"She Always Puts Up A Fight"

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"Overhear anything?" Louis asked, as Danny slipped back into the car.

"Yeah, from what I gathered her name is Cara, and she's going away to see her parents this weekend, so Sofia will be alone. Apparently, luck is on our side," Danny said.

"Did she see you following her?" Louis asked, and Danny gave him a very annoyed look.

"Of course not," Danny said, "I've been doing this just as long as you, Tomlinson."

"I was just asking," Louis said, shrugging, as he stared at the flat that he watched Sofia disappear into the night before.

"She didn't come out?" Danny asked

"No, I would've followed her if she did," Louis said.

"So, how do you want to go about this?" Danny asked, "We just going to snatch her and shove her in the car..."

"No," Louis said, offended, "We do have manners..."

"She's not going to come on her own," Danny said, scoffing.

"No, probably not," Louis said, "But I will give her the choice..."

"She won't come though," Danny said

"Let me rephrase that," Louis said, "I'm going to make it sound like I'm giving her a choice, if she doesn't want to come quietly and civilly, then I'll use force.."

"You know it's going to come down to that," Danny said, "right?"

"Yes," Louis said, his mouth tightened, "But I won't just snatch her up. I say we knock on her door tonight when we know she's home alone. We'll be long gone before her roommate gets back."

"They could report her missing," Danny said, "Which could be a problem. We don't need the police looking into that."

"Oh please," Louis said, rolling his eyes, "Number one, the police wouldn't get far. And two, of course I won't have it look like we kidnapped her; I'll force her to leave a note or something. I'll make sure there aren't any questions to be answered."

"You sound confident about this whole thing," Danny said, "I'm not sure, man. She clearly didn't want to come home. She's not going to be happy to see us. And I'm pretty sure she's going to put up a hell of fight..."

"Yeah," Louis said, sounding bored, "She always put up a fight. And we always win."

"There she is!" Danny hissed, as they watched Sofia step out of her flat.

"She's lost so much weight," Louis growled, "She looks like a prisoner of war or something..."

"You think she's sick?" Danny asked

"No, but she doesn't look good," Louis said watching Sofia carefully as she waked down the steps of her flat and started to walk down the street. Louis turned out of the parking spot and followed her.


Sofia couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched as she walked into the doctor's office. She kept looking around for any sign that she wasn't being paranoid, but she couldn't see anything off. Last night just freaked you out, she thought to herself. She walked into the doctor's office, not even noticing the black SUV that had pulled into a spot near her.

"Sofie Cox," the receptionist called, telling her she could go back. Sofia walked to the back to the small office where she had been going once a month for the last three months.

"Hi Dr. Lemon," Sofia said as she sat down.

"Sofie, how are you feeling today?" the doctor asked, pulling out her notebook.

"I'm fine, I just came for my prescription," Sofia said, her voice tense and tight.

"Are the pills helping?" the doctor asked, "Because you still aren't looking great..."

"They're helping," Sofia said.

"Sofie, we've talked about this. The pills can only do so much. They'll help with the depression but what would really help would be if you..."

"I don't want to talk about it," Sofia snapped at the doctor, "I don't need to talk about it. What I need is for you to give me the pills so I can get on with my day..."

"Sofie, I just really think that you should think about seeing our therapist..." the doctor said, gently, "I'm not trying to upset you, but it doesn't seem like the pills are doing much to help you..."

"They are," Sofia said, "I'm sleeping a little bit better, and I don't want to cry all the time anymore, and they're doing what they're supposed to..."

"But you should be taking them and going to therapy, I told you that in the very beginning, when Topher suggest you come to me," the doctor said.

"Yes, but you said I didn't have to. You said that my physical symptoms were enough to put me on a prescription," Sofia snapped, "I'm still choosing not to go to therapy. I don't need therapy, doc. I can get through this, I just need you to write the damn prescription and send me on my way..."

"You're eyes look a little glazed today, Sofie," the doctor said, ignoring their outburst, "Have you been self medicating? We talked about that too... that sometimes in the state of mind you're in, drugs and alcohol seem to be a easy solution..."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Sofia said, her eyes hardening, "And I'm not thrilled to have you accuse me of something like that..."

"I'm not accusing you of anything," the doctor said, "I'm asking you."

"And I just told you I don't know what you're talking about," Sofia
said, "Now if you don't mind, could you just write the damn prescriptions so I can be on my way? I have to work a double shift, and I was hoping to get lunch and a coffee before I did that. I don't have time for this..."

"That's the problem, Sofie," the doctor said wisely, "You're not making time for this. You're not helping yourself at all. You'll never be able to get past it, unless you slow down and try and heal yourself. I can help you do that."

"I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP," Sofia snapped, "If you don't want to give me the pills, fine! I'll go somewhere else!"

"I didn't say that," the doctor said, as she took out her prescription pill. She noticed as Sofia visibly relaxed.

