⇛3~A New Feeling(Violence Warning)

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They're coming.

I can feel it in the pit of my stomach.

I sat in the dark corner of my room. No light. No movements. No sounds. Only the sound of the crickets chirping under the night sky.

Lord knows how long I have been waiting for this day. The day where they attempt to take my life.

Key word: Attempt.

I've taken every precaution to ensure that that will not be the case. That included training, stealth training and weapon handling to be exact. And if I am being honest, I almost feel...excited about the thought of taking their lives.

They've tormented mine for far too long. I'm at my breaking point.

A sigh escaped me as I looked up at the dark ceiling. God, my heart is going a million miles an hour...I need to calm it. Though it may be a bit difficult to do while adrenaline courses through my veins like rushing waters of a creek.

Thoughts of them dead keep running around my head. I could feel my body heat up and my lips tugging into a not-so-friendly smile. What'll happen, no one knows.

That feeling in my stomach returned. They're close. Or more accurate, they're already on the premises. I couldn't stop the deep chuckle that rumbled in my throat.

Calm down...

I told myself to remember the torture they had you enduring. That will calm me down. The countless sleepless nights, the constant threats that came my way, the feeling of being watched...

I definitely remember the feeling of fear that came with those dark figures at night. Then the way my hands used to tremble each time I opened one of their fucked up letters describing the different ways they were going to kill me.

But I noticed one thing I felt the more I read those letters. My hands would shake yes, but not out of fear anymore.

Oh no...

It wasn't the same shakes that occurred the first few letters.

It was another something else: Rage.



My nights were now filled with vivid dreams of their deaths and deadly stares. All gruesome...



A branch outside my bedroom window.

Here comes the first one.

My gaze traveled from the dark void of a ceiling to the sliding glass back door of my bedroom, leading out into the back porch. A figure stood in the middle, almost completely covering the florescent street light that spilled in. The long flowing hair of the figure told me that it was the girl who had shown up first.

Lucky me...

I didn't dare move my body when I saw her slide open the door with ease. She scanned the room, searching for any signs of life.

My life to take.

My body temperature rises the more I watched. Should I just do it? She's all alone. I bet her other teammates are in other locations of the house. They won't hear when she takes the last breath of her life.

I've made up my mind. I'm going to do it.

Careful not to make a sound, I shifted my body out of the dark corner, eyes still locked on her. I crawled along the dark side of the room. She still hasn't noticed me?

And they call themselves assassins...

They're amateurs to say the least, but that won't make killing them any less fun.

I snuck up behind of her with relative ease. Then I pulled something I got just for this day.

It glittered brightly in the light coming through the glass, and soon, it was going to shine with something else...

Its blade was sharpened to pierce through even wood with the right amount of force. Silently, I neared her back, grabbing her head and placing my hand around her mouth.

She screamed of course, but the muffled noise didn't reach more than a few feet in the room.

Shh...it'll be over soon...

Quickly, I pressed the blade to her delicate throat. She screamed once more, until...

I pressed the knife into her skin and watched as it glided across her neck as if it were butter.

She couldn't scream anymore.

Instead, I let her go, eyes glimmering with excitement as I watch her gasp for air and grasp at her throat. Blood poured out through her fingers and onto the wooden floors.

What a mess to clean up...

My hand began shaking as I felt the adrenaline course through me. I smiled, almost proud of myself for what I have done. Her body hit the floor with minimal noise.

Perfect, one down, four more to go.

I cleaned off the blood on the blade, wondering how I will get rid of the others.

A laugh exited my lips as I left the room, searching for my next victim in this house...

You may think that I have gone insane, but trust me.

If you had to endure all those years of torture, of sleepless nights...

You'd turn to murder too...


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