The Socially Awkward Subscriber

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The red light flashed on to show the camera was recording, I took a deep breath and smiled “Hi, I’m Willow Rose, and this is my first YouTube video... So Hi,” I smiled again “To help us get better acquainted here’s 5 facts about me,” I held up my pointing finger “1, my name is Willow Rose cause my mum thought it would be ‘cute’ to name her daughter after a tree,” I grinned my dark locks falling over my shoulders. “2, I moved to London from ‘up north’ two years ago after I finished Secondary school and I’m still trying to lose my accent. 3, I’m a pescetarian because I can’t stand the sight of raw meat it looks and feels disgusting so I’ve been meat sober for 4 years now but my mum makes me eat fish as she thinks I’m going to be ill,” I smiled and added “She’s a worrier, 4. I have a twin brother he has a normal name, he’s called Charlie and he’s my favourite person in the world.” I shrugged casually “And finally 5,” I wiggled my fingers at the camera “The reason why I’m doing this channel is as my said twin brother thinks I’m ‘socially awkward’ and ‘I don’t have any real friends’ which is lovely... but true so this is me trying to be less ‘socially awkward’ even though I’m sat in my bedroom... talking to a camera,” I thought for a moment “It still counts, so now we’ve got better acquainted... do you want to be my friend? See you around,” The red light switched off as I turned off the camera and spun round in my computer chair to my ready laptop, I uploaded the video onto my laptop and carefully began editing it, a minute video soon turned into a 3 minute video until it was almost perfect ‘almost’ being not good enough. I opened my YouTube page SociallyAwkwardFriend and clicked upload, here we go. Once it was uploading I went downstairs unable to watch the snail bar crawl across the screen or even worse nobody watching it when it was finally up. Our home was three stories high and squashed in between the other white tall town houses of the same model, on the bottom floor we had the smaller living room and mum’s study, the middle floor was the kitchen/dining room and another living room and the top floor was our three bedrooms, they were all decorated 'tastfully' as mum said since she wanted the whole house to have a theme, even mine and Charlie's room fitted into the sophistication. Charlie was laid on the long corner sofa that stretched around the smaller room, that was still quite large, watching football, a family size pack of Doritos sat in his lap and a bottle of coke sat on the oak coffee table. His dark curls were a mess over his blue eyes it was a wonder that he could actually see, I dived on him and he screamed like a girl. “Woody don’t do that!” he sighed with relief that it wasn’t some killer about to attack in the middle of a Sunday afternoon. I laughed at his reaction and sat up pulling the bag off his lap began munching. “What have you been doing?” he wondered “it sounded like you were talking to yourself,” he snorted, I rolled my eyes and just shrugged before replying in a small voice

“Started a YouTube channel,”

Charlie raised an eyebrow at me “Really?” he thought for a moment “Geeky girl sitting in her room talking to the internet... yeah sounds about right for you," I elbowed him and shovelled another handful of crisps into my mouth.

“Willow dinner will be ready soon why are you eating junk?” Mum asked with a sigh

“Yeah Willow,” Charlie laughed taking the bag back.

“Sorry mum,” I apologised mouthful of crisps

“Did you see about that job at to book shop?” she asked me, I looked over the back of the sofa to see her standing in the kitchen stirring Yorkshire pudding mix in one of Grandma’s old bowls.

“The shop isn’t open today but I’ll go tomorrow,” I promised, Mum nodded softly turning away from us to carry on cooking. Charlie stuck his tongue out at me and I rolled my eyes. “What happened to being the mature twin?” I laughed and he grinned

“Just because I have a job,” he tutted

“Football isn’t a job,” I snorted

“No it’s a career,” he grinned a cheesy smile and I rolled my eyes again

“Just because you’d never make it as an Academic, Brains,” His smile dropped slightly and he pulled me into a wrestle.


Mum placed our dinner in front of us "So are you going to tell mum and dad what you were doing upstairs," the parents in question both gave Charlie a confounded look as he dug into his meal resembling a monkey eating a banana rather than a teenage boy... or maybe that was the same thing
"Are you going to tell mum and dad what you do upstairs?" I raised an eyebrow at him his cheeks burned and he turned back to stuffing his face.
"So what were you doing up stairs Darling?" Dad wondered hesitantly, we looked more like him than we did mum, with the same dark hair and chocolate brown eyes Charlie taking his broad shoulders too. 
I scooped some mash into my mouth so I couldn't answer straight away. "Only a video for my channel nothing special," I shrugged
"Channel? What's a channel?" Mum asked sweeping her blonde hair from her face she was insanely pretty with a love heart shaped face and a large smile, I could see why dad fell in head over heels in love with her at the ripe old age of 15. 
"It's on a website called YouTube," Charlie explained
"A website?" Mum gave a worried look "what if there are perverts on this website?" Always jumping to the worst conclusion 
"Mum it’s a really famous site there won't be many pervs on there," Charlie shrugged not making mum feel any better.
Dad sighed "can we not talk about perverts over our Sunday dinner?"
I snorted and carried on eating as we fell in a comfortable silence.
"So what's your channel called," Charlie asked after a pause, dad sighed but carried on eating. 
"Um just you know," I pushed my peas around my plate "socially awkward friend," 
Charlie laughed, mum tutted and I think dad had switched off at this point.
"You are not socially awkward Willow, Charlie has just drilled it into you head that you are," she frowned at my offending brother "maybe she just wants to apply herself to her studies,"
Charlie just laughed some more and carried on eating "I'll be your first subscriber," he got his phone out which made mum tut even more "one minute mum," he typed furiously for a moment before a smile grew on his face "well this sucks," I jumped up and dived around the table making dad pay attention and frown at his disturbed Sunday.
"What sucks?" I looked over Charlie’s shoulder
"I can't be your first subscriber you already have 108," I took the phone off him and squinted at the screen since I wasn't wearing my glasse, there it was 108 "you haven't typed in the wrong person?" Even though I could see my picture and the video I had uploaded. "Well then..." I grinned
"I can't believe people actually like you?" Charlie snorted; I hit him around the head and went to go sit down again. "Seriously though this might actually be cool Woody," I just smiled to myself as I finished my Sunday lunch.

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