"Please, just think about seeing someone to talk about it," the doctor said, "Topher and I both think it would be good for you."

"I'll think about it," Sofia hissed, as she took the prescriptions from the doctor's hands, even though both she and Dr. Lemon knew she was lying. She had told her she would think about it every time she came here, and every time she came back she still had no interest in going to see a therapist. She just wanted to move on, and talking about what happened wasn't going to help her do that.

Sofia left the office in a hurry, pushing both the prescriptions in her pocket as she walked towards the elevator. She tapped her foot as she waited for the elevator to arrive, and when the doors finally opened she took a breath of surprise seeing Topher in the elevator.

"Ah, I was hoping to catch you," he said, with a grin, as Sofia stepped into the elevator.

"Why's that?" Sofia asked, as she pressed the button for the ground floor.

"I remembered you had your appointment today," Topher said, "How did it go?"

"Fine," Sofia said stiffly, not looking at him.

"Did you talk about going to see someone else?" Topher asked, his eyes boring into her, but she refused to look at him.

"No," Sofia hissed, "I told you I have no interest. And frankly, it's none of your business."

"You're right, it isn't," Topher said, but he sounded hurt which made Sofia feel bad about the way she talked to him.

"I'm sorry," she apologized, "I know that you are just trying to do what
you think is best for me..."

"Yes, I am," Topher said, "But that's not my place. And besides, that's not even the reason I came up to see you..."

"Oh?" Sofia questioned, looking at him, "So why did you come up to see me?"

"To make up for last night, I know you had an awful time, and I felt bad," Topher said.

"I didn't have an awful time," Sofia lied, "And you don't have to make anything up to me..."

"Please," Topher said, his eyes begging her.

"It depends," Sofia said, grinning at him slightly, "What did you have in mind?"

"Lunch," Topher said, "On me."


Louis and Danny sat across the street from the small restaurant that Sofia now sat in with a man that looked to be about Louis age. He watched as they walked in together, and sat at the table by the window. He watched her body language. She seemed timid, as she walked next to him. She wrapped both her hands around her body, and kept her head down, only looking up at the man a few times. It wasn't that cold out, so it wasn't like she was trying to keep herself warm. She seemed to want to distance herself from the man, not give him an excuse to touch her. But she smiled and laughed with him easily, which made Louis uneasy. He couldn't figure out what she was doing with him.

He watched as she ordered a water and small salad, but noticed that she was barely picking at the salad. He watched as she didn't seem to say much during the lunch. The man she was with seemed to do most of the talking, Sofia would nod and respond every once in awhile, but for the most part she just sat and listened to him. Louis narrowed in on her eyes. The sparkle that used to be there was gone, there were dark circles under them, and they seemed to be glazed over.

Louis had been on the other end of Sofia dazing him out when he talked to her to know that she wasn't really listening to what the man had to say. She seemed lost in her own thoughts, she seemed preoccupied. Louis didn't think it looked like a date, though he couldn't be sure. But the way Sofia interacted with this man was different then he had ever seen her act before. The Sofia he knew was very touchy. She loved to hug and link arms. She held hands and played with people feet under the table. She loved human contact. The Sofia that he was watching seemed withdrawn, and kept her hands wrapped around herself, unless she was playing with her fork or sipping her water. She didn't reach for the man, she kept her hands and legs to herself.

"Think she's there on her own free will?" Danny asked as he watched the two interact.

"Yeah, I think so..." Louis said, "They came out of the doctors office, she walked right by his side. She doesn't seem scared of him, or uncomfortable..."

"So it's not a hostage situation or a kidnapping," Danny said, Louis could hear the disappointment in his voice. Both boys were hoping that at some point today they would stumble across an explanation as to why Sofia hadn't come home, and both were hoping it was because she couldn't, not because she didn't want to.

"Do you think it's like another Isaac situation?" Danny asked, as he looked at Louis before looking back at the couple that sat at the table by the window.

"What do you mean?" Louis asked, not taking his eyes off Sofia.

"Do you think she fell in love with this guy?" Danny asked, "Maybe she came here for him? Maybe she was having an affair?"

"No," Louis snapped, "Look at her! She doesn't look like she's in love, does she? She's not acting like she did with Harry..."

"She's not acting like Sofia at all..." Danny growled, "Maybe this guy is the reason she left, Louis. Maybe they're together."

"I doubt it," Louis said, "She looks indifferent, she even looks slightly bored. Plus he didn't walk her home last night, isn't that the same guy she was with last night? I don't think he's the reason she left home..."

"Okay," Danny agreed, "Maybe he's not the reason she left home, but maybe he's the reason she hasn't come back..."

"Maybe," Louis hissed, "but I still don't think so. What I want to know is why she was in that medical building. She wasn't in there long, but she clearly wasn't there to just pick him up. She was there for a reason, it was long enough for her to need something..."

