Chapter 8: Letters To Hermione

Start from the beginning

When they had closed the door, a tiny owl started flying circles around Hermione's head. Hermione smiled genuinely as the owl finally perched on her arm.

"Pig, you beautiful bird! You made this journey all by yourself?" she cooed at him as she gently stroked his stomach. "You're such a good bird. Is Ron taking care of you? Is he still feeding you treats?"

Pigwidgeon gently pecked at her finger to show that he missed her too.

"That little bird is like the Energizer Bunny, he is. He must be strong to carry two letters all the way from England." said Arista.

Hermione looked stunned. "I've gotten two?"

Arista smiled as she handed Hermione the envelopes. Hermione tore open the first envelope, revealing a letter from Ginny.

Dear Hermione,

It was so good to finally hear from you after two whole bloody months! You had me completely mental. I thought you had disappeared.

Everything is fine here at the manor. Cissy and I came pretty close to your town when we came to Bulgaria to pick up her gown from this celebrated dressmaker there, but I didn't know where exactly you lived, so I couldn't spring on a visit. Besides, I didn't want to get you in any trouble.

Are you okay? I keep having a feeling that you're not, despite the fact that you're always telling me that you are. You know you'll always be a big sister to me. I'll always be concerned for you.

Draco and I are good. Very good actually. I assure you, he isn't the prat that he was in school. I mean yes he is still a prat, but all that pureblood supremacy has gone out the window. He laughs and smiles more now which is completely gorgeous to look at. We don't argue anymore unless it's over something stupid, in which making up is absolutely brilliant. Oh yeah, and he has started to drool in his sleep. I have pictures enclosed as evidence along with other pictures of us and things that I know you miss about England.

His father is still a wand up my ass. There are days where it gets so bad that we almost want to just duel it out. I'm starting to believe that Old No Nose is getting angry that his apparent revenge isn't working. Cissy loves me and Draco and I aren't proper lovers, but we care a lot about each other. Some punishment eh?

Ron misses you, Hermione. He misses you so much. I can tell when I do see him (we have to do it in secret, I'm not really supposed to be connecting with family according to the evil tosser) that he isn't himself. He just looks incomplete without you and Harry around.

Speaking of Harry, I'm not having the dreams as much as I used to any more about him. Don't get me wrong. I'll always love Harry, and I miss him terribly, but maybe this is Harry's way of telling me to let him go.

Anyways, I can't wait to hear from you again. The last two letters I got from you were amazing to read and I'm glad you're doing okay. Guess Voldemort didn't count on Krum being a good person to you like Draco is to me. I miss you so much and I can't wait till the old coot dies so we can see each other again.



Hermione hugged the letter to her heart.

"Good news?" said Arista cheerfully.

Hermione nodded. "Her and Draco are getting along better. She and Draco's mum was even in Bulgaria, but they couldn't come see me. And she got to see Ron, which is good. They have to sneak around to see each other."

Hermione picked up the second envelope. It wasn't addressed to her. Matter of fact, the envelope was blank, causing Hermione to hesitate.

"What's wrong?' asked Arista.

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