, don't cry..." Harry said, wiping a tear from her face with his thumb.

"I want ask you something, and you can say no if you aren't ready..." Sofia said

"What?" Harry asked

"After this Sikes thing is over," Sofia said, her voice quiet, "I want to put my engagement ring back on." Harry froze, as he looked down at her, his eyes wide.

"If you don't want me too –" Sofia started, but
she couldn't complete her sentence because Harry was kissing her again, hard. When they both came up for air, he had tears in his eyes too.

"Of course I want you too," Harry said, "And I want you. I want you forever."

"I want you too," Sofia said, "And I want you now, right now.. please. I don't know if I've ever wanted you more, let me feel you. Please baby."

Harry didn't need to be told twice, soon he was in Sofia, and her head was rolled back. Her hands tight on his back, her fingernails scraping against it, as he rolled slowly into her. He listened to her moan in pleasure, and knew that she wanted him to take it nice and slow tonight. And that's what he wanted, they needed to feel each other.

"Open you eyes," Harry whispered, as he rolled into her again, "I want to see your eyes..." Sofia's eyes snapped open, and she moaned loudly, as he rolled into her again, this time going deeper.

"Oh my god," Sofia hissed, "This can't be possible, it can't be possible to love someone this much." Harry moaned into her neck, as he rolled into her again, even slower then before, but Sofia's hips rolled into his at his pace. He kissed her neck, and listened as her head his the backboard from rolling it back. As he lifted his head, to roll into her again, he felt as her lips brushed against his chest, causing him to lose the breath he didn't know he was holding.

He grabbed her tightly, pulling her into him as he rolled into her again and again, making her writhe and whimper beneath him. He felt her clench around him, as her hips moved, and this time she caused him to moan.

"You're incredible," he hissed into her ear, as he pushed himself deeper into her, "So bloody incredible..."

"Harry, I'm so close," Sofia said.

"No, not yet," Harry said, as he moved even slower in her, "Not yet, baby. Just feel it..." And she did, she felt it as he moved in and out of her, going deeper and deeper each time. She felt the ecstasy build in her, and saw on his face that it was building too.

"Harry –" she whimpered, begging him, and he nodded into her neck before lifting his head up and looking down at her.

"Together," he said, rolling into her one last time, and watching as the explosion happened, his own with her. He collapsed on top of her, her hands wrapping around him tightly, and she kissed his shoulders. Harry rolled off of her, and Sofia rolled into his arms, her head on his chest.

"Just so you know," Harry said, "This is when you are the most beautiful to me... right here. No makeup, no fancy dress. Just you, beneath me, in total pleasure. And when you come, your face is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen..."

"I love you," Sofia said softly, as Harry played with her hair. She kissed his chest softly, "I don't want you to ever question that again..."

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