"You're Not The Only One Who Can Be A Tease"

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From the minute Louis hissed "Holy shit," and nudged Harry to turn so he could see Sofia walk into the club, he knew that she was on her A game. His heart stopped as he watched her walk in, all heads turning towards her. She wore leather shorts, with a see through shirt and a bra, along with anklet boots, that made her perfect legs even more perfect. Every head in the club turned, and all of them wanted to get their hands on her. He glanced at Sikes, who had also taken her in, she looked stunning. But, she also looked badass. With a take no prisoner's attitude, she was ready to do her job – even if it meant driving Harry crazy. Which it was doing.

He watched as she laughed easily with Daisy and Emily, singing and dancing with them. He watched as she flirted with the bar tender, and watched her blood red lips down drink after drink. He watched as she grinded on other men, and laughed and flirted with them. She was doing everything she could to get Sikes attention, but he didn't seem to be biting. She and Louis had even faked a fight in the middle of the dance floor when she got a little too close to a scumbag. Liam made Harry stay put, knowing that Harry would cause too much of a scene if he got involved.

"She's just doing her job," Niall said quietly, as he watched Sofia work the floor. Tonight they weren't in the VIP section, but in the center of all the action. Niall watched as Harry squeezed his glass a little too tight, as Sofia through her head back and touched a mans arm at the bar.

"She doesn't have to be on everyone," Harry growled, "She's doesn't have to do that."

"No, I suppose she doesn't," Niall said, shrugging, "But you know Sofia..."

"She looks fucking phenomenal tonight," Louis said, not taking his eyes off of her.

"Fuck off, Louis," Harry hissed.

"Oh Jesus Christ," Liam muttered, as he watched Sofia take a body shot off of Daisy.

"Okay, Enough," Harry growled, walking towards the girls, and forcing them to return to the table. The minute Sofia sat down, she turned to her brother.

"I've caught every other guys attention, including all of his fucking buddies, but he only glances at me, he's not biting..." Sofia complained, as she looked at the dark haired man. He wasn't what she was expecting with his brown hair and blue eyes. He was young, and quite handsome. He didn't seem too intimidating, but Sofia guessed it was because he was trying to blend in.

"Oh my god," Emily hissed beside her, causing Sofia to look over to where she was looking, and she saw Zayn attached by the mouth to the shot girl, and he grinded against her. Sofia felt the anger bubble inside of her, as she grabbed Emily's hand, who was now staring at the ground instead of at Zayn.

Sofia sat there, drinking as she watched drunken girls stumble their way through karaoke, trying to think of something that would grab his attention. She had already proved to the entire club that she was a force to be reckoned with, but Sikes only seemed to be interested in what was going on around him. She needed to grab his attention, and she had already run out of tricks. Her thoughts were interrupted, as Zayn sat down at the table, causing Sofia to glare at him from her spot across from him. Zayn ignored her, as he snapped his fingers for more shots. The brunette that he had just been draped over came running like a puppy, causing Sofia
to snap as she watched Emily get uncomfortable.

"Oh sorry hun, you must of misunderstood, he ordered shots, not an STD," Sofia snapped up at the shot girl, who was smart enough to be stared. Sofia glared at her, "Get lost, now." The girl scurried off, causing Zayn to curse.

"What the fuck?" he hissed, but Sofia didn't say anything as shot him a dirty look.

"So, what now?" Daisy asked

"I'll be right back," Sofia said, as she rose from the table. The table watched as she walked towards the DJ with confidence, and their eyes widened as they realized what she was doing.

Sofia Payne had a microphone in one hand, as the music to S&M came blasting through the speakers of the club. But instead of all the girls who used the stage to sing, Sofia climbed on the bar. As she sang, she moved her hips perfectly, putting on a show for the entire club. She allowed them to touch her, as she danced and sang perfectly to the music, with a seductive smile, and her eyes gleaming.

She tried to ignore all of the glares that were coming from the table she just left, as she dropped and danced low, singing directly to some of Sikes men. She knew that they would have never given her permission to do this, and she knew that she was breaking a ton of rules. Men's hoots and hollers were coming from everywhere, and their hands were grabbing at her, and she would wink and smile and flirt. As she stood up again, she noticed that Harry and the boys had gotten up from their spot at the table, and were walking towards her, but so was someone else. Sikes could not take his eyes off her as the song finished, leaving Sofia a hot, sweaty mess. Handing the microphone back to the DJ, and hopping off the bar – to the entire crowd cheering and screaming, Sofia smiled widely as Harry grabbed her roughly.