"Which leads me back to the question I asked this morning, do you think she's sick?" Danny asked

"If she was sick, wouldn't she want to be surrounded by family or friends?" Louis asked, looking at Danny, "Maybe she just went there to meet him, maybe were just looking into everything too deeply..."

"Maybe..." Danny agreed, softly as his phone went off, "Ugh. It's Liam. Again."

"Ignore it," Louis said, as his own phone went off, "It's Zayn," he said glancing down at the screen.

"Maybe we should just tell them..." Danny said.

"No," Louis growled, "If they all show up here, it'll totally freak her out. With just the two of us, we're less likely to be noticed and she won't spook as easily..."

"You're acting like we're hunting..." Danny said

"We are," Louis hissed, "And tonight, we're gonna catch ourselves a Sofia..."


Sofia Payne was exhausted as she cleaned up the last of the counter. She was alone in the small café, after just being on her feet for about 12 hours. All she had to do was lock up the cash register, lock up the back door, and walk home. She couldn't wait to crawl into her bed and fall asleep. She had the day off tomorrow, and Cara wouldn't be around, she planned on sleeping the entire day away.

It hadn't been a very exciting day, but she couldn't remember the last time she had had an exciting day. The life she led now was mundane, it was very boring. She went to work, she went home. That was what she did. She didn't start fights, she didn't go to clubs, she didn't flirt, and she didn't socialize. She didn't have any friends, although she knew that Topher and Cara both considered themselves friends to her, and she almost felt bad that she didn't feel the same. Almost.

She lived a very independent life. Besides having to be at work at a certain time, she lived her life the way she wanted to. There was no one bossing her around, no one telling her what to do or where to go or what to wear or what to say. No one depended on her, and she didn't depend on anyone. She was free of the responsibility she once had in her old life. And in a lot of ways, it felt like there had been a weight lifted off her shoulders. But in so many more ways, she felt heavier. She hated the thought of having to go home to an empty flat, she hated the thought of having to sleep alone in that tiny little bed, she hated the thought of having no one there to protect her or to protect. She could only count on herself, where as once upon a time, she had a whole group of people she could count on.

Sofia pulled on her coat, and pulled her keys out as she stepped out into the night air. Locking the café, she made her way towards her flat. She kept her head down, mostly to blend in but also because it was a bit windy and she wanted to keep warm. Every night when she made her walk home she prayed that she wouldn't be attacked or that no one would try to mug her. Just a few short months ago, this wouldn't be a fear, but now it was. If she were attacked, she would only have herself as a defense, and truthfully, she didn't know how much a fight she could put up.

As she turned onto her street, she breathed a breath of relief. She always felt better when she got to her street. When she could see her flat right ahead, and knew that soon she would safe behind the doors. Although, the feeling of being alone in the flat crept over her as she walked towards the door, and she wondered just how safe she was. She walked faster towards the flat, and hurried up the stairs opening the door and hurrying up the inside flight of stairs until she got to her flat door. She unlocked the door, and made her way inside, closing and locking it behind her.

Turning on the lights, she noticed that Cara had cleaned up before she had gone off to her parents for the weekend. She also noticed a pot on the stove as she took off her coat and pulled off her shoes. She entered the kitchen, and pulled the top of the pot off, trying not to look too disgusted at what she thought could be vegetable soup. She noticed that Cara had written her a note, and left her a bottle of wine too. Sofia couldn't help but be thankful for that.

Sofia made her way to the bedroom, pulling off her shirt and hoping to find a big sweater that would keep her warm. Cara had turned off the heat before she left, and it was freezing. Sofia soon found a sweater and pulled on sweat pants too, trying to get as cozy as possible. She was finally comfortable after her long day, and all she wanted to do was get off her feet and finish off that entire bottle of wine.

She made her way back out into the living room, turning the heat back on as she went and praying that it wouldn't take long for it to heat up. She flicked on the light in the living room, and was just about to go find that bottle of wine when a knock came at the door. Sofia jumped in surprise, but the knock didn't scare her. No one could get into their flat building unless they lived here, and Sofia's neighbors had a habit of forgetting key ingredients in their recipes. Sofia made her way over to the door, and opened it up before checking. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw who was standing outside of it, and she tried to slam the door, but he was too fast. Putting his foot in the doorway, a very smug looking Louis Tomlinson looked down at her.

"Now I know I've told you a million times to check who it is before opening the door," Louis growled at her, Sofia noticed Danny standing behind him, "You never know when someone uninvited shows up..."

Sofia's breath caught as she looked up at him, she didn't know what to say.

"Well, where are your manners, Sofia? Aren't you going to invite me in?" Louis growled.

"I wasn't planning on it," Sofia hissed, trying to close the door again, but this time Louis stopped the door with his hand, pushing it open, before grabbing Sofia's arm.

"That's too bad," he growled, shoving her into the apartment before making his way in with Danny behind him.

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