* Chapter 13 - All-Hollow's Eve

Start from the beginning

"I heard my father tale of a warrior who once said, "From this day to the ending of the world, we in it shall be remembered-;

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me, Shall be my brother;"

Now I ask you, on this day will you raise your swords to the sky and fight at my side, my brothers and sisters till the end if need be?" Lena loudly declared.

The fort is suddenly full of silent but gleaming swords raised to the sky. Lena raises her fist in response as the night sky is full of cheers. The sea of men and women part before Lena in silence as they raise create an arch of steel overhead as the officer's dart to issue orders.

Lena eyes glimmer with moisture for a moment as she passes through accompanied by Dolly, they head towards the wyvern that had been commandeered. In the space of an hour, Lena had to pay, bribe, and threaten quite a few merchants, but in the end managed to gather a substantially group of wyverns in the space of an hour.

After tonight Lena, would establish a proper flying squadron, but that was only if they survived tonight.

The readied soldiers waited as Dolly held the reins in her hands and gave a light tug. The wyvern leaped into the sky as the wyverns silently followed Dolly's unspoken command. The wyverns climbed higher and higher into the night sky until they flew above the cover of the clouds.

The moon glitters brightly as the wyverns float above a sea of glistening white, underneath a rippling night sky. Lena catches her breath at the beauty of the nearby moon that seems to be just out of our reach.

Turning away Lena unpacked the new and improved version of the DB. The size and fighting capabilities hadn't changed, but the difference was that a gravitational rune had been added by Gadrin. Which ensured that no matter what type of maneuvering was done, no soldier would not fall off their board unless the board ran out of power.

(Which did make Lena wonder just who Gadrin and his wife really were? A normal dwarf wouldn't have such talents nor would Dolly have such strong magic, if her mother was not powerful herself. But Lena know better than to pry for now.)

Dolly lets out a shrill whistle that is overheard over the roar of the wind in their ears. The wyverns let out soft huffs in understanding as Dolly mental speaks to them signaling that they were fast approaching their destination.

Upon deployment, the forces will split into three groups. Lena's group will oversee take the ground once in range, they will fly down under cover. The magicians will remain on board the wyverns and attack from the sky with Master Sergeant Robertson coordinating their attacks.

Dolly had been tasked to maneuver the wyverns on their behalf, while the ground forces deployed. Captain Darrell and his left flank were to maneuver, while protecting the mages. And Lieutenant Jones primary objective was to destroy the citadel and guard headquarters.

Dolly lets out a shrill whistle as Lena immediately holds on tightly to the saddle. The wyverns stop beating their wings and dive as they tuck their wings underneath them. The wind brushes through Lena's loose hair causing it to stand on edge.

The sleeping glittering capital of the Kingdom of Cypress appears beneath them, Victoria. The wyverns unfurl their wings to slow their descent as Dolly lets out another whistle. Lena leaps off the wyvern as several hundred men and women do the same as they plummet down below.

As they near the fast approaching ground Lena twists her body in the air and activate the DB. Suddenly floating and controlling her speed better, Lena brings her knees up to her chest and places the board underneath her feet. With ease, Lena controls her descent as she glides towards a struggling solider nearby. Similar scenes are happening in the air as their comrades help them climb on board.

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