13. Ended before it began?

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A few days passed by, Saanvi used to visit the hospital, but never alone! She used to smile and exchange greetings formally. She never replied or reacted to the reply that Dhruva had given that day. She did not even share it with Trisha.

"What did you guys talk about alone that day?" Trisha used to ask.

"Nothing, he was just thanking me," Saanvi replied.

Saanvi couldn't understand why Dhruva said that and kept thinking about it. They did not speak about it after that day. Saanvi was not a person who sought love. She was always focused on grades and studies. Love never crossed her mind. She hadn't been in a relationship ever. She didn't know how to handle all these feelings and couldn't discuss them with anyone. She was thinking.

"Am I overthinking this? Is he also feeling this way? Why would he, he just didn't want me to leave alone in the Cafe as a friend but Yash had told me that Dhruva had never been friends with girls before"

Rumours and Gossip had started in college regarding Dhruva and that he was seeing someone in the fresher's batch. 

"I think, It's the girl who stood up that day when Dhruva was beating", Saanvi heard in college corridors. 

She was scared. She did not want to get in between all these things, especially when things were not true. Saanvi stopped visiting Dhruva in hospital, she came up with reasons when Yash and Trisha called her.

"Saanvi what is happening, you can talk to me", Trisha asked.

"Nothing, I am just worried about the internals", Saanvi replied.


Dhruva's POV

I don't remember the accident clearly. My dad's PA called me that evening, forcing me to come to the office, I was in no mood to see his face after a lovely evening. I wanted to see her, more. Weirdly, I care so much about a girl I met a few days back. I stopped my bike midway and took a U-turn. A car was speeding my way and the next thing I knew, I was in the hospital bed.

When I learnt that it was Saanvi who took me to hospital, I was embarrassed, Then I was angry with myself. The moment I saw her again, I forgot everything and I just wanted to thank her. I don't know why I told her the truth, but after that day, things were not right.

She rarely visits me in the hospital and doesn't talk to me properly. Yash has also noticed this.

"Did you say something to her? She's been low even in college", he asked.

"No....I...You know, Leave it, why should I care, I thanked her for saving me and I owe her one", I bluntly replied.

Yash was taken aback. He gave me a surprised look. I know he could sense the weirdness. 

"She's your friend Dhruva, I thought you liked hanging out with her", Yash subtly said.

I did not reply. Yash knows to talk his way with me. He has seen my ups and downs and has been with me through it all. I respect him. I consider his words dearly. 

Maybe I was impulsive in telling her how I felt. I was good before, without any care. Maybe I am better off like that.

Today I am getting discharged and I can't wait to go back to college. This felt like a jail. To be honest, I can't wait to see her either but I won't. I need to stay vigilant and not hurt myself in any way.


It was a bright sunny day. Dhruva was finally going back to college after a month. He wore a fitted shirt. He had some scars on his forehead and jaw, but that added depth to his dashing looks. He picked Yash up and they left for college.

Trisha and Saanvi had an early class that day and were already in the college.

"Hey, Dhruva is coming to college today, Yash texted", said Trisha smiling. Saanvi's stomach fluttered and dropped with a symphony of a thousand butterflies. She did not show it on her face and smiled back.

Trisha's phone started ringing. She told me that it was Yash and he wanted to return her jacket.

"Let's go and collect it okay, Also I left it on purpose to meet him again", She laughed in an innocently naughty way. Saanvi was happy for her but did not want to meet Dhruva. 

As Saanvi and Trisha were waiting near the gate, They saw Yash approaching them. Saanvi's eyes were searching for Dhruva, she was impatient and nervous and there she saw him, with his charming physique and majestic walk. The world stopped revolving around her for a moment. She wanted to talk to him badly. 

"I made a mistake, why did I stop talking to him? I'll initiate the conversation and mend things now", she thought.

"H..i......", Saanvi was about to tell when Dhruva gave a smile Trisha, saw Saanvi's face, nodded and just left.

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