Ch 10 [My Gravity's Centered]

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My feet and hands were covered in chalk and yet I continued to put more on. Most gymnast have the roughest hands and feet in the world, I take care of the problem with tons and tons of Jergens. I looked down at my comp shirt, it had the white powder on it too, as did my shorts. I took in a deep breath and let it out slowly and raised both of my arms.

"Okay." Bam started. She had a camcorder in her hands pointed at me. "I want you to backhand spring vault. One and half flip with two and half twist." That was kind of a lot to put into a backhand spring vault, but I'd become use to it over the years. I'm not really a power vaulter. I can hit the tricks and stick the landings I just can't push off hard enough to get a lot of air. Bam's putting me back in All-Around for Ohio. It's a big competition and placing gold in it would improve my chances of making the Senior team by a thousand. If I could get pass decent scores on Vault and Rings I would have it in the bag. Bam constantly tells me that there's always going to be someone better than you, your rivals only get harder. In Ohio I'm suppose to meet up with a rival. Vic Myers, he's eighteen, has been on the Junior National Team since he was thirteen, known for being a power vaulter and and a wiz on Pommel. I can beat him in All-Around, I've got the medal to prove that, but he's still very tough competition.

"The Amanar?" I asked.

"Yes. Ready?" Bam asked holding tightly to the camcorder.

I nodded my head and took another breath. With a hop I took off down the runway. When I look back at the videos of myself it looks like it only takes a second to make it all the way through the run, but in real life it seems like forever. I lunged myself forward into a round off and then threw my self back into a backhand spring. My body flung into the air as I flipped and twisted. I'm told not to close your eyes in a vault, but the Amanar is a blind landing anyway. I held my body tight as the end of my vault came near. My feet hit the ground followed by the smallest hop. Bam still had the camera pointed at me.

"Well?" I asked hopefully.


I grunted and headed back to the beginning of the runway, I knew I'd end up doing it again. In order for me to be done I would have to do it perfectly like twelve times.

Practice was always drill after drill, going through routine after routine. When it was over I left as fast as I could before Bam could think of something else to make me do.
Usually when I leave there are only a few trainers and janitors left in the building. I sat inside my moms car and let my body melt into the seat. I don't get why I don't have my own car. I travel more than anyone in my family. Kyle goes to school and to get food.. that's it.

Tonight was first night that we actually had dinner prepared for us. I'm guessing he cooked because it was back to just us kids and Jackson. Carly's friends went home on Wednesday and Logan came over last night. Any time dad cooked it was breakfast, it could be morning or not, he made breakfast. Pancakes, bacon, eggs. When I got home he was finishing up as everyone gathered around the table. After washing up for dinner I came down to join them. I sat by Christian and across from Kyle. My dad had my plate sat down already.

"Egg whites, turkey bacon, and whole wheat toast." My dad said chewing. "Eating like that you'll never gain weight."

"You never seize to remind me." I poked my fork into my eggs and examined them, I'm pretty sure mom always cooks because Dad isn't to good at it. "Did mom book the flights?" I asked my dad tearing a piece of my toast.

"Yep." He took a swig from his mug. "Jacks, I'm kinda bummed you're not going to get to come with us, man." My dad said.

"You're not coming?" I asked looking up. I got some questionable looks from Kyle and Carly. Carles has been very curious about Jackson and me lately. Me and him haven't really been talking since the other night. I'm pretty sure he'll get over his self eventually and will try to get some sooner or later.

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