Chapter 8

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I woke up the next day with a banging headache, I sat up and a note fell onto my blankets that were tucked securely around me like I was 5 again. I groaned and opened the note but it was all a blur without my glasses. I reached for them and found another note next to them 

'Got everyone out like I promised, tonight was a good night :) I won't tell anyone your secret 

Ethan x'

Secret? What secret? I turned to the second note

'Oh remember it's our Harry potter day today I’ll meet you at 1 outside the Russell Square Tube station

Ethan x'

I checked the time 11, thank god I have time to become human again. I was incredibly nervous as I sat on the tube waiting for the stop at Russell Square, I had met his friends last night but it was for the briefest moments, well the briefest moment I could remember. I got a notification from YouTube announcing that ItsEthan had uploaded a new video so quickly clicked on it plugging in my headphones as I did. I saw the gang walking down the street laughing with Ethan holding the camera

‘Hey guys its Ethan, and we are on our way to surprise Willow at her 19th Birthday Party!’ the others cheered and it cut to my house

‘Fancy place she’s got here!’ Hunter whistled

‘I told you she’s classy’ I laughed slightly at Ethan’s comment, the party was raging and the camera was passed to Hunter as Ethan disappeared

‘Where did Ethan go?’ Betsy was asking but Hunter didn’t care as he danced with Lindsey. It cut then to us all dancing in the throngs of the party and I smiled seeing Betsy dance with a guy, at least she was having fun. Then Charlie and I were doing shots as Ethan and the others watched

‘Jesus!’ Hunter whispered as the camera turned to the four of them ‘That girl sure can drink’ then Ethan was catching me as I stood and wobbled and Hunter laughed from behind the camera ‘Someone’s a little tipsy’ we were all dancing again until the house was quiet except the five of us and Jake who was laughing and flirting with Betsy in the corner of the shot, I was fast asleep on Ethan’s shoulder as we sat on the sofa next to Hunter and Lindsey snogging. ‘So, this has been fun,’ Ethan laughed ‘Do you still want to be Willow’s friend now you’ve seen her this drunk? Because I sure do!’

‘Me too’ Hunter broke away from Lindsey grinning like a mad man

‘And me!’ Betsy laughed as Jake grinned softly

‘We will see you guys when we are considerably more sober and Willow is awake’ at the sound of my name I woke up for a moment

‘Happy birthday Woody!’ Jake called and I saw myself blink

‘I’ve slept for a whole year?’ the gang laughed and I was soon back to sleep on Ethan’s shoulder. The tube stopped suddenly and I realised I had missed my stop, oh great! I quickly got off and changed tubes and headed back two stops. I emerged into the cool day blinking at the light

“So on a scale of 1 to 10 how hung over are you?” I turned to see Ethan and smiled stupidly “Because I’m about a 4 and I didn’t drink a quarter of what you did,”

“I am fine,” I smiled brightly “Although I have no idea what happened after the drinking contest,”

“Wow that early,” he was grinning “Did my video clear anything up?”

“Not much,” we set off walking with Ethan chuckling “What secret did I tell you?”

“Ah,” he began “You told me not to tell you,”

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