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Third Person's P.O.V

The five being so huge in Europe had no other resort for protection then this small Utah town. The five heavy suitcase dropped as the five boys arrived at the small in-the-middle-of-nowhere house.

"Well, this is it lads, we're going to be here for a while," a voice sighed, glancing up at their new temporary home.

Halfway across the world

Anna's P.O.V.

My heart stopped at the news that was presented before me. "What?!" I shrieked at the two people standing in front of me.

"Well, I'm sorry honey, but our job has recruited to Utah in the United States," mum explained. My dad stayed quiet next to her. Nevermind the state I was moving to, but a new country?!

"Can't I stay here? It's not going to be for long right so I can stay here? It'll be like a business trip right?" I tried to convince them. They've been on business trips before and I was able to stay home, so why is it different now? I can't just drop school here and leave to a whole new country to live.

"I'm sorry, we can't leave you here, we don't even know ourselves how long it's going to be. It won't be just a business trip that's a week long," dad glanced over to mum. This is crazy, why all of the sudden?

"Look, we have until the rest of the summer, I'm sorry hun, we can't do anything about it," my mum said. I frowned.

"But what about school and everything else, what about this house? You're just going to drop everything?" I questioned them.

"We still keep this house here. We're temporarily going to be over in the states, but when this is all over, we'll move back." I sighed.

"Can you please at least tell me the reason why?" I asked. It just doesn't add up, something like this never happened before.

"I'm sorry, but we really don't know," their facial expressions were hard to read, so I couldn't really tell if they were lying or not.



You can skip this if you want, doesn't really matter,  just that crap to inform and stuff.

So if you are reading this far, the description is probably really crappy, but I just came up with it just now so...

I have no idea if I'm actually going to continue, but if you actually give a care and like it, comment and give me feedback :) or heart it. Does it sound good? Should I actually make a story out of it?

Thanks for reading (now you get a bear hug from me and a million stuffed unicorns)

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