Chapter 5

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At the headquarters of secret agency

Third Person P.O.V.

“You hear that? That great old band that has our secret is going to perform!” Jake yelled out, his tone filled with sarcasm. He laughs.

“Sir, it’s perfect! We can attack there. We can catch them,” A man suggested.

“Not bad, Tom,” He said. He holds his posture for a moment. “Where has that idiot Bryan been?” He was clueless. No one knew of Bryan’s position with the government.

“He’s with that stupid girl again,” Another said.

“Insane idiot,” Jake mumbled under his breath. “So the plans set?”

“Who will go?” The same man who had suggested the plan spoke. He smirked with a smirk that could haunt any living soul with nightmares. He had a scar that dragged from the edge of his cheek to the center of it from an attack incident. His face was absolutely terrifying to even give a look.

“How about you lead the group?” Jake spoke sinisterly.

“Great,” He answered, his terrifying smirk growing wider. “The group?”

“Just pick up about five men. They’re definitely not strong and we can handle it,” Jake answered back. Never did he ever thought he was taking the situation too lightly.


Syco Headquarters

“Boys, ready for tonight?” Simon asked. At the mention of the concert, the boys breath tightened. They almost all took a simultaneous sharp gasp of air.

“Yeah, as we’ll ever be,” Liam answered. They have already said their goodbyes to their families, a couple friends, and held a short livestream for fans. For safety, they haven’t made appearances in the public nor the media.

Their families were surprised. For Liam, Zayn, and Louis, they had to say their goodbyes to their girlfriends. It’s going to be even harder to take those packed suitcases at their flats and leave never knowing when they’ll come back. After the concert, they’ll leave the concert secretly.

A decoy van will leave first, Simon’s orders. The excuse was safety to Management. Even Management wasn’t told the news where they were going. It was just too big a risk.

Everytime they left their flats to set the plans, they were escorted secretly out of the public’s eye. It was for safety. All the measure was taken for safety. Tonight’s concert will be their first and last appearance in the public for a while.

Fans had thought they disappeared. Many were still losing their minds over the sudden news.

“Only a couple hours,” Louis commented, taking a deep breath. This will be their last time performing for a while. They’ll temporarily take on a different life and change their looks.

“Go back to your flats, say your goodbyes and prepare to leave,” It came out harsh, but it was the truth.

“All right,” They answered. They left towards the elevator. Since the plans were done, Bryan had left to go to the agency. He couldn’t risk his cover being blown.


Outside the concert - security check

“You ready?” The group of men nodded. “Tuck your fucking gun away,” Tom seethed. They had to stay quiet. They paid a group of young girls to tag along. Stupidly, the girls agreed when five bills of 20 Euros were waved in front of their face.

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