Chapter 13: Who to Save?

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[No one's P.O.V.]

You may think that you can guess a book's story, but it can be as twisted as your own ambitions.

Kise drove his car to exactly where Ame's motorcycle lead. It turned out to be a place where they were off the road that gave them the destination to . . . nowhere.

Ame pulled his breaks and slowly rode off of his motorcycle. He waited Kise to stop his car, too, until Kise went out to find the strangest feeling. "Amecchi, where are we? All I see are trees." He gave an expression easy to clarify; worried.

"You know," Ame paused and walked right in front of him. Kise's height was higher than Ame's though their skills are unmatched.

"You shouldn't meddle with our business," he continued. Kise's eyes widen in surprise by the change of his tone.

"What are you saying . . ? What business?!" Kise shouted in panic the moment three other motorcycles appeared around them. There were a count of six men going off their cycles to point their gun at the new 'victim'.

'I don't want to do this, Kise. It's just business.' His thoughts could break his heart.

Ame snapped his fingers and two guns aimed and fired at Kise. Still he looked away off the sight as he turned around and rode Kise's vehicle. The sound of the gun echoing to the mountains, the birds hiding from fear so as the clouds starting to cover the sun dark. The model's sight faint to black as he fell on the green grass. The thud and the rustling confirmed that the shot was successful.

"Tie him up to that tree," he pointed, "and we'll get back to him later."

The men nodded and took the ropes down as Ame quickly left to make his way to the private club. Never he expected this to happen, retreating and hiding from hurting his friend . . . nothing is worst that losing a friend.

[Akashi's P.O.V]

I could hear every tone of men around the corners. No matter where I go, it is the same as every little room occupied with violence. Drugs and needles everywhere. What kind of hellish club is this?

I have reached the last room I am sure to go. The man standing by the door seems to be a guard. All that tight shirt and pants gave him the appearance of a trained delinquent.

He hasn't seen me yet anyway. I was about to move when suddenly the voice of Tetsuya shouted from that very room that was guarded.

I reacted quickly.

There is only one light required per room. I went back to the present room and found a door leading go the basement. I took my phone as a guide light and walked down carefully and quietly. Two men are sleeping on the boxes that had drugs inside of it. Without waking them up, I opened the main power panel to access the very most base electricity switch in the club then shut it off. A few women were in surprise, loud and audible enough within these this walls. The basement was dark in the first place so the two men wouldn't be awake at this point.

When I came back to where the guard was standing on the door, he was gone. I quickly opened the door and as usual, the emergency lights are on. It was dim though.

And there, I saw Tetsuya abused by another man.

When Tetsuya saw me, I raised an index in my lip and uttered a silent 'ssh'.

He nodded beggingly with eyes about to cry. He was avoiding being penetrated luckily. But the man has gone too far.

"Die." I hit him around his neck and caused him to be unconscious.

I caressed my weak Tetsuya's cheek. He was missing my touches and how gentle I am comparing to that hungry man. So they kidnapped Tetsuya, I'll burn the building down.

"Please let's get out of here . ." Tetsuya begged while his hands are tied behind the chair. I undid the ropes on his wrists and chains on his feet. The man carried the key anyway so I was able to spot it and use it.

I peck Tetsuya's forehead and held his hands up to stand. His scent was disappearing. All these sweat and bruises was caused by that worthless piece of shit lying on the ground.

"There is no time to waste." I whispered to him and carried him up to my arms as I made my way towards the room.

Until Ame showed up.

[Kuroko's P.O.V]

Seijuro smells nice as always. Carrying me with his hands tightly gripping me . . I'm happier breathing on his shoulder than any man molesting me without my consent. I hugged his neck. I missed him more than a million times now.

We were at the last few steps by the door until someone familiar barged in and blocked our way. I was too tired that I fell asleep on his arms.

I can't feel anything at the moment. But I'm sure I'm safe around Seijuro.

[No one's P.O.V.]

Akashi glared when Ame showed up. He entered the room and also glared at Akashi. "That man paid good money fo-"

Cutting off, Akashi gave him a tight punch on the face. For some reason, he missed when Ame dodged.

"You shouldn't have done that." Ame frowned and snapped his fingers.

He relied on men to block the door. Another snap of his fingers and the men he had already knows what's next to do.

"Remember me, Akashi-san?" He smiled at the redhead. Who knows what else he was planning.

Akashi still remained silent. He carried Kuroko and kept him closer. You know Akashi wasn't one to pull a foot backwards, so he made a step forward instead. "I have no time to meddle."

Akashi was able to use his emperor eye at this state. He dodges every hand that would grab him and his Kuroko. Emergency lights started shifting on and off, Akashi was much able to dodge.

"Y-You let them out?!" The failure of his guard gave him a headache. The lights are blinking due to the emergency alarm, seeming like it was a weakness for him.

In fact, the men who blocked the door was unable to see either that Akashi slipped through him like air with no sound and much like a ghost.

Ame snapped his fingers once more,

"I will deal him myself."

To be continued . . .

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