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What is love these days? I just don't understand. I've seen so many "relationships" where people would:

a.) rush into a relationship way too fast to the point they barely know the other person.

b.) end up breaking up just as fast as they got together.

And more! Relationships aren't about love anymore. It's more for the title, the sex, money, what the other person can do for you, clout... I don't understand anymore. Relationships these days are just...toxic as hell. It's so hard just to find the one who will be genuine and treat you like your supposed to be treated. At this point, everywhere you look, whether it be on social media or IRL, people are getting into relationship drama, fights, stalking their ex, and it's just so...annoying? confusing? stupid? I honestly don't have words for it. I do realize that relationships aren't supposed to be perfect, but goddamn, some of these make me wonder why people choose to be in them in the first place.

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