Chapter 16

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I sat at my mirror pinning my hair up tightly in a bun, I still wasn't sure about the look but thought I'd give it a go. I clipped on my necklace from Ethan and looked in the round mirror scrutinising everything 

"Wow, you look beautiful," 

I smiled to myself as I turned to see Ethan at the door in his suit and tie

"You don't look too bad yourself," I grinned, then looked over his face and gasped at the fresh bruises, standing up in my dress and heels I slipped over to him to look over the new patterns on his face

"I look like a thug," he told me with a laugh “But I’m ok,”

“When did this happen? Why didn’t you tell me?” I gasped

He waved it off like it was nothing “I just had to nip home to get a few things,” and by a few things I knew he meant his suit

“I feel awful, you could have just said no to coming,” I sighed

Ethan smiled, trying not to wince as he did “I didn’t want to let you down, but I guess I have now,” he pulled as face

“Maybe I can fix you up," I motioned for him to sit at my dressing table and looked over my small amount of makeup. Ethan gazed up at me as I dabbed a tiny amount of foundation onto his bruise under his eye and over the cuts on his head "you never did tell me what he did,"

Ethan continued to look into my eyes not wavering "you don't want to know, Mouse,"

I gave him a look but carried on "I think maybe my dad could help us in the Daisy situation," he raised an eyebrow as I switched brushes 


"I don't know, if we explained the situation maybe he'd help,"

"I don't want charity Willow,"

"And you won't get any, my dad has strong morals about working for what you get, but he could help," I finished his makeup and he turned to the mirror 

"More Disney prince than thug,"

"Definitely," I promised kissing him softly "Come on we can talk about this later,"

I took his hands and lead him out of my room "you do really look beautiful," he repeated kissing my cheek softly 

As Dad, Charlie and Ethan went to find the car mum and me stood in the foyer of the fancy venue that was slowly being cleared, Mel had to leave straight after dinner, some family issue that she had to solve or something.

"He has done well," mum told me with a smile as she hooked her arm through mine. I grinned remembering dad introducing Ethan as my 'partner' and Ethan told my father’s amazed partners that he wanted to be an architect. 

"He did," I agreed

“And it’s so lucky that you will both be going to Lincoln,” I knew this would stop mum worrying about me going away in a few short weeks. It was so close and we hadn’t even figured out what we could do with Daisy. “What’s that face Darling?”

“Nothing mum, I just need to talk to you and dad tomorrow,”

Mum raised an eyebrow “We will talk when we get home,” there was a beep from our car and mum linked arms with me “He’s handsome too,” she grinned

“Mum,” I rolled my eyes and laughed. Charlie and Ethan were already in the car when I climbed in trying not to fall over myself

“You alright?” Ethan asked as I tried shuffling my long dress into a less awkward position

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