"I'm going to kill you," he growled at her, as he pulled her away from the crowd, but he didn't get far, before Sikes was standing in front of them, causing Harry to squeeze her tighter. Sikes seemed to ignore Harry, looking only at Sofia who was grinning at him.

"You're good on your feet," he said, his voice smooth and silky, and his eyes sparkling. Sofia laughed at him, keeping the mood light.

"I'm even better on my knees," Sofia said, catching him and Harry off guard, she felt Harry squeeze her arm tighter.

"Can I get a dance?" Sikes asked

"Maybe another night," Sofia said, her smile widening, "I think I'm in trouble." Sikes glanced up at Harry, who wasn't looking at him.

"She's ours," Harry barked, trying to play along with the game Sofia had created – but all he could concentrate on the anger pulsing through him. He didn't say another word before he was dragging Sofia away from Sikes, leaving him behind and wanting more.


Harry through Sofia into the office, and she fell into the desk, she gripped the desk so that she didn't topple over it completely, trying not to get too turned on by how aggressive he was being. Suddenly she felt him on her back, his hands on either side of her waist, pinning her to the desk so that she couldn't move.

"What the hell was that?" he hissed in her ear.

"I was just doing my job," Sofia said softy, as Harry pushed into her harder. Suddenly his hands were on her waist, and he was holding her tightly, so tightly she was sure there would be marks tomorrow.

"Dancing on a bar like a slut isn't part of your job," Harry growled, "Making other men believe they can have you, throwing yourself at all of them, that isn't part of your fucking job."


"BE QUIET!" Harry barked in her ear, authority in his voice that made her shiver.

"You might be able to convince the others that you were just trying to get him to notice you," Harry growled, "But I know better. You wanted to prove once and for all that you could do what you want, and not what I tell you to do." Sofia didn't say anything as he hissed angrily in her ear.

"Isn't that right?" he growled, her breath hitched, but she still said nothing.

"I asked you a fucking question!" Harry growled, his grip tightening on her hips, making her squirm uncomfortably, which only made him hold her tightly.

"Yes," she growled.

"Well, consider this telling you once and for all that you are mine," Harry said, before biting down on her neck forcefully. Sofia hissed in pain, as he used his lips to harshly mark the skin on her neck. She tried to pull away from him but he was no use, and he rolled his tongue over her skin, before biting down harder again.

"That's your reminder," Harry growled, "And every other asshole's reminder in this club. You are taken."

"Are you done?" Sofia spat, causing Harry to turn her, so that she was facing him, his eyes a deep green that blazed with anger and lust.

"Are you kidding?" Harry growled, "You just danced and showed your body off to an entire fucking club. Do you think I'm done?" He pushed her back so that now she was on the desk looking up at him.

"Harry –" Sofia gasped, as he moved to unbutton her shorts, "You can't – you can't do this here. We're in a cl – club!" She tried to remove his hands, but he was too first, pinning them above her head, as he stared down on top of her.

"That's the beautiful thing about you being mine, Sofia," Harry growled, "I can do whatever to you, wherever I want, and however the fuck I please."

"Harry –" Sofia hissed, squirming under him.

"You keep fighting me, and you'll make it worse for yourself. Now shut the fuck up," Harry growled, as he leaned on to her wrists, making her groan in pain.

"Keep your hands above your head," Harry growled, "If you move them, I'll have to restrain you." Sofia didn't say anything as she glared up at him.

"Do you understand me?" Harry hissed, moving closer to her face, and leaning on her with more pressure.

"Yes," Sofia groaned, looking away from him. Harry grabbed her face, forcing her to look up at him.

"Yes what?" Harry spat

"Yes sir," Sofia whispered, as Harry let go of her wrists, and watching carefully as she kept them pinned above her head. Harry moved quickly to remove her shorts, and soon Sofia was lying there, vulnerable on the desk in front of him.

"You want to be a tease?" Harry growled, "You want to have your fun with all those men? Well, let me remind you, that you are mine..." And Sofia gasped as he stuck his finger in her, grinning lustfully down at her as her hands moved to grab his arms.

"ABOVE YOUR HEAD!" Harry barked, Sofia gasped again as inserted another finger, pumping in and out, but put her hands back where he wanted them.

"And let me remind you," Harry hissed, as he removed his fingers, replacing it with his thumb and sliding it over her, making her pant, "That I'm the only one that can make you feel like this."

Suddenly he was pumping in and out of her, making her writhe and squirm underneath of him. He was being forceful and aggressive, pumping harder every time, as she moaned and panted beneath him.

