Chapter 1: One Special Occasion

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[Kuroko's POV]

I look very forward to today's reunion. But I was surprised that Sei-kun invited a lot of people. I don't mind at all and I don't really know what he was up to anyway.

I called him on my phone. Yet it seems that he must be too busy inviting his team. I figure that he called our former teammates, including my current team. But for what reason? I am impressed though that he was able to negotiate with Coach and the others without needing my help. Although I wonder...

[Akashi's POV]

"I am inviting you all to a special occasion. Everyone is expected to be present so I, as well, expect everyone to be able to attend at the said time and date."

I am sure enough that everyone understood the details in the announcement. Now that I have finished inviting everyone, I should have enough time to call Tetsuya.


"Tetsuya? I am sorry for missing a call from you. I finally had invited the rest of our teammates so the ride back will take about twenty minutes."

"It's alright, Sei-kun. You can take your time. I'll be waiting here, plus I was able to prepare our dinner. Please hurry back."

"I shall. And I look forward to it. Thanks."

[No one's POV]

After a few months they have been dating, only recently they decided to move together due to busy schedules and their daily training for their physical engagements. Akashi drove back to their newly organized apartment. Yes, he has his own car. It was by then exactly twenty minutes of the said time he knocked at the door, he opened the door knob and placed his jacket over a rack and called out to his lover.

"I'm home."

Then Kuroko appeared nearly out of no where, but it didn't seem to be in purpose and Akashi wasn't really surprised at all.

"Welcome home, Sei-kun."

Akashi gently pulled his chin to a soft peck on his lips to greet him sweetly, placing both hands on his cheek where his thumbs slowly brushed his pure blooming cheeks. "So, how is the new apartment? I see you did well in arranging the furniture. I'm impressed."

Even if no matter how sadistic an emperor can be, he remained loyal and kind to his love. Often, he gets carried away but he never failed to remind Kuroko how much he loves him.

"I really enjoyed moving the furniture. The apartment is very comfortable and I can see a good view of the sky from our room."

"That's especially for you. I always knew you'd like a bed with wide windows. Is it too wide for anyone to see us?"

"O-Of course not. Ah, I almost forgot. I made us dinner after walking Nigou. I already set the table. Shall we eat?"

"I would love to."

Akashi wrapped an arm around his lover's waist and walked him to their kitchen. Indeed he impressed at how the furniture and the appliances are neatly arranged.

The couple sat on their seats and greeted their meals as they began eating. They discussed many things just as they always did. Even if they were rivals in court, they control their limits well and it was clear enough that perhaps, their relationship wasn't too obvious to others. Was that, maybe, a good thing?

After eating, Kuroko washed the plates for them and Akashi inspected the whole apartment. Every room was complete, curtains draw back and the windows are as clear as new. It was very perfect the way it is. With someone who had read many books as he does, his imagination was limitless. A splendid work for the cleaning too. The boxes are now empty and was set aside.

Akashi smiled, appearing to Kuroko's back as he slid his hands around his waist and leaned closer to his nape.

"You really did well, Love."

"I have to fix everything so Sei-kun could rest after all those invites." Kuroko said, his cheeks blushed a light red after feeling his partner's warmth. Akashi can be sweet and it never fails to make him giggle on the inside.

"Do you look forward to it?"

"Yes, but what would it be about?"

"A surprise. Now, can we continue where we left off?"

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"You shouldn't have forgotten."

Akashi slipped his hands through the loose pockets of his shorts and went to hold the center. It wasn't too much action at once and yet he was already feeling hot. His body suddenly became sensitive and immediately stopped the water running from the faucet. There was indeed no stopping the emperor. His words are always absolute. And of course, he absolutely loved his beloved Kuroko.

"I didn't, Sei-kun..~"

time skip

[Akashi's POV.]

Ah, it's morning again. I am certain Tetsuya enjoyed his first stay in this apartment. Too bad we weren't able to make a small celebration about it but as long as Tetsuya enjoyed.

I sat up and stretched very silently, yawning a bit as I glanced at the living soul beside me, yes, My beloved Tetsuya, and gave him a morning kiss on his lips. "Good morning, Tetsuya."

I greeted as I wasn't really expecting an immediate reply. His skin was always as pure as snow and he sleeps in such a way that is so adorable. I smiled, I knew right from the start. I knew well, that one day I'd be able to propose to Tetsuya and make an engagement that not even my father can stop. Perhaps I am a bit too early to think about this.

At least it was something I expected.


Eyy everybody! Since I just made this, I am looking forward on how it will go myself. I just randomly made something, you know? And it's so fun!
I just want to apologize but I would like to ask of anyone reading this if it's alright to add some missing scenes as you all know that I skipped a part (which I shouldn't xD) I just had to xD If you'd like me to add it then please do let me know and how this goes. I just let my mind roll, you know? XD Peace!

From- Cessh

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