5.Even he thought

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After some "no holidays" holidays, Dhruva was very bored. His friends had been to Ladakh, but he didn't go. He was in no mood to do anything. His Tennis classes and Tuitions kept him busy. He was eagerly waiting for college to start.

He was popular but he never wanted any attention. Girls said they had a huge crush and love him but no one dared to say to him.

Being the only son of a famous and rich Lawyer he had many facilities that a normal college student did not had. His father was always busy with courts and cases. This made Dhruva feel lonely sometimes.

His mother , an singer, had passed away in a car accident . He doesn't talk about her often. The only thing he loved was his dog "Duke". For him it was his family.

His Best friend and buddy for life, always made sure Dhruva is happy and not feeling lonely. They were friends from past 4 years but it was like they were brothers for life.

Dhruva wore a casual dress, took his keys , made up his hair and went to college.
A bunch of girls were already staring as he parked his bike. He didn't care to look and went in.

As soon as he went,  Suhas, came running towards him. he said in one go,

" Dhruva my assignment, Danny has robbed, he always does that , why me? I have to submit it or else they will cancel my admission for 3rd sem and I am dead", he said almost crying and panting.

" Bastard! He always do this. Last time it was Adi's now its you. He had robbed my PPT too. I'll not spare him today don't worry you'll get your pendrive", Dhruva said and stormed off furiously.

He went to Danny and both started to fight. Danny hit him a little hard. Dhruva gave a punch directly on Danny's face.

Soon he heard a voice, No one had dared to speak till that moment. He was curious to see  who was it. He saw a girl standing almost starring at him and another girl who looked frightened as hell. He thought the one who was standing boldly had said.

Suddenly a senior boy spoke in middle saying them to behave like juniors.
Dhruva said him to shut.

He again looked at the girl. "Who has the gutts to go against me. Why is she staring at me like that?. All girls do that but this is not that kind of stare. So cute. She doesn't even know to dress up properly to first day of college, Even then she's too cute. Look at her boldness" Dhruva thought.

Danny gave him pendrive back , stared that girl and went away. Dhruva didn't know how to react. He saw her a last time and went.

He went to his buddy or  bestie or better one, Bro and said, "Bro, till today no one has even spoke with me. How can she scream like that. I mean though she's a junior and don't know me, how can she scream like that to a stranger?
Which branch is she ? Who is she?", he asked.

" I really want to know her name and this is the best way to ask" he thought.

"Wow Dhruva!, finally a girl spoke up. I'll definitely find her. Even I am curious!", his friend said winking.

His friend went to a girl who was at the spot when the incident happened and asked her if she know who was that girl?

" Saanvi, I don't know her branch. But she's not CS or Elect. " she said as that girl was from CS.

"Who? Saanvi ? Why would she do that", his friend said laughing.

He went to Saanvi and asked her why did she do? And when he came to know it was Trisha, he laughed and teasingly said them that Dhruva may meet Saanvi if needed and went back to Dhruva.

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