"Oh my God," she moaned, throwing her head back, as she felt her climax build.

"Say my name," Harry growled,

"Oh God..." Sofia hissed throwing her hand into her mouth so she wouldn't scream, as he curled his fingers in her.

"SAY IT!" Harry demanded

"HARRY!" She barked, before putting her hand back her mouth, and biting down hard.

"HANDS ABOVE YOUR HEAD, SOFIA!" Harry growled, as he felt her clench around him.

"Oh my god, I'm gonna... Oh shit..." Sofia hissed, as she felt herself building. And then suddenly he wasn't in her any more. She looked up at him, so see him licking his fingers.

"Still as delicious as I remember," Harry said casually.

"What are you doing?" Sofia gasped, still not able to function correctly.

"Teaching you a lesson in teasing," Harry growled, "Get up, and put your shorts back on..."


"DON'T MAKE ME TELL YOU TWICE!" Harry yelled, as he threw her shorts at her, "And if you sneak away and finish yourself off, I will know, and I promise you, you will regret it."

Sofia moved off the desk, standing up, but stumbling, her legs felt like jello. Her whole body in a haze, as she stared at Harry in disbelief.

"Hurry up," Harry snapped at her, motioning to her shorts. Sofia stepped into them, slowing pulling them up, as Harry leaned against the door waiting for her. The uncomfort she felt, and the fire she felt fro, not being finished off, made her move slower. She looked up at him, hoping for him to change his mind.

"You aren't the only one who can be a tease," Harry said sternly, before opening the door to the office, and motioning for her to move. Sofia walked past him, still in a haze and asking herself what the hell just happened.


Harry and Sofia joined the group, all of whom had questioning eyes, but were wise enough not to ask. She did notice that all of them stared at her neck a little two long, reminding her that Harry had left a mark. Harry had her hand in a steel grip, as she stood beside her, not saying a word.

"Your hair is a mess," Louis said, a mischievous grin playing on his lips, as Sofia's face went red.

"I'm going to go fix it," Sofia said, turning from the group, only to be pulled back by Harry who gave her a look of warning. She nodded slightly, before turning away from him, but as she turned, she noticed Daisy being carried down the hallway by someone.

"Hey!" she called out, rushing to catch up with them, the two turned. Daisy looked as though she could barely stand, and the boy she was with had to keep her up right.

"Where the hell are you taking her?" Sofia snapped

"Relax, I'm taking her home," the boy growled.

"Like hell you are," Sofia hissed, "Daisy... are you okay?" Daisy head was falling to the side, as she couldn't keep it up and she couldn't open her mouth talk.

"What did you do?" Sofia growled at the boy, it was the same one Daisy had been talking to earlier, "What did you put in her drink?" She pulled Daisy out of his arms, stumbling backwards as she tried to keep her upward.

"Your friend just had too much to drink," the boy said, grinning evilly at the. But the grin didn't last long, because soon he was being pinned to the wall, by Niall, who had his forearm on the boys neck.

Emily was trying to hold up Daisy with Sofia, as the rest of the boys faced the young boy, who was struggling with Niall.

"What the fuck did you put in her drink, you asshole?" Niall growled, putting the pressure on the boys neck.

"Nothing!" he hissed out

"I'm only gonna ask you one more time!" Niall yelled, as he watched the boys face go red.

"Ruffies ... relax..." the boy hissed, as Niall let him go and fall to the floor. He collapsed, looking up at Niall.

"Zayn, get the girls back to the car," Liam growled, not taking his eyes off the boy. Zayn nodded, turning to the girls, who were trying to get Daisy to wake up. Zayn quickly picked her up bridal style, carrying her down the hallway, Emily following quickly behind him.

"Sofia, go..." Harry barked at her, his eyes dark with anger as he turned back to the boy who was starting to get off the floor. Sofia turned from the scene, walking towards the exit.

"You think your cool, drugging a girl?" Liam spat at him

"That's not cool, bro..." Harry growled slowly.

"You know what's cool? When you can take people your own size," Louis said, his voice dangerously slow.

"So come on, tough guy," Niall spat, "Let's see what you got." The last thing Sofia heard was what sounding like a nose cracking as she exited the club, hoping that she wasn't far behind Zayn.

She didn't see Zayn anywhere, and decided her best bet was to walk towards the parking lot. As she made her way down the street, she kept her head low, blending in so no one would give her trouble. The parking lot was dark and there was no sign of anyone as she entered it. Sofia walked quickly, thinking only about Daisy, and not watching her surrounding.

