[16]: Plan Gone Wrong

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A/N: Chapter is dedicated to the adorable little @Taschiea_Pereira ... Why? Just because. xD

The shock of finding out that Alyx's biological mother was Laura, the one Ashton and Lisa called "mother" didn't disappear even after dinner that night. Everyone refused to talk to each other. Lisa was too distracted, thinking about the the kind of life her mother had led, Ashton had tried to reach out to Alyx but she pushed him away, and Zane was too ashamed to lend her a shoulder to lean on. She, on the other hand, was drowning in disgust at her actions. 

First, she falls in love with her sister's murderer. Next thing she knew, she was using another man to forget the pain - one who turned out to be her brother. How much more despicable were her actions going to become?

There was a knock on her door but she refused to get out of bed. "Go away, Ashton. I... I don't want to talk to you yet-"

"It's me." 

Zane opened the door and stepped in. 


"I'm not coming here as the guy you thought was your angel but as the police officer who is trying his utmost best to protect you." 

"What do you want?" She spoke out loud, not wanting him to read her silence. To think she bonded so well with Elena's murderer made her sick to the stomach. 

"I want to ask your approval of a plan."


"To capture John." 

She debated over this.

"And once we're done, if it occurs successfully, perhaps you can question him more about... Laura."


Lisa pinned the edge of the elastic bandage that ran around Ashton's stomach and over his shoulder. The bandage not only covered the wound on his stomach but also the third-degree burn scar on his shoulder. To this day, he can't seem to figure out the origin of that injury.  

Lisa waited for him to stretch to  see if he was comfortable enough.

"Thanks, Lee."

She refused to look him in eye and turned on her heels, then walking away. 

"I'm sorry. I won't be that reckless again, I promise."

She halted. 

"This isn't what Mom - Laura would have wanted me to do. You've been wanting to say that to me and now I finally understand."

"Laura? You're going to stop calling her 'mom'?"

"I thought it might make Alyx uncomfortable, yeah?"

"With you being her boyfriend and all." 

"You knew?"

"How could I not?"

"It... It was just last night but it seems like we're already breaking apart-"

The door swung open and Zane walked in, Alyx trailing close behind him. She looked insecure and he tried not to wince in jealousy. She'd refused to talk to him but allowed the officer to?

"We all need to talk," Zane announced and kept the door open for Emily to enter. "John's attacks are unexpected and you," he looked at Lisa, "said it must have taken him a lot of power to summon all those Deimons?"

"Yes. Only the stronger kind of Deimons can summon the minors like that. Usually, we Hunters don't get missions regarding Deimons as strong as John. There's another association that does. Anyways, back to my point: Even then, it must have drained him to call on that many."

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