[15]: Mother's Eyes/ Incest?!

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A/N: Dedicated to Taschiea_Pereira for being one of my favorite readers! And for being the cutest little thing on Earth. AND for coming up with official ship names for Zane and Alyx (Zalyx) and for Ashton and Alyx (Ashlyx). Thank you so much, love!! *hugs and kisses*

After the traumatizing words Alyx heard, she wanted to do was to be alone so when she saw Ashton sitting by himself in the dark of the living room, she shot him the cold shoulder and headed for the door. 

"Where you off to?" 

Her hand froze on the doorknob. She didn't want him to see her wet, crying face. "Outside." 

"I'll come."

Quickly, before he could reach her, she stepped out and wiped her face violently. When Ashton came out, she saw that his eyes were red and swollen too. 

So they were both crying. What a coincidence. 

As much as Ashton had seemed composed during the day, she realized he was doing no better than her. Why, she didn't know.

"What were you doing in the dark?"

He stepped out under the starry night and closed the door behind him. "I like to sit in the dark when I'm sad." 

"Me too," she said. "Except I like muttering in the dark." 

Ashton cracked a smile and walked beside her around the house. "Zane told you?"

"You knew?"

"Just today. I'm sorry I didn't tell you but it wasn't my business. And it's better coming from the man himself." 

She rubbed the back of her neck. "I'm sure the only reason he did that was because I told him I trusted him." She sniffed and wiped her nose on her sleeve. 

"Doesn't he already know that?"

"No, I mean I... I confessed." 

Ashton froze in his tracks. "You... what...?"

"I told him I liked him." 

He blinked back the pain seeping in. "What... What did he say?"

"When I confessed? I fell asleep and a few minutes after I woke up, he comes up and tells me he's a murderer. That he killed my sister." She said it lightheartedly, like a joke, in hopes of driving away the hurt which wasn't entirely helpful. 

Ashton felt conflicted. Should he be happy that Zane's chance at love with Alyx was destroyed? But, Alyx was sad. She didn't deserve this pain. 

She fell down and hugged her legs. "I DON't KNOW WHAT TO THINK!" She cried into the night. 

He knelt down beside her and made circular motions on her back. "I'm sorry." 

She cried a little bit more as Ashton sat next to her, allowing his movements to soothe her. Then, she laid her head on his shoulder and sniffed again. "I wish I never fell for him." 

"I'm sorry," he whispered again solely because he didn't know what to say to comfort her. 

"I mean, I still owe him my life for everything he's done... But, falling for Elena's killer... It's disgusting and so disrespectful towards her."

"I'm sure she's looking down at you now." Ashton suddenly took note of a shadowy figure wearing a hoodie hiding behind a tree and decided not to make a big deal out of it. It wouldn't do any good to Alyx. "And I'm sure she's proud of you for everything you've done."

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