* Chapter 25.2 - Warning

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Military Liaison Gauthier finishes saying goodbye to his friends. Friends, that was word he relished to say. That was not to say that he did not have friends back at the base, but none who he truly could converse at ease with. Here, he wasn't out of place, but rather fit in as a teacher and friend.

Coco fluffs his wings and crankily says, "Can I talk now?" At a glance from Gauthier Coco swiftly adds, "Please master!"

Gauthier reluctantly answers, "Yes."

Coco happily chatters about his day in the arms of some women as they return to the dungeons. Gauthier places the still chattering Coco on a pile of books and promptly turns his back on the duck.

Furrowing his brows, Gauthier gathers his spirits to hear their finds. A few nights ago, there was a mobilization of an entire squadron, but there were no indications of a battle or even that of recon. Beside a squadron is never used at the borders, it's always more than one flank.

There were no rumors of war or enemy attack. To make matters stranger, the military had gone completely on the subject. Not even Captain Darrell was able to find anything out. Which was rather bizarre as Captain Darrell was on good terms with most of the higher echelon's in the military.

War had taught the Vivaldi a thing or two, but most especially the enemies of his family. There were still those who hunted the descendants of Vidal, the necromancer. His family was never treacherous to begin with other than their unique ancestor, but time had proven them otherwise. The Vivaldi family had learned to keep an ace or two up their sleeve.

A variety of shades gather before Gauthier as they whisper their lack of findings. Gauthier stomach moves in unease. His spirits should have had no problem finding that which was sought. Only a great deal of power could ward off the information from being found.

Gauthier dismisses his shades except for one and sends it to find General Bartholomew. Surely the General would understand. Somewhat mollified, Gauthier returns to tinkering with the metal suit golem.

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