25: Hawk and Prey

Start from the beginning

"Leaving the Duke's chambers so soon tonight, Seeker?"

The voice was both familiar and yet one she had never heard spoken to her before. It sent a chill down her spine just the same. Blayre turned cautiously toward the alcoved balcony where a tall figure was silhouetted by starlight.

"Your Grace." She nodded to Duke Lonan of Flurhill, and made a move to run for it - well, to walk as fast as she possibly could.

"Not so fast." Duke Lonan grabbed her upper arm and it took everything in her power not to smack his hand away.

She looked up into obsidian eyes. "I have a proposal for you," He said then released her arm and beckoned her into the alcove. Every instinct she had screamed for her to turn and run down the hallway. To cry wolf.

But she had to hear him out.

"I am employed by the Crown." she warned him, teeth clenched.

"I understand. And this will serve the interest of the Crown. Perhaps more so than your previous activities." He paused for effect, pacing along the railed edge of the balcony, his hands now clasped behind his back. "I have watched you and you're quite - perceptive." Lonan said, facing her again and scratching at his bearded face. "I fear with the quiet of the past week that someone will surface to attack the Queen tomorrow, on the day of the coronation ball that she has been looking forward to.

"I have heard that you have a knack for discovering perceived threats. I want you to keep an eye on her majesty. And to alert myself and her guards of any of those perceived threats, before they become actual threats." His words were well-meaning, but his tone was threatening. The tone of a man used to giving commands. It wasn't as if she weren't already paying attention to Briannon anyway. But she could only be so helpful in large events. And if she were being honest, she cared more personally for Rory, and that often colored her judgement.

And how much did he know? Did he suspect her "knack" as he had called it, was more than that? Or did he think that she was just skilled at winnowing out potential assassins.

"I think our heir to the throne is well protected as it is with his guard dogs milling about." Lonan added, as if reading Blayre's mind.

She cleared her throat. "I will keep an eye on the Queen. As is my duty."

Lonan smiled, a flash of teeth against his dark beard. "Good. Make certain you are discreet."

Blayre took that as a dismissal. She walked steadily and deliberately away from him until she rounded a corner and no longer felt the unsettling feeling of Duke Lonan's gaze on her back. Then she ran as if the Hellhound itself was snapping at her ankles.


"Did you hear a word I just said?" Ainslee had leaned around and was peering into her Blayre's eyes, a section of her friend's mahogany hair in one hand.

"I'm sorry, I'm just a bit..."

"Preoccupied?" Ainslee finished for her, a slight hint of annoyance in her voice as she retreated behind Blayre's head and continued to work her hair into soft elegant plaits that would keep her hair out of her face for the coronation ball later that day.

The afternoon sun slanted through the window of Alessa's room, catching on the handheld mirror that was set on the small table beside Blayre. Alessa had invited them to get ready for the ball in her more luxurious chambers, affording more space to prepare than the dormitories.

"Yes," Blayre admitted, frowning slightly into the looking glass. "I am preoccupied." By multiple things. She let out a long sigh, blowing at a piece of hair that rested in front of her face, awaiting Ainslee's touch. She would only share one of her preoccupations, she decided. She didn't want to talk about Duke Lonan. Not talking about it made their interaction seem less real.

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