Chapter 25: In All Actuality

Start from the beginning

Hermione cried as her wand trembled in her hands, still pointing it at Viktor. Harry quickly hit Dolohov with an imobilus charm, freezing him in mid sentence. The boys walked over to Hermione's shaking form and each one put an arm around her.

"Hermione, don't do this." whispered Harry, carefully.

"You're not a killer, love."

"Think of the consequences, Hermione."

"Think of our daughter. You don't want to kill someone while she is in the flat, do you?" asked Ron as he gently pushed Hermione's arm to her side.

Hermione shook her head, tears running down her cheeks as she gazed upon Viktor, hate coursing through her veins for the man. She turned and ran into Ron's room to be with Tatiana.

Harry and Ron looked at each other and blew out breaths that neither one knew they were holding. They bonded both Viktor and Dolohov together and Ron broke Viktor's wand.

"With all Hermione has been through, why didn't you let her do it, Ron?" asked Harry.

Ron rubbed the back of his neck. "I didn't want her to become a killer. That isn't Hermione. She wouldn't want that. I would rather kill for her a thousand times before I would ever let her kill once. That's not in her nature."

"Not in yours either." said Harry.

"Yeah, well, I have a family to protect now. I'll do anything for them Harry. Anything."

Harry nodded, understanding what he meant. Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Parvati were like family as well. He would do whatever it took to keep them alive.

"So, what do we do with this lot?" said Harry, pointing to the Death Eaters on the floor.

Ron walked over and spat in Viktor's face. "More where that and that jaw came from you bitch." he sneered. "I guess we call up Zabini and Malfoy and tell them we have two more to stash with that bastard father of his."

"And then?"

"Then we go hunt us down a snake and its wizard."

January 1, 2006, 2:06 PM Verona, Italy Zabini House

After restoring Tatiana's voice and spending hours reassuring her that the bad people would never come for her again, Ron and Harry apparated over to Blaise's hideaway house, anxious to get some answers. Kingsley, Draco, Blaise, and Bill were already there.

"Got the Veritaserum?" asked Ron.

Kingsley held up a small vial. "These two are giving us a hard time, I'm afraid."

"Pity." said Ron in mock concern. "Guess we have no choice but to get our information the hard way, yeah?"

The two men walked the long stairway down to where they were holding Lucius, Viktor, and Dolohov. As soon as Viktor saw Ron's face he sneered.

"Ah Krum! How's that jaw, mate?" asked Ron mockingly.

"Fuck you Weasley." spat Viktor.

"Not my type, I'm afraid. Now you and your mate here are going to answer our questions. The quicker you answer, the quicker your glass of water and crust of bread comes. As Malfoy all about it."

"Filthy blood traitor." grumbled Lucius.

Bill, Blaise, and Draco came through the door, helping Harry hold down the Death Eaters as Kingsley poured the potion down their throats.

"Your full names gentlemen?" asked Kingsley.

"Viktor Yveteski Krum." said Viktor.

"Antonin Mercutio Dolohov. said Dolohov.

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