Chapter 7: The First Time

Start from the beginning

"Lucius." said Narcissa sharply.

"How in the world did you get here? I thought I was waiting for you." the quill wrote.

"Its called apparition. You should try it sometime." smirked Draco.

Ginny sat down beside him looking embarrassed. Narcissa gave her a forgiving smile.

"Well since the whole family is here -"

"She's no family of mine" grumbled Lucius.

"-We can start breakfast." finished Narcissa with a sigh.

"Forgive me Cissy. I didn't know that Draco had apparated down here." the quill wrote as Ginny glared daggers at Draco, who grinned mischievously as he bit into his sausage.

"That's right. You don't have your apparition license, do you?" asked Narcissa, to which Ginny shook her head no. "Well Draco darling, you will have to help her to obtain it and not take advantage of the fact that you can and she can't right now."

Ginny smiled smugly at Draco as he rolled his eyes and whispered "Yes, Mother."

"She should already know these things. She was at Hogwarts just like Draco, who didn't she learn?" scoffed Lucius.

"With all due respect, I know how to do it, I just didn't get my license because of my age and the fact that your apparent Dark Lord ruined things for me. Tell him thanks for me next time you speak to him." wrote the quill in big, bold, and glowing red letters so she could make sure he seen what she had to say.

Draco choked on his pumpkin juice as he tried not to laugh.

"You will learn to control your wife, Draco." growled Lucius.

"Control me? Never!" wrote the quill.

"Such disrespect to your superiors. If you weren't my son's unfortunate wife, I would teach you your place!" yelled Lucius.

"And where it that? I'm a Malfoy now remember? I'm no longer as you have said before, beneath you." wrote the quill as Ginny sneered at Lucius.

"Are you two really going to sit there and allow this pauper to speak to me like this?!" yelled Lucius looking back and forth from his wife to his son.

Draco simply shrugged. He truly didn't care what Ginny said or did to his father. He had lost respect for the man a long time ago.

Narcissa didn't have much to say either. "It's going to take a while for the two of you to respect each other, dear. You could start the process by not speaking to her in the manner that you are."

Lucius huffed, clearly outnumbered and defeated. He went back to nibbling on his food, glaring at Ginny with hatred the entire time.

"Now Ginevra, when you're ready, we can depart for Diagon Alley and wherever else to look for clothes. We must find a way to see if we can obtain your apparition license. I fear it will be somewhat hard to get it now." said Narcissa, taking a sip of her tea. Ginny nodded, admiring the woman. She even sipped tea with perfection.

"May I be excused?" wrote the quill. "I've suddenly lost my appetite."

"Of course dear. Just meet me in the entryway when you're ready. Draco darling, what will you be doing today?" Narcissa asked her son.

"Probably meeting up with Zabini " said Draco. "I haven't seen him in a while."

Lucius got up and apparated away to Merlin knew where. He didn't want to stick around and continue to witness his family turn their back on him over that blood traitor bitch.

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