Chapter 6

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At agency headquarters

Third person P.O.V.

The sound of objects being slammed onto the floor echoed throughout the headquarters. Jake was mad. No. He was beyond furious.

"They fucking got caught?!" He yelled. The man ducked when another object was thrown his way. When Jake got angry, the world could tumble from his anger. "When they get investigated, tell them to keep their mouths shut or they can kiss their lives goodbye!"

The man holding the phone spoke quickly. He, too, was terrified of Jake's actions when he got angry. "He says to not say anything." The way he relayed the message was an understatement to what Jake said.

"Fucking dumbasses," Jake mumbled under his breath. His face was burning red and not the good kind. He spots another object near him. His hand reaches down to snatch it. When he raises it, the man's eyes widen with fear.

A knife.

With one big swing, the knife goes flying through the air. The man dropped down in fear. The knife flew by where his hand would have been... On the phone. The knife hit a wall and, with a clang, fell to the concrete floor. "End the call." Jake said bitterly. The man did as told.

"They said they won't say anything," the man added to try and calm him down. His voice was barely audible with Jake's terrifying demeanor in front of him.

Jake stayed silent for a moment. How can I catch them? He thought. "Go get Unit A," he ordered. The man rushed away.

Moments later, the unit arrived. "You are the best at this agency, so we will come up with a plan and you will execute it." He spoke as if it was an order. Well, it was. The group containing skilled young men and women nodded. He turned to the man who was waiting on the side. "Go check on Natasha." With the mention of the name, he smirked.

Jake led the group to a long table in one of the various rooms belonging to the building. He typed in his password for the big screen monitors to open. The members sat in chairs close to it. The screen opened to show various images. This is where they would start.
"Let's begin shall we?"


Custer, South Dakota

The five dropped their suitcases on the dirt covered front porch as they looked grimly up at the house presented before them.

"Here we are, house number 3853, South Dakota," Liam spoke almost with a tone of sadness. It was only for a little while. Before they went, Simon had sent Mark with them. He was just there to jump in just in case. None of them knew. Simon sent the boys off with all the information that he had prepared. The packet contained a more detailed layout of the plan they conceived.

Harry reached over to pull the packet out of his backpack. He opened the envelope and reached his hand in.

Amongst the paper and at the bottom were 5 keys. One for each boy. They were all looped in a metal ring. Harry took one and held it up. "Anyone want the honors?" When no one spoke, he slowly picked up his bags and walked up. The boys followed in suit.

"Here goes nothing," he mumbled. The moment he opens the door, their temporary lives started and their fame filled lives were going away for a while. He turned the key and pushed the door open. It created a slight creek. Beyond the doors was a completely normal house. Exactly how you imagine. They walked into the house. The feeling set in. Zayn, last one to step in, took the key out and closed it.

This was their home for a while. They walked down the corridor. The opening on the right was a living room. Normal, T.V., couch. It was nothing fancy. The house was directly last on the block.

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