[Epilogue P.1]: Happy Birthday, Alyx

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A/N: This chap is dedicated to Taschiea_Pereira. Thank you for your adorable comments and all your votes are invaluable to me! And thanks for coming up with ship names for my three favorite characters. *hugs*

Ding dong ding dong! 

The doorbell announced the presence of new visitors and for Alyx, this was possibly the best sound she could have ever heard that day. 

"Could you check that, honey?" Alyx yelled out as she finished the last bit of decoration of the cake. 

A small girl, the age of eight, was sitting on the counter, swinging her legs back and forth as she hummed a happy tune. Alyx joined her and tapped her feet to the swaying of the girl. She could hear the TV running from the other room and the sound of a small girl's giggle. Then, a man and woman laughed. The sounds were all chaotic and mixed together but Alyx loved it: the sound of her birthday. 

Well, sort of her birthday. Ever since eight years ago, it made Alyx sick to celebrate her birthday on the day of her friend's death, so it was moved up a few weeks. The sad thought barely had time to register in her mind when a woman came into the kitchen, cradling a small baby boy - bundled up in a blanket - in her arms as if he were the most precious thing in the world. 

"It's them," she spoke softly and the words came out no louder than a whisper. 

"Thanks, Emily." 

Eight years ago, Emily had witnessed events beyond her level of endurance and it left her in a shocking trauma. The doctor said she'd be fine after rehabilitation, but she was still a little "off"; the old and cheerful side of her had completely faded away like it had never existed. 

Meanwhile, Alyx had become more like Emily - as if the two had magically switched personalities. She was more outgoing, more outspoken, and had a lot more fun with her life. She was married now but no one could tell she was a twenty - five year old by the way she acted.

With a grunt, Alyx carried the little girl into her arms. "Come on, Lisa. Let's go see Uncle."

The girl burst into a fit of excited giggles. She'd always wanted to meet this "uncle" Alyx and Zane always talked about. 

Alyx moved into the living room and went for the door when she saw Zane standing there, shocked, with his hand frozen on the doorbell. She nudged his stomach as she stepped next to him. 

"Hon, what's-" Her words caught in her throat as Lisa safely slid down. 

Someone reached out to her and pulled her into a strong bear hug. She brought her hands up and hugged him back as the shock dissipated. He smelled just like what he had eight years ago that night when the two of them sat in the living room together. It felt nice. And painfully nostalgic. 

After what seemed like an eternity, he pulled back and she shot him a wide grin. "Ashton." 

He ruffled her hair. "You're not afraid to smile anymore."

She nodded energetically. "'Course. You told me not to."

He chuckled and moved to Zane who was still at the door. "Why are you so shocked, Officer? What were you expecting?" 

Zane broke out of his trance. "Look at you, kid." 

Ashton was much, much older. His hair had grown longer, his eyes shined brighter, and most of all, years of hard work and exercise showed on his body. He had a scar that ran down his cheek but other than that, he was still the most handsome thing Alyx saw - second to Zane, that is. 

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