2. The unexpected people

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The sun was shining bright in the sky, the birds were chirping melodiously, sunshine embraced her soft face through the small openings of the window curtains. Alarm on her phone started to ring with a loud sound. She woke up for the first alarm it self. Saanvi was really excited. She took a hot shower, put on her clothes which she had arranged yesterday. She put on some cream (make up was never her thing except eyeliners!) Drew a winged liner on her eyes. Took her new bag and keys of her brand new gear scooter and went to pray God. That was her favorite time she thought.

Her parents had a busy day and Vedant, her brother, never had time at all. She had some roti with jam , said bye to her parents (who didn't notice at all) and went out to her garden where she had parked her Scooty. "I really hope my day's gonna be nice" she thought. She put on her helmet which she always hated to do and rode towards her college.

Her college really had a good campus and was ranked one of the best colleges. Most of the people who were studying there were nerds with mean minds. It had a really good faculty. There was a major portion of students who joined because of recommendations or by pushing some more money than the fixed amount. She parked her scooty in the parking area and went inside the main campus. "It's really huge", she thought. She wanted the GE (gene engineering) block, but felt lost in the huge campus.

A group of boys who were seniors were constantly checking out new girls and was getting happier each time when they saw a more beautiful girl. One of the boys from the group who was watching her keenly from the time she entered the college really felt something new in her. Though her blue casual tee and acid washed denim with boots were a bizzare match he didn't find her out of fashion. He knew she was searching something and went to her , to ask. When he asked her and got a reply that she wanted GE block, " oh! Wannabe genetist, cool", he thought.

He directed her to her block and she thanked him and went. He watched her till she turned left to her block. "I think he's final year, he looks like a perfect nerd. I should have asked his name, he was sweet", she thought on her way.

Her block was quite big, she went to her class and sat in middle row. There were some boys and girls chatting there. She felt really alone. She expected at least one of her old classmates. There were, but in other branch. Soon a girl came and sat next to her.

Saanvi watched her sideways. She had brown highlights in her hairs. She was in casuals. Saanvi was not in a mood to start a conversation. The other girl took the chance and introduced herself. She was Trisha from Carmel college. She was very good in her words and they connected instantly.
After an introductory lecture they came out of their class.

Trisha saw a boy approaching them and there was he, The Boy who had directed her to her block , standing right in front of her!.

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