"Hey, it's you," a voice said, as Daisy spun around to be faced with the blue eyes that she had seen earlier that night.

"Do you make it a habit of sneaking up on people in dark parking lots?" Sofia asked, not showing her fear. Sikes chuckled softly, his eyes light with amusement.

"Do you make it a habit of walking in dark parking lots by yourself? Where are your watch dogs?" Sikes asked

"Busy fighting wolves," Sofia bit back, cocking her head to the side. Sikes laughed again.

"I like you," he said lightly, "You intrigue me. What's a girl like you doing belonging to a group like them?" Sofia's breath hitched though she didn't show it, and she thought of her answer clearly.

"Let me be clear, I don't belong to anyone," Sofia said softly, and she saw his eyes sparkle. Sikes didn't say anything, he just looked at her, as though trying to figure her out.

"Well, if that's all..." Sofia said, eager to get away from him, but not wanting him to know that.

"No, that's not all," Sikes said, so Sofia turned back to him, looking at him with questioning eyes.

"Well?" Sofia asked

"Let me take you out to dinner," Sikes said, which took Sofia by surprise. Her face stayed calm, but her mind was rushing with a million thoughts at once.

"I don't think so," Sofia said, smirking at him.

"Why not?" Sikes asked

"You're a stranger, I don't even know your name..." Sofia said, wondering when he was going to present his dangerous side. He had been nothing but polite and charming the entire night.

"I'm William, William Sikes. You can call me Will," he said, his eyes hopeful that that would be enough.

"Nice to meet you, Will," Sofia said, crossing her arms, and showing her resistance.

"And I can call you...?" Will asked

"You can call me for a dinner date after I've gotten to know you a little better," Sofia said, turning away from him, leaving him stunned behind her. She turned back to him, smiling seductively, "See you around, Will," before she walked away from him quickly and towards the car. She was too scared to turn around to see his reaction, but if she had, it wouldn't have scared her. He didn't look like one of most dangerous men in the country, he looked normal. He just looked like a man, with hope in his eyes, a small smile on his lips, and intrigue on his face.


"She gonna be alright?" Niall asked, as Ella slipped out of Daisy's bedroom, to face an entire hallway of family.

"Yes," Ella said quietly, "She just needs to sleep it off. It won't do any damage. But I'll stay with her through the night and into tomorrow, it will be awhile until she wakes up."

"We should take shifts," Liam said, "I don't want her to wake up alone."

"We'll do every two hours, you and Niall can go first," Eleanor said.

"Then me and El will," Louis said.

"I'll go after you guys, just come wake me up," Emily said, "I'll stay here tonight." She tried to ignore Zayn's piercing stare.

"You can have a guest room," Danielle said, "And then me and Liam will go after you."

"Then I'll go," Zayn said softly.

"We'll go last," Harry said, as he nodded to Sofia.

"I think I'm gonna stay with her tonight, actually," Sofia said.

"It's not necessary," Ella said.

"I know, but ... I just ... I won't be sleeping anyway..." Sofia said.

"I don't know if any of us will," Liam said, "I can't believe she got drugged. How did that even happen?"

"Rookie mistake," Eleanor said, shrugging, "She probably wasn't paying attention."

"Why don't I make tea," Danielle said, "I don't think any of us will get much sleep, why don't we just go sit in the living room while everyone takes their shifts..."

"Someone should call Danny..." Emily said, softly, "He would want to know..."

"I will," Zayn said, walking away to make the phone call, as everyone else moved towards the living room. As they all got settled, Liam turned to his sister.

"Well, you certainly got Sike's attention with that dance of yours, I can't say I approve of your strategy..." he glared at her, "But it's a start, I suppose..."

"Actually," Sofia said slowly, "He approached me when I left the club, in the parking lot..."


"What did he say?"

"Why didn't you say something?"

"Are you okay?"

"Did he touch you?"

"What the fuck?"

All of the responses came from everywhere that Sofia wasn't sure who said what, but suddenly all of the eyes in the room were glued on her, and Harry was gripping her shoulder tightly, as he looked her over, trying to see if she had been touched.

"What did he want?" Liam asked, his voice weary and defensive somehow at the same time.

"You'll never believe it," Sofia said, as she looked at him.

"Sex? A deal? Me? You? Information?" Liam asked, shrugging, "I know his game, try me..."

"None of those," Sofia said

"Well, what?" Niall asked, his voice impatient.

"He wanted to take me out to dinner," Sofia said, and once again the room exploded with reactions, not quite knowing how to handle what Sofia had just said.

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