"Yeah, everything is going to be okay." said a familiar voice from behind Hermione. Tatiana looked up and smiled ear to ear at the sight of her father.

"Daddy! You made it! I can't believe you're here!" squealed Tatiana as she leapt into Ron's arms.

Harry chuckled. "Glad you made it mate."


Hermione beamed at her husband. "How in the world did you get off?"

"Took an early lunch and headed over to Mum's to see if Alexis and Ryleiann wanted to come, but they wanted to stay and play with their cousins. Your sisters are traitors." said Ron as he put Tatiana down.

"That's okay. I'm sure my new baby brother will have my back once he gets here." said Tatiana as she rubbed her mother's protruding belly.

"You got it wrong with the twins, little love." said Ron.

"I'm positive it's a boy this time, Daddy. And remember your promise if he is. He gets the name I chose. When I get home for holiday, Ashton William Atticus Weasley better be here." said Tatiana with a wink.

Ron winced. "Tati, baby, can we please negotiate the middle name? Can't it just be William? I'm begging you."

"A promise is a promise, Daddy." said Tatiana, wagging her finger back and forth.

Hermione giggled as Ron groaned. "Shouldn't we just go ahead and tell her that we already know she is getting a brother?" whispered Hermione.

"No, let her be surprised. More fun for her that way." said Ron, smiling.

Soon it was time for Tatiana to board the train. Tatiana grabbed at Ron's arm.

"Daddy?" said Tatiana, suddenly nervous.

"Yes, little love?"

"What if I don't get into Gryffindor like Victoire? I don't want to be anywhere else, but I don't feel brave enough. I still have Momo with me for Merlin's sake." whispered Tatiana embarrassingly.

"You have nothing to worry about. You're plenty brave, even with Momo. The fact that you are still taking him without fear of being judged is bravery in itself." said Ron looking at the tattered bunny in his daughter's arms.

Tatiana took that into consideration, satisfied with the answer.

Tatiana hugged her mother and father close. She then hugged Fleur and Harry, and then boarded with Victoire and Teddy onto the train. Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Fleur watched as the train took off and rolled away into the distance.

Ron looked over at the teary Fleur. "What's the matter?" he asked.

"It's the same thing as last, I guess." said Fleur, wiping her eye. "I just wish Bill was here to see how wonderful his daughter is growing up. I know she misses him every day."

Ron put an arm around Fleur's shoulder. "I wish he was here to see it too, as well as the other kids. It's going to be okay. He's always with her, in a way. "

Fleur dabbed her the corner of her eyes with a cloth. "Zat is true. Well, I'm off to run errands before I stop by to get the children. Au revoir." said Fleur before she walked off.

Ron, Hermione, and Harry watched as she walked away. The couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"It's been five years, and she still hasn't fully opened up about Bill, Ron." said Hermione sadly as she rubbed her belly.

"Yeah, I know." said Ron, putting his arm around Hermione's shoulders. "She's always been the type to hold it all in. She barely talks to the kids about him. Louis doesn't know him at all with her not knowing she was pregnant till a week after the battle, and I doubt Dominique remembers him much."

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