Chapter 7

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The party was already heaving by the time I locked up my room and headed downstairs, I found Charlie straight away in the kitchen doing shots with his friends "Woody!" They all called merrily, I let them off this time and smiled, well it's my birthday I might as well enjoy myself, Charlie thrust a shot glass into my hand as another round of drinks were poured, I didn't know half the people in the living room and downstairs since all Charlie's football friends were in the kitchen, I'm going to need the shots to get through this. After a 3rd round Charlie pulled me off to dance he was laughing with his friends and I couldn't help smile at him as he spun me around

"I bet you wish you invited Ethan now," he called over the thumping music that was bouncing off my chest, I just shrugged and Charlie shook his head. Charlie was suddenly caught up with a new friend that had arrived and was pulled away; I made to follow but couldn't see him anywhere. With a shrug I went back into the kitchen to get a drink it was full but I squeezed by only to find the baileys already finished.

"I'm making a Vodka and orange if you won't one?" I turned to see one of Charlie's football friends, I couldn't remember his name but he was a quiet member of the group.

"Sure," I shrugged 

"Cool I've always wanted to be a bartender," he tried to flip the bottle only to nearly drop it. I caught it quickly and shook my head

"Don't give up your day job," I laughed. He just grinned, he was as blonde as Jake but it looked dyed and his comb over was getting too long. I didn't know what he had come as but he was wearing beach shorts and a vest so it showed off his muscles, he handed me my drink "Thanks," I looked over the crowd dancing not seeing anyone I recognised.

"You're Belle right?" He leaned down to whisper in my ear 


"That's cute cause your definitely a beauty,"

I looked up at him and almost laughed, "Sorry I like someone else," I told him to get me to leave me alone as I leaned against the wall his eyes narrowed slightly as he leaned in making me feel uncomfortable

"Like that matters,"

I frowned slightly and looked over his shoulder into the crowd, that's when I saw him, my face split into a grin and I pushed past the footballer. 

"Ethan," he turned around grinned 

"There you are! Happy birthday!" I dived on him and he hugged me back 

"I am so glad to see you!" I beamed squeazing him tightly "seriously you've just saved my night," He smiled as I stepped away from him "come on let's go get you a drink," I took his hand and pulled him off back to the kitchen.

"Who was that guy?" He wondered leaning close so I could hear; I wasn't uncomfortable with him leaning close.

"Just one of Charlie's friends," I waved it off, Ethan was smiling 

"Was he trying it on?"

I just laughed "yeah but I escaped," I got him a beer and offered it him. 

"Come on Beauty lets go dance," he took the beer and my hand and pulled me off, I found another can before I left the kitchen 

"So you like my costume?" I asked, Ethan smiled 

"Definitely," we were heading downstairs to where the main dance floor was "it's definitely fitting," I laughed we were in the middle of the throngs now "I mean that the costume fits you being beautiful not that its fitting as in fitting... well it is fitting... what about my costume?" I laughed loudly at his rambling before looking him over with his white slightly baggie shirt and black three quarters that were just as baggie. 

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