"Booyakasha~!!" Both Mikey and Leo jumped down, surprising them. 

"You're not going anywhere with that piece of paper, dudes!"

"Hyahh!" Leo attacked, but they dodged easily. No matter how many times they attacked, the beings had no affect. That's when Mikey got an idea. He used his grappling hook to shoot the scroll right out of the creature's hand, flying out of the building. The creatures did the same. Leo and Mikey looked down to see them lying on the ground. At first they didn't know what to do, and thought they were dead. So after coming down, Mikey reached for the scroll.


"Ahh!" The creature grabbed his hand and soon they all pulled Mikey into the shadows.

"Mikey~!" Leo took one sword out, defending himself as he scanned the area. He could hear one creeping around. When it was in his sights, Leo lunged forward. He missed, and tried swinging his sword as much as he could, but all attacks failed. 

"Ahh~!" Leo swung down again, but to his surprise, the creature held the blade in its hand with all its might. It used its other hand to claw at Leo. Luckily Leo was able to dodge its punch, as it made a crack in the walls. 

"Let me go, you creepy ghoul! Leo~!" Mikey shouted as he threw the scroll at him. Leo caught it, but in mid-air, the creature caught him. It pinned him down. 

"Mikey!" Leo struggled to get free. Just then, the creature grabbed his arm and dislocated it, making the blue-clad turtle cry out in pain. Once the scroll was in its hands, the others released Mikey and threw him to Leo. 

"You okay little bro?" 

"Not really," Mikey whimpered. Leo looked up to see a creature hold a trash bin over its head, about to crush them. 


Suddenly, police sirens wailed. As soon as the car arrived, everyone was soon gone from their sight. 

>>>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>>>>

Somewhere in the city, on the rooftops, Karai and Shini were scanning the city.

"Awfully quiet tonight," Shini thought.

"It always seems that way, Shini," Karai added, "but I'm sure that things won't rest easy for long." Just then, they heard a rattling sound from a distance. Karai was pulling out her weapon, with Shini following behind. The girls jumped on the nearest rooftop, only to find a cloaked figure standing a few feet away.

"Who is that," Shini whispered.

"Not sure." Karai and Shini slowly approached the stranger.

"You," Karai called out, "who are you? You're not from around here, are you?"

The stranger turned around to see them. Their head was covered under the hood. The two still had their guard up as the person walked forward. Karai was raising her sword, but then Shini grabbed her arm.


"What are you doing?"

"This stranger...they don't seem to be a threat."

"How can you know?"

"Trust me. I can sense it." The figure stood in front of Karai. The person reached behind their neck and pulled out a necklace with a medallion symbol tied to it. Both girls gasped when gazing at the object.

"No...how do you..." Before Karai could finish, the stranger put the necklace around Karai's neck. The stranger's hand gently pressed against her cheek. Somehow, Karai wasn't alarmed or offended, and something about their touch was warm and comforting. Unclose, she saw the stranger wear an eye mask, only their smile showed. As she was lost in thought, the stranger backed away and quickly ran off.

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