Chapter 11

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Friday: I arrived home, after work, just as mum and dad pulled outside looking sad and serious. “Hey guys,” Charlie tried to smile when we all entered the warm house.

“Hi son,” Dad gave him a soft squeeze

“How’s Gran?” I wondered softly, although I knew the answer already

Dad just sighed and mum shook her head “She didn’t make it through the night,” I gave dad a hug and for the first time he sobbed into my shoulder. It’s a strange experience seeing the man who cheered you up cry; it was almost unsettling as he clung to my small frame for support like I had done to him since I was born.

“Oh dad,” my eyes misted over and I could feel the sob building, Charlie and mum joined our hug until dad broke away,

“Oh look at us,” he sniffed looking so small for the first time in my life, he looked almost vulnerable which is a quality I’d never seen in my dad before. “What would mum say?”

“She’d tell us all to grow some balls,” Charlie laughed still chocking on his tears. Mum gave him a squeeze

“That she would,” Dad smiled,

“I’ll go make some tea,” Mum suggested, we sat on the sofas just talking about our crazy Nan for what seemed like hours, laughing at her funny moments and crying into our sweet tea, for shock mum said, until there was a knock at the door and mum rubbed her eyes and went to answer it. Charlie pulled me into a hug and Dad watched us with a small smile “Charlie, Willow,” mum called from the door “Friend for you,” I knew it wouldn’t be for me but Charlie pulled me along “Is dad ok?” mum whispered in the hall, Charlie gave a nod and she returned to check on him. Charlie and I turned to the door to find Ethan, with his hands deep in his pockets beanie pulled over his eyes and a worried expression on his shadowed face.

"Oh I’ll leave you to it," Charlie went back inside still rubbing his eyes. 

"What do you want Ethan?" I asked "Now isn't really a good time," 

"Oh what about tomorrow? I could meet you after work again?" He offered 

"I don't know, I think we might be leaving tomorrow," I looked at my hands

"Leaving?" He frowned

"We're going back up north," I shrugged leaning against the wall slightly subtly wiping my eyes

"Wait your moving back up there?" He gasped

"What? No!" I frowned frustrated with the whole thing "we just need to take care of some stuff,"

"Oh," he all but collapsed against wall "I thought maybe..."

"That's we'd all up sticks and move just cause a guy ignored me," I snorted 

"I am so sorry," he apologised

"And I am really tired," I sighed "like I said now isn't a good time,"

He looked me over with a frown "Have you been crying?" 

I sniffed slightly "my parents just got back from my Nan's, she, well died," I shrugged picking at my nails 

"Oh, I'm so sorry," he stood and pulled me into a hug. I sighed leaning my head on his shoulder

"You're meant to let me be angry at you," I sniffed slightly 

"I'm sorry," he chuckled "I just have this effect on people they can't be mad at my lovely face," I laughed wiping my eyes with my sleeve "and I wasn't ignoring you, we'll not purposefully, my dad went psycho and took everything away from me, and I haven't left the house since." I frowned at his lowered beanie and pulled it off so I could see his eyes properly; his left eye was a darkening bruise and he had cuts on his head that looked deep.

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