She answered, and put the phone up to her ear. "Hello?"

"Who the fuck is that? Don't try to fuckin' play me, Nadir. I'm your favorite relative"

"I don't know" Nadir looked at the boy standing infront of her. "Who are you, please?"

"Your brother. My name is Taylor"

"Our brother" Nadir stated.

"Oh, he just snatched the title of brother right up, didn't he?" Chance asked.

"You didn't even give him the Cha-"


"-Opportunity. I wasn't going to say your name"

"Yeah, right. Your boyfriend and I are going to take the hike up there, and mug the shit out of everybody. Bye" He hung up in her face.

Her phone vibrated in her hand, and it was a text from Antiere.

'I know you probably busy now, so just call me when you can'

She would probably only see him once every few months.

A drastic change from every single day.

"Hi" Nadir looked at Taylor.

"How are ya?"

"I'm not supposed to be here" She stated.

"Do you live across the street?" He joked.

"I was forced onto a plane today. What's your dad like?"

Taylor shrugged. "Just a regular dad. What's mom like?"

"What happened to your mother?"

"We have the same mother"

Nadir furrowed her eyebrows. "That's news to me"

Her mother hid a whole child from her. What else could she be hiding?

Someone else who had the exact same ancestors.

"Are there any more of you? Because I wasn't aware either."

"Could be. I just found out about you this morning" Taylor stated.

"Okay, well I have to do stuff now. Sorry for being rude"

"Nah, you good. I'll be downstairs" Taylor left the doorway.

Nadir got up to close the door before calling Antiere.

As soon as he picked up the phone, she spoke. "I don't like it here"

"Don't do that, baby. You gotta be optimistic, or you'll just be negative about the whole thing"

"I don't think I can come back. I wanted to say bye to you" She felt her bottom lip quiver.

"Imma come up there and see you on the weekends. If you not too busy with school"

Nadir would push all of her school work aside for him anyways because she didn't want to go to school in the first place.

"That's too far, and your car would get too many miles on it. It's not economical"

"I can get another car, but I can't get another Nadir"

"I don't know about that"

"You want me to jog then?" He asked. "It'll take me a few weeks, but I think I can manage"


"Would you want to move in with me? Not now, but like in a year or so?" He switched topics.

"If you don't forget about me"

"I'm about ready to put a ring on it. Forget who?"

"You're just saying that because I'm far away now"

"I don't date to waste time, Nadir" He mumbled in a low voice.

"Okay, that's pressure. Can't do it, bye" She hung up the phone and contemplated calling him back.

Antiere knew that they would talk later when she couldn't sleep.

"Why do you always laugh when something's not funny?" Chance asked him.

"That's the psychotic nigga inside of me" Antiere shrugged and let Kensli take his pineapple fanta out of his hand. 

She walked back over to Chance and handed it to him.

"Give it back"

"Presence" Kensli gave him his drink back.

"If you ever regift something to me when you're older, I'm going to put you on punishment" Chance stated.

"Okay, daddy" Kensli stated, not really paying attention to his words.

"How long did it take you to adjust to the fact that you were going to be a father?"

"All nine months" Chance laughed. "I didn't want her"


"But to be honest, I don't really know her, but she seem cool or whatever, and yeah, like some pics"

"Half of what you say is just out there" Antiere said.

"Why you wanna know about kids? Anything you would like to say?"

"I'm future planning. Just thinking"

"Yeah, you gotta get your shit together for independent living"

"Inde-what?" Antiere smirked. "Definition, so Nadir and I can know what we're talking about"


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