-Chapter Eight-

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-------->Marlon Teixeira in the likeness of Gio<--------

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-------->Marlon Teixeira in the likeness of Gio<--------

The morning was a quick approach. It was almost as if they'd just fallen asleep. The sound of the Netflix broadcasting through the sound system woke Gio up. He was leaning slightly to his side resting his head on his arm, and Parker the same with his head resting on Gio's lap. He was still sleeping and to Gio, he seemed peaceful, given the night he had. But he knew that Aiden would soon be heading downstairs. So, he wiggled his way out and headed to his room to begin packing. It was better for Aiden to see his boyfriend sleep on the couch by himself, than in his Assistant's lap. Especially, after the argument, the two had last night.

Aiden woke to the sound of the alarm on his phone going off. He looked around but didn't see Parker. He sighed at the thought of his lies finally catching up with him. However, maybe Parker wasn't that mad. He thought about what he said last night. It was all just based on suspicion, and when Parker stormed out of the room, he concluded with a warning. It was as if he felt something was going on, but he had no evidence. Still, he wasn't sure what all Parker learned when speaking to Jace. Aiden was sure of one thing, that if he didn't use the four days on this trip wisely, he would completely lose Parker for good. One of the keys to his plan was to keep Gio busy and far away from Parker.

"Bleep" sounded his phone signaling a notification. It was a reminder that their car service would be arriving in an hour. Then his phone vibrated, a text window popped up. It was from Jace.

Jace: Good morning beautiful. I miss you!

Aiden: Leave me alone!!!!

Jace: I can't wait to see you when you get back. I hate being away from you.

Jace: Have a safe trip.

Aiden: Stop!!! There is nothing, and there will never be anything between us.

Aiden: I'm with Parker, and we are happy. Stay away from me!

Jace: I know change is hard. But, I love you and I know you'll love me too.

Aiden: You are nuts! Stay away from me and don't talk to my boyfriend ever again.

Jace: Just a little preview of your Christmas present.

Jace: Image loading...

Then there it was. Jace ended his conversation with a naked full body picture. Aiden, dropped his phone face down on his chest as he noticed the door opening. It was Parker. Once inside the room, he started for the bathroom, not once looking at Aiden.

"Good morning." Aiden greeted, but to no response.

He was sure that Parker was still upset from last night. This is plane ride would be very long and quiet. However, It was time to get up and get prepared to leave for the airport. The two were very silent as they moved around each other in the room. Aiden kept looking at Parker, but Parker avoided making eye contact. He wasn't quite sure how long he would remain mad at Aiden, but he had to at least fake it throughout the trip before his mom started to ask questions.

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