Chapter 5

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I couldn't believe it had only been two weeks since I started my channel; so many things had changed in 14 days. I scrolled through Ethan's old videos, I think I had officially become his stalker but I was bored and I had found his first videos of amazing cover songs. The first Video, a cover of an Adele song was uploaded 4 years ago and he had a cute little blue beanie that suited him even more than his grey beanie. As I scrolled I saw the thumbnails change from his blue beanie to black to grey, I paused on the first of the 'black beanie' videos but before I clicked on it I flicked to the Chat thinking how I could approach the subject

Willow: Why did you stop doing covers?

Ethan: Wow you're that far back?

Willow: Um...

Ethan: Haha

Willow: And what's with the change of beanie?

Ethan: Oh. Don't watch those

Willow: Why?

Ethan: I just... wasn't myself then, I'll explain everything in person

Willow: Ok

Ethan: Ok? Does that mean you're going to watch them anyway?

Willow: No that means I'm respecting your wishes

Ethan: Really? Ok Lunch tomorrow?

Willow: Perfect

Hunter dived over the back of the sofa almost kicking Ethan in the head in the process "there's my favourite best friend," Ethan looked up seeing the camera pointed at his face "And once again he's talking to my replacement,"

Ethan closed the laptop with a laugh "As if I'd replace you," he gave a wink and Hunter laughed shutting off the camera

"Are you inviting her to the Ultimate Harry Potter Fest next week?" Hunter looked way too eager for Ethan's liking

"I don't know, I know what you are like," Hunter blinked innocently like he didn't know what he was talking about "It took her at least half an hour to warm up to me never mind your crazy ass,"

"Just because you're jealous of this crazy ass," Hunter winked again and Ethan laughed wondering how in the world he had a girlfriend, Ethan just picked up his laptop with a roll of his eyes "Are we shooting our new video?" Hunter moaned

"Yeah, yeah, give me a minute," Ethan laughed and Hunter sighed dramatically getting up to set up the cameras.

Ethan: Just videoing, I'll be back soon

Willow: Awesome! I can't wait to see it... is it with Hunter?

Ethan: Yeah, why?

Willow: I 'ship' you guys

Ethan: Oh gosh, not you as well!

"Yes! Hashtag Hunthan!" Hunter cheered as he read Ethan's messages again

Ethan shook his head at his best friend, "I told you about this Hunter, we don't hashtag in person," He closed his laptop and dropped it onto the sofa with a laugh

"Yeah, yeah, come on," he pulled him up and over to the little studio he had set up "You can't like her yet anyway," Hunter decided

"I can't?" Ethan raised an eyebrow as Hunter adjusted the camera

"Nope, not until I have met her, you tell her about your mum and or your dad," Hunter counted on his fingers "Oh and Daisy has to meet her as well,"

Ethan frowned slightly, Hunter was right; of course, he was always right when it came to these things "I'll get to it," Ethan promised "Don't you have a date in like an hour,"

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